

Shall we begin, The destruction of mankind

jangthewriter38 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Death From Loved One/Betrayal

(Please don't think every lengthy chapter is borring, it takes 12 hours to me in writing. Believe me it's not boring. Make sure you have readed the previous chapter (only last one) . Then it's ok.

(Disclaimer:- who have G*ts , only those are able to completely finish this chapter.

Ofcourse it's quite lengthy and amazing

Approx time to finish:- 20 to 30 minutes for a good reader)

(Play a billion view song and let's start reading)


Story continues........

Power Rank :- ???

It's General Arata ,

Nero and all:- Thank God , My lord . You have arrived. These all mages gone insane.

(In this way keisuke approach arata , and we see keisuke one hand is crushed with Arata Psychokinesis powers.)

Nero and all :- what ??,, General what are you doing?. And Yoshito charges forward, but he was too pinned to the ground.

Arata :- well - well , not bad -not bad. It's been many years since someone exceeds this far.

Oh i forgot . I remember now. You have dimension bending power. That's why. I get it - i get it now.

Nero :- bas***d , what are you doing?

Arata :- shhhh(be silent), if you don't run from the arena . I don't have to come here. So it's all your fault.

Nero :- (look at arata in fear).

Arata:- you two(Eri/Yui) , you may go away. Because I have nothing to do with you.

And as for Nero's reinforcement, I already have taken care of the ledger.

But i am impressed nero . He successfully defeated the Tsumibito. But as for me , his luck wouldn't last long.

But truely he was a tough guy. And throws ledger cutted one hand/leg .

(We see , arata left hand is very lightly injured/few scratches And he is hiding this)

Yui :- shouts at him , you piece of a sh*t. (and do some bad mouthing.)

We won't leave nero.

(Nero stops Yui and ask her to leave but she refuses. Then nero uses a scroll Named as

"Wimik home scroll" . By the use of this , one can be teleport to their safest/home location)

(Bcz Nero know they are no match for him or will be killed in no time.

Nero also tried to teleport Yoshito and keisuke by an another scroll, but Arata destroyed that scroll)

Arata claps:- An smart move, tell me why don't you use this on you.

Nero :- ofcourse not, bcz i have to bury you alive.(in anger)

(Both comes in battle mode

Nero all skills + blue flames v/s Arata)

(Arata powers :- Destructive Claps, Psychokinesis, flash light step, super regeneration, A sword made from Destructive energy and many others we sees incoming chapters)

(In this way fight, goes on , chat during fight

Arata:-wow, blue flames.

Boy, now your mom is also in danger. She must be a witch of blue flames.

Ohh, i remember now . I already heard about your mom.

Arata menacingly smiles :- i heard she was quite hot. A young beauty.

Nero:- you bas****d

Arata :- Truely, your father was lucky to use such a luxury service.

Nero :- just sh*t your u*ly mouth. (In rage)

Arata:- Truely it's a waste that I have to kill you.

Otherwise you will be greatly helpful in my experiments

(The battle goes more and more violent, but damage given by nero is unable to scratch Arata)

(Suddenly nero sees arata left hand, leaking few drops blood, nero:- i am sure it's given by ledger san, what kind of attack he possibly used to damage this monster.

I think i have to try combo of all my skills)

(Nero uses all combos and watches carefully on arata wounds, finally he uses

"Symphony of the blue flames"

(blue flames plus+ touch of purity)

This attack directly hit arata soo hard)

Arata:- what is this?, my whole body is burning, no , it's not my body. It's my soul , my soul is vibrating like a machine motor, it's going to be unstable .

"Symphony/Harmony of blue flames "

Is an combo attack of "Touch of purity and blue flames"

In this way, nero flames directly affects Arata soul.

Nero:- i knew it. I can't beat him physically but i can definitely damage his soul.

(At this point due to vigorous battle nero body is heavily damaged)

(When Nero comes near to finish him, suddenly arata stabs Nero's with his hand in stomach)

Arata :- hahaa , just kidding. I am fine and well . But truely your attack makes me unstable for a few microseconds.

boy, it's not that easy to take down a General .

I am only at 5 % of my powers. This mean, i am just playing till now.

(Nero feels soo weak and starting to fall , then arata grabs him from his head hairs . )

Arata :- not so hurry. And put out an "moon light daggers".

