

Shall we begin, The destruction of mankind

jangthewriter38 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Toki's Light

yoo Meow Meow Guys , Genki desu-ka. May be fine . Okay then let's dive into our amazing story , let's goooooooooooooo......….



As we Read in the previous chapter that Nero is Recruiting potent candidates for the upcoming war, so he can win the upcoming war , Now we see somewhere in the world ... there is a person , who is killing someone in the mid of no where…

Injured Man :- impossible , he just kill an S Rank Hunter bare handed , who the hell is this Guys.

Killer:- So, you are alive . ( BoooooM)

( We just hear screams...…..ahhhhhhh)

Spiritually Talking :- One less . We want all powerful hero's dead . And one more thing


I hear that duel bastard had Arrived.

But his powers are sealed , so there is no prob. ( chukles) heheee

You know he is the Son of Leo.

(Suddenly the wave of fear silences the other person( killer) .

Leo Almik

Yep , that damn human who rip your both hands and spare your pitiful life out of mercy.So be careful , I hear his Son has no mercy like his father when it comes to battle.

I will deal with him personally.

Good Luck , My Man.

Stop those gay's lines.( 😂😂) 

And then this Killer Disappears , he seems like a gate User.

HERE on the other hand Nero and others are Training hard ...…I mean only others are training hard, Meanwhile Nero is focusing his conciousness in the soul library . Searching for a way to deal with Gate User......…

like :- what are the laws regarding gate users, weakness,xyz...

Few sec later

Eri :- What happen?

Nero:- IDK, but my left eyes is blinking out of sudden . 

Eri:- Is there a problem?

Nero :- No, i mean , it's an ancient fact, that for Mans , blinking of left eye brings Destruction.

Eri :- But technically , Now you are not a completely Man , Cuz we both shares one physical body.😂😂

Nero :- You dummy , i am a Man and always be a Man😎😎

SCENE SHIFTS :- Here the Receptionist who transfers bounty money to Nero , is being held by some unknown person through energy waves.

Unknown :- I Acknowledge your will to hide his identity but it's all useless here. i will ask you one last time . who is that person , who save all heros from that Dungeon.

Other person:- Wooooh, wooooh , you gonna kill her Man , Relax , chill- chill. Leave the Mind Related matter to me.

( This guys uses his powers and extract all her memories )

sadly there is nothing useful cuz that unknown Man never reveal his true to her .

(Torturing Man is going to kill that receptionist)

Wait , brainless fool . if she dies then we never got to know about the identity of that Man .

(Brainless fool)Then should we do?

Hmmmm, let me erase her memories of this incident first and Now just leave her on her own.This is the best thing that we can do. Now whenever she meets that unknown guy , we get notified. it's cool , right . Now i am used to speak this modern world cool names . Heheee.

( Definitely , this is not looking good cuz Nero enemies want to find him as soon as possible and finish him)

Next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nero :- Sugeto- san, i have a question?

Sugeto :- Yeah , what is it?

Nero :- I mean , you are an S Rank Hunter . So, why don't you go to hunter Association and register yourself.

Sugeto :- Hehe , but i don't want to cuz someone tells me not to do so in Aryavarta. He tells me the exact same line that you tell the MYTH . He says me :- In your world there is a great calamity to come . so please till then don't reveal your Rank and powers. This will help in saving your world . 

Nero :- Did you know the name of that person .

Sugeto :- Sorry but he is disguised . so i can't.

Nero :- Ohh , is that so? But why did you belive an unknown person?

Sugeto :- It's not like anything (321)unknown , he is a man that always used to give useful information to me in aryavarta . The reason i don't know much about him cuz he don't want that.

Then Nero sees Toki coming...

Nero = You look happy , did something good happen.

Toki = see here.

Nero :- A [D] - Rank Dungeon Appears and you must have inherent Archery skills to enter 


You will get reward according to your capabilities . This includes items of all Ranks - SS, S , A, B or more

Toki :- So, what did you say, can we go there?

Nero :- No, i can't go there. Cuz it says only those , you have inherent Archery skill can enter. 

why not , i hear you can use all types of skills.

yeah , it's true . but my inherit talent is blue flames and Brain waves. That's why i can't accompany you there. 

