
9 to 15

Sophia_Chappelle · Teen
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10 Chs



I everyone from my squad is able to go home today. I say goodbye to them go on a plane I get a phone at the airport, I get people looking at me I get to security I walk through the metal detector and forget about my foot. I lost it in war. I pull up my pant leg I take it off and it goes through the scanner. people help me walk to the other end. I put my leg on go to my gate. The person who helped me sat next to me while we waited. " first time going home. "He said.

" Yeah. "

" how long since you lost your foot. "

" a year. " I said.

I remember that day I was covering a officer and my foot was right by a bomb. It was blown off my body.

" I was deployed 6 years ago. my arm was shot and got infected I. " He lifts his sleeve. A robotic arm.

We are able to get on the plane I start heading to my seat. A woman in a suit comes towards me she said " A woman in first class is willing to trade seats with you. " There is a woman behind her. " my dad died because of China concentration camps. it's the most I can do to thank you. " I accept and I am in a pod looking thing. I Have enough room for my leg to be comfortable. I sleep for the 20 hour flight. When we land I get a taxi head to the school. I get there I ask for the kids schedule. " sir we can't just give it to anyone. " A teacher walks into the office " Sharron I'm not going to be able to cover detention. "

" I'll deal with that after this guy leaves. He thinks we give out schedules to anyone."

the teacher looks at me and cry's. I remember now mark. " your back. " he picked me up and hugged me. " I thought you were dead. "

" I spent 2 years in China. It was kill myself or join the military. " I told him. " my kids and wrench are all in pe right now. " he said " I'm glad you're back. "

" me too. "

He shows me the way to pe I see them running the mile. It Just started so I quietly get the coaches attention " what do you want he said as he turned around. " you just got back in assuming. "

" yep. and I want to surprise my family. I would like to run with the kids if it's ok with you. " yah they are warming up. "

I warm up with them there is a boy challenge me with push-ups. I do one handed ones and he gives up. we all head to the starting point I see my uh

second. when they are catching their breath they are all sitting next to each other talking. I grab the bucket of ice I asked the coach for and dump it on them.

" Dude what the fuck. " Trixi said. she is pissed till wrench said " dad your back. " and hugged me. the rest of the kids join in. " uncle Francis you didn't die. "

mason said. we have a family reunion for about 2 minutes when coach said " our most macho man thinks that he can out run you. "

I look and it's the same kid from either. " so you think you have what it takes. "

" push-ups who can do the most in 15 minutes. "

Coach said. " deal " we shake on it and kids are already starting bets.

5 minutes in a d the boy said " I can't go anymore. "


I am doing no handed ones now. I get up and say to my family " I'll see you at home. "

I get to marks classroom he has a class. I walk in they are all taking a quiz. I look at his white bored it's about the Chinese and United States war. " free time over. " mark said. " go to lunch early. " he said.

" I'm assuming you want to go to the house. "

" I would like to shower and eat food. "

" Go to this address it's on a large property there is 4 house. yours is the third house it has a big number 3 on it. Your son and girlfriend already live there but there is one thing you should know Hellen has been seeing another guy. "

" ok. "

" she is at work now she will be home late at night. "

" gotcha. "

I walk to the address it is a long walk. I reach the main entrance. looking around it looks like a giant expensive property. House 1 is marks. House 2 is Sandra's. I finally reach house 3 it's got my name on it. I open the door see Hellen is crying on the couch in the living room. I said " you ok. "

" no my boyfriend cheated on me. " She opens her eyes. " I don't know what to say. " she said. I told her " I said " I'm not looking into get back together but if you want a friend I'm here. "

" thank you. "

We just sit on the couch she is relaxed and said " I'm glad you're back. "

" Me too. "

Suddenly she is taking off her pants. " I haven't had sex since you left. "

" I did but it was in person and it was that or have a cock In my ass. "

" well how about we have casual sex. " I take off my clothes. I pick her up and she said " your strong now. "

we get to the bed and do our thing. We are cuddling when wrench comes home. " mom I got some news. "

" Dad is back. "

he walks to the bathroom than head's to the kitchen. I put on clothes so does she. We walk out of the bedroom together.

Wrench sees us and said " am I going to be a brother. "

" Well see In a month."