Listen boy :-

The reason i am toying with you, is that because if I want to kill you, I can kill you in less than a second. But due to ceremony rules , your death must be granted by a "Moon light daggers"

["Moon light dagger" :- An mythical ancient daggers used to destroy souls , especially used in ceremonies ]

Arata :- i am sorry kid . I know it's not your fault. You are just dragged into this.

Ahhhh(deep breath) Truly higher ups are hungry for power.

(Laughing evil):- so , please dieee.


Few seconds before Nero's heart is going to be stabbed,


Nero :- open his eyes in a different dimension .

(Here are two peoples sitting on their thrones, remember there are three thrones. Two peoples are sitting on the side one's and the middle one is empty)

(Remember we are unable to see their faces)

One from two :- so, stupid. You are back .

Other:- so you are gonna to die, what should you do now?

Nero:- i lost (sadly). I think this is the end.

One :- so my bravo is accepting his defeat?

Nero :- ofcourse, he was soo powerful. I can't beat him with my current level.

Unknown:- so, pathetic…..

Nero:- call me what you want. But I know this is reality. I can't defeat him . He was too strong 😔

Unknown (one/two) :- That mean your life is over. So you can jump from over there. So you can die(A place for death in unknown dimension).

If you can die in that painful place i promise i will resurrect your dead friends.

Or you have an second option too, I can free your soul in eternal peace but for this you have to leave your friends/family died.

Nero:- stop it , (loudly) . All i care most is about my friends/family, innocent peoples of Aryavarta.


you are lying, it's impossible to revive a dead person.

Unknowns :- huhhh(mockingly)

don't speak nonsense. You have seen this previously. Don't you remember that beast we killed along with life's of the whole forest.


When you wake up, don't you see , all lifes of forest are alive and well, except Beast.

Now nero remember, he understands everything and made an final decision to save his friends and family .

Nero :- well, then. Don't you forget to keep your words.

Unknown:- ofcourse, we never lie.

(In this way,...

(Nero is moving forward, towards that place. Nero hear many screams coming from there.

Nero eyes already lose their hopes but he have an light smile on his face, atleast my family is safe)

(He was few inches away to jump and he jumps. There are many dark souls:- crying and calling him an idiot, and try to change nero decision but nero was firm)

(During the fall, he suffers badly because of excessive dark energy which was very harmful for a human soul)

(Suddenly nero falls back to twin , but this time he can see their faces)

Twins (...) :- Congratulations my lord. You have succeed in twin conviction. All this was just a test.

You successfully proved that you are a worthy of our powers. You soul is flawless and pure .

You never think twice before sacrificing yourself in order to save your family and friends .

(Nero see both twins looks exactly like him but one is dressed in Cosmic white while other in redish/black , but both have an mature apperance)

Twins:- listen nero , your divine gates first is still inactivated. So remember we can only provide A very little fragment of our strength.

Nero :- what , very little?

Twins :- laughs , it is more than enough to escape from Arata.

Ofcourse, you can't defeat Arata at your current level.

For now just try to stun him by giving a good blow to the meridians of his body and escape from him.

Ok we are sending you back to your body. Remember you only have 5 minutes and one chance

After 5 minutes you will loss all these effects of our power.

Nero:- wait, i was here for around half an hour.

Ohh no.

Twins:- don't panic , the flow of time is too slow here. In your world it's approximately around 1 milli second or even less.

Or hah remember:- don't get in touch of "Moon light dagger", it's like a poison. We can't cure this,in your current state.

Bcz once your body is slightly cutted by this, it will completely destroy the soul fragment of that area.

Example like your hand is stabbed then , your hand instantly becomes life less . No medicine can cure bcz it's destroys the soul fragment of that place.

Nero:- No worry, life without one hand is not that bad.

Twin :- listen seriously (by grabbing Nero)

You get stabbed by that knife , simply meant not to just lose an arm but it causes an unbearable pain which is much worse than losing an arm or a leg .And it makes you feel senseless for a few minutes.

And that's enough for Arata to finish you.

(Hell of pains:- special effect of moon light dagger)

After all , this knife is an "Legendary Artifact".

That's why not to get touched by that knife. If this happens once, you will instantly loss everything:- your life, friends, Family.

I hope you get it

So , ba bye (ja ne) and dark twin pushes Nero.


