

Shall we begin, The destruction of mankind

jangthewriter38 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Back to home /Season 2 ends here /spoilers for what come Next

(First read few lines from last from the last chapter to understand this one or it's will be more better if you read it completely 😂😁)

[With that being said ...Everything turning back to normal...Even the flesh and bones of dead humans began to reattach…..bringing them back to life...Toki is seeing his sibling coming back to life….]

Toki by hugging them (his siblings) :- Thank god (crying), I really can't afford to lose you again….

Toki's Sister :- Big brother what happened , why are you crying? Is everything okay?

Everyone has similar expressions :- What happen, Last thing I remember is that a big beam from a monster hit me and I died….How am i alive….

Nero :- Are you happy now , sugeto/Toki/Myth and you kim? Just as i promise, I save you all and i fulfill it

Kim :- I know it's you in that Dungeon who saved my life….Thank you once again….Nero…..

Nero :- chill , It's nothing…..

Few Days passed.....Everyone recovered from battle injuries…

Seino :- So, Nero, do you wanna visit Cosmo paradise next, I also need some of your help?

Nero :- Well , for now I am out. I just wanna go home and eat Curd + chapati/Favorite food from my Mom's hand , that's all.

[ Remember Seino heard the conservation between Nero and Commander Tile, that's why now he knows about his home land]

Seino :- Relax , I am joking . There is still some time for that. but huh, make sure you help me when i call you….

Nero :- I promise…


Nero :- So, Look like it's time for me to go...

There is a happy moment between Nero and all his friends from this world….and after proper good bye …..Nero creates a portal and enter in it....


Here just as Nero exits the portal...he got attacked…... .Nero dodges ... .but there are a series of attacks from Keisuke and Yoshito ...

Nero ( smiling ) :- You two hasn't changed a bit…..

Yoshito :- ( smiling ) we just wanna check , if you become weak or not...

Nero :- Bring it on…..

After this everyone visits Nero's home…..

Nero's mom is running toward him…..after a while she hugs Nero...

Nero :- Oka-san, Watashi wa kodomo janai

 Mom , i am not a kid. 

Luna:- [ by grabbing ear] you better listen to me …I am your mom and you will be forever a kid to me…. Look, how thin you have become….. other thing later….First let's go for a meal…..


So , in this way everyone happily eats...…and during evening, Nero and Eri go for a walk…..

Nero :- So , did you contact your grandfather….

Eri :- Hmm, They are happy for us…..

Eri :- Really battles are too chaotic…. I wonder why peoples don't live happily…. In Toki's earth , the cause of everything were those Guilds….IF they never kill WIL then Gate Users never be able to take banefit of the situation ....

Nero (calmly ) Guess , that's the fate...

Nero :- Oh I also remember one thing…..that's what you and mom are talking about earlier , I mean you shut my ear for that…..

Eri face become red...

Eri remember Nero's mom telling her to give her their Grandchild as soon as possible….

Nero :- hey , you okay….You are hiding something….this is not fair…..I want to know…

This is just embarrassing moment for Eri to tell Nero about this , On hearing he also got similar expression...


SCENE Shifts...…..

Nero and Eri visits Castle...and meet Rei and many of his classmates....

Nero :- Now a days i hear Peoples saying that their new king is the best…..am i hearing wrong ( Joking manner)

Rei :- Nero , came buddy . have a seat….

Both talks for a while...

Rei :- Here , tea….

Meanwhile Nero is taking a sip…..he hear footsteps of someone running this way...Someone slam the door open...IT's Ayumi …..Breathing heavily….

Nero :- Ohhh, Ayumi san….ohisashi-buri dana [ long time no see]..... you look even beautiful than before…or my eyes are deceiving me

Eri pooks Nero's eyes…. Eri :- Don't you dare to flirt with someone else in my presense….

Nero :- Ahh my eyes….


funny scenes


Ayumi :- Nero , Suki desu [i love you ] . pls marry me…..

Nero :- what.....? Rei tell her something....that, that's not how things work…..

Rei :- well ,She is mature now. so , I Guess you can maintain two wives...

Ayumi :- Even brother agreed…..then ….Let's do this...what do you say Nero…..

Nero :- Ahhh…..oh….(smiling while thinking)

Eri :- I will cut your tongue Nero , if you dare to speak a word [XD]


Eri :- Nah,,,,, I am not agreed…..he is mine ….only mine…..

In the end scenes...Eri is running while holding the hands of Nero.....


So in this way.....Season 2 officially ends here... 


End credit scenes or spoiler for Season 3...….

A Gate User from FateBreaker :- Pls .....pls spare my life. I won't ever come here…..It's my mistake:- I think like cosmo paradise…. and other dimensions , we can roam freely….

Then a Dark figure appear with Red eyes...

Unknown voice :- Everyone is afraid of something....

With these word the Gate USer became completely silent...

Another unknown voice :- Damn, Big sis . You really got rough on this pebble.. hehe…or may I say he was already this weak ...…