" I'm going to make dinner. " I said. I grab chicken and potatoes. I make burgers out of them put them in the oven and wait. The room smells goof so I check on the burgers and they are done. I grab them and put them on the salads they try it and said " That's fantastic. "

We spend the night watching movies at midnight Hellen is passed out and so I wrench. I take wrench to his bedroom. It is a blue them. I carry Hellen to her bedroom and look at her. I look for the guest bedroom I open a door turn on the light switch it has my cousin's baby stuff. there is a lot of stuff. I remember what I missed out on as dad. " how about you sleep with me tonight. " I look over my shoulder Hellen is there.

" what are you thinking about. " She said.

" I was thinking about all the stuff I missed as a dad. "

" well another baby wouldn't be the end of the world. "

" you want a baby. "

" we want a baby. "

The next day we walk around the property. I see a man that I don't recognize with a little girl. The man looks at me said " you must be Francis. I'm Cheyne. "

He looks familiar.

" you were the school president. " I said.

" and you were the school druggie. " He said.

" I have changed. I hope we could get to know each other. " I said. "

" Me too. " We shake hands and the little girl is hiding behind him.

" Dad I want to go home. "

I look at the little girl. " I know it's scary to meet new people but I'm not going to hurt you. "

" Dad is that the family member that worked with the government. "

" Not exactly government but yes. "

The little girl slowly walks to me.

" Family is always welcome. " She said.

" I'm glad to be part of the family. " I said.

" Are you going with us this weekend to the beach house. " She said.

" You guys have a beach house. "

" 2 actually. " Cheyne said.

" I will talk to the grown ups. Than we will talk. "

" Ok. "

We walk past a fire pit I start to see a flash back of when I saw my friend being blown to pieces. I black out and try to save him.

" Hay your home its over. " I herd someone say.

I start speaking chinese. "Nǐ shāle wǒ zuì hǎo de péngyǒu, nǐ huì fùchū dàijià de. Nǐmen suǒyǒu de gòngchǎn zhǔyì húndàn dūhuì sǐ." ( you killed my best friend you will pay. you communist fuckers will die. )

I am slapped and I am brought back to reality. My whole family is circling me. Sandra is the most terrified. " How about we talk. " Sandra said. I follow her. We enter her house she takes me to a office. " I know what you said. " she says.

" I'm sorry I blacked out and was not In my right mind. "

She shows me a list of people. " Most of my workers are veterans. They still have post traumatic stress disorder. If you ever need to talk to someone I can have them here any time. "

" Thank you for the help. "

" I was wondering what happened to you. "

" I saw my friend explode. I saw my own foot be blown off. I saw people die I saw babies and children die. I am not the same. "

" There is a meeting at the community center for people like you. "

" I would like to go. "

She gives me the address and I go there the next day.

I go and talk about what happened to me. A guy in a wheelchair comes to me at the end said " Hay I'm Johnson. "

" Francis. "

" I was wondering if I could be your friend. "

" I don't know if I want friends right now. "

" I have seen people come and go the ones that refuse people in their life usually end up in bad situations. " He said.

He leaves I go home.

That night we all eat at the bonfire. " Francis we would like for you to come with us to the beach house. "

" I would love to join you guys. "

We start getting into cars start driving to the beach house.

1 hour in we stop to use the bathroom. We get back on the road.

3 hours later we get to the house. I'm about ready to have a drink. We separate into 2 groups of 6 me, wrench, mark, Leo, Hellen, and Trixi are in one of the houses. We rest eat and go down to the beach. We talk about life and what's going on. The quads are drinking with us I had Hellen the rest of the wine.

" I can't drink. " Sandra said " Our family is expanding. "

" yes. " She said.

" I'm going to be a brother. "

" Not even home for a month and you already got her pregnant. I think that's a record. " Mark says. wrench is starting to get drunk drunk All of the teens are. " how about we call it a night. " Sandra said. We pack up clean up head to the houses. We go into our bedrooms we snuggle till we pass out.

The month goes by we head home. Hellen has a appointment next week.

We get to the ob the doctor walks in I was not expecting a man.

" What are your symptoms. "

" Fatigue nausea Brest tenderness. "

" common symptoms for 10 weeks. were going to do the boring stuff first. " He is looking at my girlfriend vagina. I should be protective but I know this is going to be a long 9 months.

"Okay put your pants back on and go to the ultrasound room. "

We follow him to the ultrasound room.

He finds the baby but Is looking at the monitor.

" is that 3 heads on one baby. " Hellen said.

" Let's look at a different angle. " He grabs a different object. He pokes around " There isn't one baby it's triplets. "

Hellen looks at me but with a smug look. " your uncle has quads. What is wrong with your family. We can't take care of 3 kids. " she said.

