
729 Days

An academically focused girl, Anna moves out of her house to start her first year at high school, starts preparing for the entrance exam at the same time to accomplish her dream of entering the med school and getting the prefix of a doctor before her name. Life though plans something else for her when she unexpectedly falls for the school famous playboy, Alex , who being a rich brat considers everything but emotional values. For him, Anna is a high priced play doll whereas for Anna , he is the home she would do anything to return to.

thegirlbehindyou · Teen
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

Alex has now become my subconscious thermal print, which i would keep scratching over until I realised that it was permanently marked on my mind.

Classes were over when my phone beeped with a message from unknown number.

It wrote, 2nd gate, silver plate car, within next 6mins.

What? I thought. Who? Riri asked.I shrugged. But a teenage girl would definitely be intrigued with such abrupt, demanding text as to know who it was primarily and why on the next note. Hence after convincing Riri that i had to leave because mom would leave after i reach since she had something important to deal with.

Riri left, and with that i slowly dared to near the second gate , which was empty. As i was looking for anyone...someone ..... My heart skipped a beat when I saw the 6'2 figure crawl out of the driver seat dressed in all black , hair messed up, hands in the pocket, leaned perfectly across the silver plate car.

"Get in the car"

I was too surprised with the moment that happened not 59s back, that i almost missed his deep demanding tone. However, you might call it voluntary movement, in which my feet slowly paced across the distance and climbed in the passenger seat.

Why was i listening to him? I didn't know the answer.Anxiety took the best of me and my fingers were fidgeting among themselves when he climbed into the driver's seat after taking the last puff of his ciggerate.

He fastened his seat belt, even without looking at him i could easily know his movements as if some third eye was open in me to stalk him only.

Drowned in these thoughts, just when I thought he would start the car, he bent over towards me. My heart was beating the shit out and he could easily hear that dupp sound when his ears brushed across my chest.

He took the seat belt and fastened it across me. That's when his hands touched mine, and.....

Horripilation took its peak in me.

Each of the pores on my skin widened a little and each single strand of hair throughout my body sticked up....straight.

He moved away, gave a almost unnoticeable devilish smirk, and turned on the engine.

And that's when my subconscious state of mind whispered, He knew & he knows.

The sound of the engine occupied the drowning silence of the space, and finally after almost 34 min of silence, he spoke .

"Why would you skip classes because of me? You aren't this soft, you are pretending to be that a few words from my mouth are more than enough to shut you off within the 4walls"

Did he just say "pretend?" Who does he think himself to be? I literally was about to scream , but my voice came out as a whisper instead.

"I don't talk to you, i don't bother you, yet you don't miss a single chance to bully me. Why? Am I this obnoxious to you? And then you end up saying that i am pretending?"

He doesn't answer.

I turn my face as a tear rolls down my cheek, followed by another. He drove for the next three minutes and stopped at the park gate. I knew I was red, i could feel the heat on my cheeks from how hard I was trying not to cry. I didn't turn .

The next 20s was filled with dead silence.

And then his hands touched my cheeks, made me turn my face, and his tongue crashed against my mouth.

What?Wait!What was this?What is happening here?Why is it even happening?.

Millions of questions ran through my mind , and my mouth remained open for him to access my tongue.

I wasn't controlling myself. He was. How? I don't know.

After almost 2 min of his tongue tasting every single inch of my mouth, he moved away.

I was out of breath, every single hair was again straight throughout my body. My heart was about to burst out of the cage. What was it? What happened just now?

Before i could process the whole thing , he shifted the seat, pulled me to look in his eyes. I didn't realise he too was out of this breath, his lips were plump pink in perfect shape, his hair messed up as usual, his pupils dilated.

He again pulled my lips , only this time i bit him back. He messaged my back while playing with his tongue inside my mouth and i pulled his hair, syncing both of our movements.We both felt the heat, our breathing pattern matched, and then inside my mouth he said

"I am sorry love,i didn't know how to communicate with you "

And with that, every single square inch of my skin was drawn in to him. I couldn't care more about why was this happening. The only thing that mattered to me was I want him that's it.