
7 ordinary girls with secret

Once there was 7 ordinary girls with secret which no one know but one day their life changed.

zoya_khawaja · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 : The Avalon

Lee Elizabeth: Are you willing to join The Avalon.

First, girls and Jake were not agree they were not willing to leave Kate alone but Kate somehow agree them and make them believe that she'll be fine. After talking with Kate they finally decided to join the academy. The next day they all reach the university. Jake and the girls were excited but somehow they were nervous that what will happen in future or it is right to study in Avalon. Once they reached they were welcomed by Miss Victoria the instructor teacher.

Miss Victoria: Hello everyone and welcome to The Avalon high the university of witches, wizards , magicians and hybrids. My name is Miss Victoria you can call me Tori and I'm your instructor. Come-on follow me .

The girls and Jake follow the instructor. Miss Tori lead them to the headmaster office.

Miss Victoria: Knock knock!

Miss Elizabeth: Come in.

Miss Victoria: Miss the new students are here.

Miss Elizabeth: Ah ! it's good to see you again. Welcome to The Avalon high. I hope you like it here.

The girls were placed in Royal house and Jake in Gryfferin house.

Miss Elizabeth: You'll get your uniform once you reach your room let's go it's time for dinner. But before their are some rules that you have to follow like other students.

Rule 1: You are forbidden to go to the fourth floor.

Rule 2: Not allowed to go into the forest alone at night.

Rule 3: No roaming around in the corridors at midnight.

After telling rules they reach the main hall.Once they enter all eyes were on them. Miss Victoria lead them to their respected seats. They got seated they saw bts and blackpink were already staring at them. once their eyes meet bts look away while blackpink were looking at them with a smile on their faces. They return smile.

Miss Elizabeth: Let the feast begin .

Everyone started their dinner.

Miss Victoria: Blackpink these new girls are your room mate . Take care of them.

Blackpink: Don't worry Miss tori we'll take good care of them. After All we got roommates after a long time.

Miss Tori: Good.

On the other hand the girls were happy to see that Jake finally make new friends and a place for him.