(sadly) Well then , so i am leaving now.

Good luck…..

Sugeto's wife :- I hear from my friend that this dungeon have few powerful mythical bows .

Sugeto/Nero :- Mythical

wait, see this. she send me this pic.

Sugeto/Nero :- What is this? A ancient script written in ancient language . Nero can you read this.

(Nero fearfully Read the Text) :- 

 Pinak Bow:- I was once hold by the Great Lord of cold Mountain(Kelash) to obliterate the Tripura ( Where super powerful Demons resides) . Hmmm , After that no one was able to use my full potential.

Sarang Bow :- Only Those who are acknowledged by that Omni God can bear my weight.

Victory Bow :- just like Pinak and others , i will fight for justice / fight with justice. A Corrupt being can never get a hold of my power.

Gandiv Bow :- I don't know , it's been million or trillions of years since i got the wealder like ARJUNA . Ohhhh those day, i feel proud for being used for justice . There is one thing that i want to answer = sometimes my users ask me ;- which among the top divine bows are most powerful . i want to say the only one thing is that, all bows are powerful as like infinity and weak as a wooden stick.

 Remember :- we are the only A medium to channel your inner strength with some help or nothing else

DARK Bows...….

Tarek Bow :- A perfect weapon for the Gate users, especially with dark energy . It's True terror can only be shown in a battle field surrounded by corpeses,Agony, Screams ,Suffering,Pain.

Naas Bow :- Very similar to Tarek but it's especiality is in killing divine beings like gods.

Atel Bow :- Forged in the surface layers of hell, Equally destructive as NAAS & TAREK but this has a especiality = If the opponent is even scratched by it ,death is confirm (Exception = Gate Users above 5 and Higher Gods

Patal Bow :- It is the True Representation of Fear and terror , The only bow that Rival PINAK in every aspect . Currently it was held by YAMHA ( The Rular of Hell )


Sugeto's Wife :- Each of them is terrifying .

Sugeto - Did you thing that kid can grab one of these.

Nero :- May be , i can't say for sure . but if we get one of these then our survival rate in this war will be increased by 20 % .


Here we sees Toki is at the dungeon site....

Annoucement = Everybody don't Rush . There are few Rules . Only A party of 5 peoples can enter this dungeon …..

(Everyone is Rushing here and there to make the party )

(A Girl = Riya) :- what should i do , someone , i need to find someone , fast.

Here Toki = Tosing a Coin ( I wonder why my heart is not racing fast in a situation like this , may be after seeing Nero , i want to become like him , calm in every desperate situation)

Riya :- Toki - San.

Toki :- Aren't you riya from Archery club?

You remember me.

Toki – Senpai but , you are here after all these year. where you been ?

Toki = After tired from this worldly laws, now i am following my heart . Especially my dream , to become a good archer.

Riya :- I bet You are . There is no one like you , when it cames to archery.

Toki :- (Hehee) buttering me (With light smile )

Riya (In heart ) - I am glad Toki - san , you came back where you belongs. It's not like ,i never saw you, I always saw your life-less life with those tired eyes after work . One Time i also tried to help you but i feel unconscious due to some slavery skill casted on you . but now it seem you are free. Thank god.

Toki :- Hey riya, you ok

Riya :- ohh i am fine , just fell into some past memories. but i am glad you came back.

(Toki/ Riya blushes)

Riya :- (changing topic ) ohh i mean, can we became a team for this raid.

Toki :- Yeah sure , why not.

(In this way Toki and Riya got 3 more candidates for this Raid )

And they enter the Gate/Dungeon 

Toki :-- what is this place , i thought there are so many peoples ?

A notification sound interrupts , 

To clear this dungeon you have to pass three tests , on the basis of your performance , you will be rewarded

FIRST :- some target practice , to kill various types of dangerous monsters with team work.

There are total 50 Teams in each round , and only 10 could pass. the team which clear the fast , it passes.

=== Toki team struggles and nearly kill most of the monsters but here comes the boss of this phase .