(Here, on the other side , arata is going to kill Nero but suddenly light blue particles are starting to glow from Nero body.

Arata don't waste anytime further and move his hand but nero grabs both of his hands )

(We sees nero eyes are glowing with blue energy but we are shocked to see , nero all injured along with his stomach are healing like crazy)

(Nero grabs one of Arata's arm with soo much force that it's is crushed and destroyed)

Nero :- Sorry for the disturbance. Shall we continue?

(Arata:- (In mind) what kind of power is this , whole environment is filled with soo much tense spiritual pressure and magical powers. I can't take him lightly. )

(Arata heals his arm and both are engaged in a very violent battle. You can imagine, whole plain is shaking due to this. Every single strike from both sides is powerful enough to shatter the mountains)

(Nero uses an special technique to stun Arata for few seconds.

This attack of nero was soo intense that whole surrounding is deformed and Arata was injured badly)

Nero:- (It's my chance)

(Arata tries to escape but it was futile..)

Nero :- Not so hurry, Mr. General

Nero :- i don't forget, the insult of my mom doned by you.

(Nero tries to cut Arata head but…..)


Arata :- ha haaa, now I can kill you

(arata speak this in a very bad situation)

Nero :- Really (by cold look), then try.

(At this point Nero body is also not in good shape)

(Arata try to regenerate but he can't, his every effort is failed)

Arata :- whattttt the fu*kkkkk!!!!

Nero:- (hehe)My punches are not normal, you know. Every hit from them , is indirectly applying an seal on your powers.

That means , with everyhit you received, your abilities are sealed.

Now tell me , who is in bad shape now?

Tell me :- who is behind all this.

Arata takes a strange pill , this gives him few powers to stand.

Nero:- I don't think it's enough to take me down.

(Both exchange few punches like boxing)

Nero :- it's over, (ready to finish arata)

(Suddenly Nero get stabbed from back by "Moon light dagger" in his heart)

(Nero turns his neck , it's Ayumi)

Nero :- (shockingly) why , why Ayumi sannn (and cough blood.)

(The knife effect is starting to torn, both Nero's body and soul)

Ayumi again stab Nero's heart

Ayumi (in Rage):- Die , you monsterrrr. You have killed everyone .

You have destroyed my whole life/Kingdom and now you are going to kill an another innocent person.

(At this time Nero is standing at the edges of an Cliff/directly above the eye of destruction)

Nero (broken words) :- yo, you have so..me .

Mis..un..der standing.

(Ayumi wastes No time and cut the throat of nero)

Ayumi:- No more words, you are a traitor just like your father.

I am a stupid who thinks you are gonna to be a good person.

(In this way Ayumi pushes Nero and says:- "just die you monster".

Nero is looking at arata . He is smiling in a evil manner and waving his hands like ba bye)

Arata:- (in mind ) Finally he was stabbed by the "Moon light dagger" , that means the ceremony is completed.

Arata :- (innocently /in honourable manner )

Thank you , your highness for saving my life.

(Suddenly we see nero all friends are starting to heal , it's an after effect of Nero's imperfect Gate powers. This after effects have no link to it's user. It's Just like pre- ordered task. It will always take its effect whether the user is dead or alive )

Arata sees this and rushes to kill them but along with healing, they all get teleported.

Ayumi:- why are you trying to kill my classmates?

Arata :- sorry my highness but they all are already dead.

Ayumi:- what??, but how?

Arata :- My highness, (falsely crying 😭) i try my best to protect them. But before I arrive here. Nero has already killed all of them along with ledger and use "Art of Necromancy" to use them as a shield.

That's why I tried to kill them now . Bcz their souls are trapped and they are suffering/crying, I can hear this due to my high spiritual powers.

(We sees ledger is unable to heal and he dies for real)

(In this way after sometime, royal guards arrives and escort the General/Ayumi back to capital)

(In capital, Nero and his friends are declared as criminals and heavy bounties are placed on them , live or dead)


After sometime we sees that teleportation spell opens far from Aryavarta in a cave of the mountain.

This spell also teleports miku .

(Yep , miku was gonna to be captured as a sister of a traitor but nero spell actives due to the amulet given by nero on miku's birthday)

Miku :- big brother, keisuke/Yoshito

You are injured?

How this all happens and where is big brother Nero , why everyone is calling him a traitor.