" we can use my uncle's old baby stuff. "

" How about work. You still need to find a job. "

" We can terminate one of the babies but we're in a small window to do it. " The doc said.

" How small of a window. " Hellen said.

" 2 weeks. "

" we will think about it. " she said.

We get photos and leave.

" What do you want." I ask her.

" I don't know but when I know I'll let you know. "

" Ok. " I responded.

we get back to the house we don't talk about it.

I find a job as a security guard in a club for teens.

It has been a week Hellen has been looking at pictures of triplets after their born during dinner she said " I want to keep all of them. " I support her. We agreed that I can't eat the food that she can't and I can't drink or smoke. I have been taking care of her daily. she says she doesn't want me to but I get looks when I stop. So she has been looking for a pregnancy pillow I go to the baby stores and nothing. So I looked online. I look in the room that has the old baby stuff I don't need to buy anything.

Later that week we go to the doctor he said ball baby's are healthy we leave than Hellen says " I want to look at the baby stuff. "

" ok. "

We get home look through all of the clothes and gear. We set up the room than. She tested the brest pump. We look at each other " I want you to do this with me. "

" I will do anything you want. "

" Even wearing a pregnancy belly when I'm 30 weeks pregnant. "

" Yes. "

15 weeks pregnant

Sandra pov

Hellen and I have a girl's day. I start driving to the spa.

Hellen is mad that we're going to a spa. " why do we have to go there. "

" We don't have to we can go anywhere in the world this weekend. "

" I want to go to Italy. "

" ok we'll go to the airport and book tickets than. "

We get to the airport get first class tickets. we only have the clothes we have on our backs, our purses and wallets, phones.

We get on the plane the flight attendant asks Hellen if she's pregnant. because she already looks 30 weeks with one baby.

" yes but I'm only 15 weeks. "

" ok." she says and walks away.

We take off.

Francis pov

Me and mark go out for lunch. We talk about my job, his health. We part ways I start walking to a park. I see someone I haven't seen in a long time I follow him to a abandoned house. "Do you want some candy. " He says.

I record him and leave I went straight to the Federal department of justice.

The next day on my walk I see the house again but not anything good. The kids are all bones and hardly wearing anything. I see some soliciting sex to get money.

I get home look at houses for sale. I find a house that has 6 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. I leave a message for my accountant.

In 3 weeks Im able to open up home for lost kids. Im puting the sign in as a group of teen come my way.

" do you take in anyone. " one asked.

" yes. Do you need a place to stay. "

" All of us were dropped off on the streets and used terrible tactics for money. "

" you're all welcome come on in. "

All 5 teens follow me into the house. They look at the house and one is looking not good. " you ok. " I ask him.

He starts crying. " my father raped me on all over my mom's house. He abused me. "

" He isn't here. you are safe here. " He is more comfortable. I find them rooms. One teen girl is looking at the bathroom. " my parents kicked me out for getting pregnant and I took a test I can't stay here. "

" My wife is expecting I would never let a pregnant woman live on the streets. "


20 weeks pregnant.

Hellen looks at the kids and how far they have come in 2 weeks. But she wants me to find someone to move in to the house so that way I can sleep at home. During a therapy appointment I see a flyer for someone looking for work.They are a licensed therapist. A perfect match. I call the number he shows up at the house I interviewed him one of the kids comes in to the living room.

" who is this." she said.

" I'm looking for someone to look after you guys at night. "

" no I don't trust anyone but you at night. "

" how about the kids and I spend the day together and if it doesn't work I will leave. " The man said.

I call everyone to the living room and let them know what is going on.

30 weeks pregnant

It's time to were a pregnancy belly. Puting it on in morning taking it off at night.

We have obgyn appointments every week. Were hoping to not have to deliver before 34 weeks.

We are waiting to see the doctor. He comes in does the ultrasound we are sitting in here for longer than expected. " Is anything wrong? " I ask.

" One of your babies has a underdeveloped lung for his size. Baby 2 has organs growing out of her body. Baby 3 has a slow heartbeat. if you want your babies bro survive were going to have to do a C-section. "

" yes anything. "

We go to the or right away. Everything is ready to take the babies were they need to go.After 5 hours were able to see babies. My daughter has her organs bout of her body were naming her Alice. John has a breathing tube. Gabe has a abnormal heartbeat.

At the end of the year all of them are able to go home.