Riya - it's impossible to clear this stage in time cuz this monster seems to strong.

team is in a panic state but toki is still calm.

Toki - I long ago refuse to belive in impossible .

SKILL ;- Primordial consecutive shots. and fires an charge arrow . it vanishes after being touches by the monster. 

( Toki realizes neros warning about the after effects of his skill)

Everyone is shocked cuz there is nothing happened by toki's attack.

Toki shout's :- Every one clings to the ground , hurry.

(Then we sees the monsters body explodes with an intense shockwave , shaking the whole dungeon)

Riya & team :- what was that , it's so powerful. Toki - san , did you re-awaken as an S ranker.

Toki :- it's just a side skill touted by my new friend.

In this way this team moves continuously forward and here comes the final stage:-

Here are many coloured orbs are glowing and one of the orb speak and say them to put their hands on any of them:-

When toki and other put their hand , they got sucked into an endless illusion, they faces their worst fears of their life,

Toki's fear is that , he lose his family (even they are alive, no one cares for him due to his fathers abilities , they nearly forget him) this nightmare haunts toki every night and he was unable to do anything, his brothers and sisters calling him for help.

Toki is still in his illusion but the rest of his team broke free . As the illusion grow stronger , toki's Rage grow stronger and this is bad .

One of the team member :- Riya - san , what's happening to this guy.

Now toki is surrounded by strong wave of energy bolts and due to his primordial skill , these bolts are growing exponentially with every second

Team :- If this continues , we all are going to die, someone stop this guy .

illusion :- you are so pathetic toki, you can't even save your family .

Toki :- i can save them , now .

illusion :- Now, but how? . you can't kill your own father , right? . I mean only the world's worst son can do that?. Toki - boy.

This again fuel toki's rage and now toki is at his peak point to explode.

[Toki hear :- is that really you want toki, you really wants to kill your father. Toki ,there are alway more than one solution to any problem. If you think no-one cares for you then you need to look around yourself.

Toki open his eyes in reality , he sees Riya and his team-mates are still there , even they are continuously being hit by , his energy blasts. they are still here for his help.

Team:- Toki - san , you can do it. we belive in you.

[ Once again the illusion takes over, but now toki can see the hand of hope coming toward him , to pull him out. Toki grabs the hands and a bright light shines]

Following this , rapid lightning occurs in the real world . 

Sugeto :- what was that, this energy is fearsome?

Nero/ Eri :- It can't be….. Is this for real…

Sugeto : - what happened….

Nero :- He got an hold on Gandiv. The Legendary Bow. The bow which can one shot Gate 1 users with ease.

Here we see in dungeon.

Team :- what is this bow? pls let me take for a while.

When a team member try to hold. A wave of energy pushes him away.

Riya :- I never seen any bow like that but it seems it chooses it's wealder. No one other than the wealder can use it. Toki- san did you know this bow name.

Toki - sorry, but this is also my first time seeing some thing magnificent like this bow.

( bow emits an positive wave of energy , healing surrounding peoples)

Team;- What , this bow can hear us?

Riya :- Toki- san , It seems happy by your comment. Got any name for him.

Toki :- i have one , LIGHT , which means a symbol for hope, which vanishes darkness away and brings joy and happiness.

Bow again reacts positively by this comment.

Everyone:- he like it.

[Riya receives an S rank Arrow , Hunter's Fury arrow. The arrow which tracks it's target form the very bottom of the hell, and it can clearly differentiates b/w an friend or an Foe. It's power depends on the users magical powers , Nick names :- Hunter's Fury.

In this way , the group leaves towards the exit . but the scenerio outside is not good . There are many top guild member here to recruit the one , who got that legendary bow . 

( These all are attracted here due to the previous lightning)

When they are about to exit , the bow is converted into an tattoo on Toki's body and hide it's presence. So no one can detects it.

Toki and his team exits easily . Once everyone came out . The dungeon collapes.

Guild members :- What ? but how ? who got the legendary bow?

( They all remains in suspense)

And after saying good bye to team , Toki visits Nero….

See ya

jangthewriter38creators' thoughts