Yoshito:- Ahhh, it's nothing. It's just a game for fun (replying calmly)

(After few questions , both Yoshito and keisuke came out and casts an silent spell)

( And Suddenly tears fall down from the eyes of Yoshito and he cry louder in sorrow )

(Yoshito remembers all his memories spended with Nero ,

how they eat together , laughs together, teases each other, how Nero is the first and best friend of his life, who always stay together with him)

Yoshito (crying) :- why , why , whyyyyyyy (loudly) you idiot save us, instead of your own life . Why are you always focused on saving others.

(Yep, Yoshito was awake/but injured, when Nero is killed)

(Shouting at sky ) :- youuu seee , they finally kill you .

(We sees both Yoshito and keisuke body is completely recovered along with their destroyed hands)

(Yoshito try to go out but keisuke stops)

Yoshito:- please keisuke, don't step in my way. I am going to kill all those bas***ds who kills Nero .

Or why you care, you are the one who hates the nero much more than anyone else.)

(Keisuke slaps Yoshito, when Yoshito looks at keisuke, he sees tears is running through his eyes)

Keisuke:- stop talking nonsense(in deep sorrow), it's not like, I am going to forgive any of them.

(Both Yoshito and keisuke)

We swear on the death of our precious friend, we must Avenge your death , Nero Almik.

[Both comes in , (remember Miku doesn't know about Nero's death) .]

(They can't tell Miku about nero bcz she likes nero soo much as a big brother , she probably can't handle this shock)

Miku say:- brother,see, this amulet which big brother nero gives me on my birthday, its not glowing.

When monsters try to attack me , a blue flames is come out from this . And covers my complete body as a armour.

This flames was soo strong , even big monsters are turning into ashes instantly.

(Keisuke touches the amulet and discovers , Nero already gives his nearly 60 % flames power in this amulet to protect miku before fighting with arata)

Keisuke:- (In mind) , you always try to protect us. First me in Arena , and then Miku .

(Emotionally) truely you are a man of great values)

Keisuke:- miku - chan. Big brother Nero is on a very secret mission. It takes sometime for him to return.

So don't worry about that idiot.

When he came back, this amulet is starting to glow 🌟 again

(and laugh like everything is normal)

Miku :- so , how all of you get injured when you came here.

Yoshito:- it's just by few monsters.

(In this way, they end the conversation. And after sometime Yoshito and keisuke finds ledger dead body)

Y & K :- sensei, and try to wake up the ledger.

(They discovered, ledger was dead)

(It's so painful for both of them to accept this, their hands are shaking in rage.)


(Before miku see ledger, they bury him respectfully and places few flowers on the grave )

Both finds an diary ,

"Dark Secrets of Aryavarta"

Both feel very sad after seeing ledger like this

Keisuke:- hei , Yoshito. Let's start it.

Yoshito:- what?

Keisuke:- Training, There is no time to maintain this sorrow forever. We can't take rested until we cut off the head of every single person involved in this matter.

Yoshito:- well then , let's start it.


(On the other side we sees , sayuri heart is completely broken by the news of ledger death)

(Sayuri loves ledger soo much from the start)

(Shortly sayuri goes to the place , where ledger died, there are few nobles with her . Which was said to be powerful than sayuri)

Nobles :- Miss sayuri , there is no point in searching because he was already killed by nero Almik.

Sayuri:-(in mind), it's impossible for nero to kill the ledger. Because Nero was a type of person who have his mercy even for devil(most sinister species).

(Yep:- sayuri knows about eri, she intentionally avoid her presence previously.)

(Sayuri actives an forbidden spell /very rare spell only known by few. Sayuri get this from an ancient ruin)


"Memories of Rocks" , this spell helps it's user to see images from the past .

(Memories of Rocks is simply light image stored in the rocks, but this spell is only helpful before the sun of the next day rises. Next sun shine create new memories and delete old ones)

Sayuri finds out everything that was happened and how Arata was the one who killed the ledger and Ayumi kills Nero .

(Sayuri blood is boiling with anger like magma of an hot volcano 🌋)

(One of the noble:-hey you kid. Stop this nonsense right here and go back to the capital)

(Sayuri cut his head with her bare hands, we sees sayuri eyes are glowing red )

Nobles :- kill her , she gone crazy.

(On the next moment, we sees all nobles heads are cutted down except one noble)

Sayuri:- (With red angry eyes)Go and tell your king . A great war is about to start soon. And I sayuri an general candidate, is going to cut his head . So , be prepared.

(The noble left the place in fear for the kingdom)

Sayuri:- (Tears starting to drop and she clenches her feast)They all must payed back.

(After all this sayuri sents a letter to kenta, explaining everything, and says her goodbye to kenta)

(Kenta was shocked to read all this)


On the other side we sees nero is falling in the eye of destruction by screaming terribly due to pain given by the "Moon light dagger"

His vocal cord is disturbed/teared completely due to his own screams or by Ayumi's cut.

but now he was unable to scream bcz he was Unconscious due to pain and suffering. Tears of blood is running from Nero's eyes

(Twin talks to each other ,

Remember both twins are white and beautiful in looks but for easy I call them as whity and darky)

Dark:- (darky body is starting to change due to excessive corrupt energy in eye of destruction)

I told you, to behead that bit*h . It's too late. I am going to stabilize the spiritual core of Nero.

White:- (sadly) but you will die in this process.

Darky :- we can't miss this chance, because if this time Nero died , we have to wait again for million of years for Nero/our reincarnation as a human again.

We have to get out from "7 Karma's"

Take this:- "small fragrant of darky "/Revival seed

. I know i can't completely reduce the effects of

"Moon light dagger".

All I can do, is to borrow half an hour for my sacrifice . So please, take care of our host (tears drops)

Sayonara, whity.

Don't be sad , i was officially created for these kind of works.

(In this way darky enters the spiritual core of Nero, and try his best to resist "moon light dagger")

Darky:-(If nero was in his gate 1, then i will show , how to destroy you (moon light dagger) into pieces. But for now it's very hard.

(Remember now , nero is falling with bright blue light shining. He falls in an monster villages)

(Now , nero is unconscious and gonna to die soon . He stop screaming bcz his vocal cord is torned/soo much blood is losed and at present he was in too much pain and Unconscious.

[vocal cord

(An bio instrument used to produce sound , humans uses this to talk to each other, located in human neck)]

Suddenly an strange old man comes near to nero , he looks like an demi-human. He raise his stick to crush Nero's head.

(White is panicked , white :- oi oi , you old fa*t . Don't do this.)

(Suddenly someone rushed from bushes and kick him in back )

(It was Eri , she live in this village. She talks in a strange language to old man )

(Old man become raged and shouts at her, and after some argument he stops)

From now on, you guys can understand the talk between demi human, ofcourse bcz your writer knows their language.

(On Eri's order, he lift nero and goes to an nearby hut 🛖 . He was (old man ) Eri's grandfather)

(Eri eyes are freeze on closely looking at Nero's condition.)

Eri :- grandpa, please save him.

Grandpa:- but , he was a human child.

Eri:- (in tears ) i told you, he was not like others.

Grandpa:-( please) listen Eri, he was stabbed by a " Moon light dagger" . I checked his body. Half of his soul is nearly destroyed . It's impossible for anyone to live with a half soul.

It's against the "laws of nature"

Eri :- (in anger) old man , I don't care what method you use . I want him alive.

I know you are a expert of dark magic and dark arts.

Grandpa:- listen Eri , there is only one method is left. But i don't think it's gonna to work.

Eri :- (in hurry) , what is it? Tell me. I will do anything to save him.

Grandpa:- why are you going this far , for a human.

Eri :- (in rage ) i told you, he was in this condition due to me. In order to save me, he suffered that badly.

Grandpa:- It's "souls fusion" , but it's not possible, A human or a devil soul can't fuses successfully together.

We need an another human, which is 1000% impossible to find in "eye of destruction"

Eri :- but, if you can't do anything soon, then he will die.

Ok i will give my soul.

Grandpa:- No , Eri . By doing this your main body is completely destroyed and there is very less chances for this ritual to become success.

No , you can't (and casts an imprisonment spell on Eri , so she didn't move)

I can't afford losing my grand child for someone like him.

Eri:- I told you to leave me.


Grandpa:- otherwise

Eri :- i will kill myself.

Grandpa:- don't try to black mail me. I know you have high regeneration, so can't kill yourself.

Eri :- ohhh(Coldly ) .

(Remember eri is super strong bcz in the eye of destruction there is no seal on her powers. It's her grandpa who place that seal on her neck, so she can't harm others)

(Eri starting to rip her heart with lightning fast attacks due to this her regeneration can't keep up and starting to lose a lot of blood)

Grandpa:- please stop , eri . I will do what you want. Please stop it . (With emotional heart)

And remove the seal.

Grandpa:- why eri , why? It's humans who killed your father. So why?

Eri :- Doesn't it we devil's , who kill uncountable number of human families?

I don't mean that.

But the first time he see me as a devil

(Cough and blood come out)

Grandpa;- Eriiii

Eri:- (continues) he never chooses to leave me in death hands.

I try to ask him by hand sign :-

Why he saves a "devil"?

(because back then due to seal , eri was unable to speak)

[I know he can understand my signs :-

He tell :-

Eri chan, people call you guys

a devil (a sinister entity), but you know what , i never judge anyone from pre-described information.

I believe you are a life form, which have total rights to live freely like all other living beings, so be happy in life, bcz we have no idea when it's goona to end.]

Eri:- These words touch my heart. I was being ruthless during my life but after i meeting him . A kindness begins to grow in my heart.

Eri:- so please hurry, save him. I don't wanna to lose him .

(Grandpa tells Eri to lay near Nero's body and give a binding mantra to eri and tell use this when she was in spiritual core of Nero)

( Grandpa staring to chant "SSS" Rank spell along with Many complicated mantras/sutras)

(We sees Eri soul come out from her body and absorbed into the spiritual core of Nero)

Grandpa tells :- Eri beaware this boy have very high soul purity. At the time of fusion beaware so your soul does not get destroyed by his soul purity.

(Eri enter Nero's spiritual core and was able to see her whole life memories:-

How his childhood was soo cruel and tough.

How he got admission in priest academy.

How he always try to save every species.

And finally how he got into this painful situation.

There is a soul barrier outside the Main spiritual core. It prevents unknown entries.

Eri tries soo hard to pass , but she was unable to do so.

(Suddenly barrier speaks :- prove that you are a closer person to Nero's heart)

(Grandpa say :- eri , hurry. Nero soul is burning soo fastly)

Barrier:- i didn't find you , close to nero . So you have two choices.

1st :- leave

2nd :- try to pass the barrier and get burned your soul.

Ofcourse i can't give any nobody, Entry to My Lord (Nero's) spiritual core.

(White:-( in mind) , you bas***d barrier.(anger))

Eri :- well, you are right. I don't know whether Nero have a place for me or not in his heart.

But I know one thing for sure.

I love him much more than anyone else.

(By saying this Eri proceed towards the barrier and her soul starting to burn , slowly slowly her fingers starting to disappear)

(Hence , Eri successfully enters Nero's Spiritual core with her half soul bcz half is destroyed due to the barrier

And Eri sees darky and touches Nero's spiritual core.)

(Due to barrier , Eri also suffers from pain but she hold her feets)

(Remember Nero's pain>>>>>>>>>Eri suffered bcz "moon light dagger" is a true definition for painful death.

Yep barrier also destroys Eri's soul, but it was not that painful.

Example:- death granted by a serial killer or death granted to a person in sleep by a poison.

I hope you guys get it)

It's time for Grandpa's job :- Grandpa cuts Nero's soul perfectly in half with the help of Eri's soul to nullify/avoid further burning from "Moon light dagger"

In this way grandpa Merges both souls together and completes Nero's soul .

But due to this Eri original body is vapourized in air.

Ofcourse now both Eri and Nero share an one body of Nero.

Eri sees glimpses of darky, saying :- Thanks you, Eri chan. (She noticed he looks exactly like NERO).

IN this way Nero gains a new life.

(Whity is now relax)

Whity:- Finally we all are saved and sits on his throne.

(Suddenly thrones starting to shake)

Whity :- how is this possible?how did Nero's soul is unstable now ?.

(He sees the throne is expanding and Now the middle one is widened for two peoples)

Whity :- huh, you made me worried. Looks like our queen is gonna to sit here soon.

Well, not bad-not bad


Writer sama:-

So, how it's.

I hope you like this chapter, if not then you can do nothing to me 😜😜😜😜

Joking - joking

If there is any mistake in story then please let me know.

Don't take grammar little mistakes so seriously.

So well then see ya in incoming chapters