

Shall we begin, The destruction of mankind

jangthewriter38 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Back to Academy.... Revenge plan begins

Keisuke:- (how hellishly, this guy gonna be strong?)

Verlord greets Nero and all are surprised to see this ….. in return Nero also greets Verlord..

Verlord:- Here is your Trust seal of Masked tribe along with Enrollment letter to Aryavarta Academy…

Nero :- (In respectful manner, ofcourse he is talking to Great Verlord)

(Arigato)Thank you , Great Lord.

(Verlord trys to Leave but nero stops and request for a eating dinner together)

It's dinner time….

(Miku is playing joyfully on Verlord Laps….. stretching Verlord eyes, ears and playing with face)

(It's hard for keisuke/Yoshito/Sayuri and others to get their food below the Neck)

Nero :- Guys here…. Take this soup 🍲 . Especially prepared by Eri for tonight.

Keisuke ask fearfully:- Doesn't he was the same Verlord , against which 4 Generals Complete strength is exaused during Tournament invasion…

Nero :- Yep, 1000% . He was the same.

(All are feared)

Nero :-

Relax guys, being a devil lord doesn't mean, He is a bad person.

He got his own reasons to invade.

Sayuri:- what do you mean?

Nero :- he have done the right thing that a father must do…

(Nero Explains, Verlord condition..)

Sayuri:- Those bas***d Aryavartian Nobles still have hunger to grow more powerful . By sacrificing innocents .

Nero :- Hmmm hmm, that's why he invades the Aryavarta

Now i need help of you guys.

Nero Explains his plan to Everyone:---invade Aryavarta and to demolish Fernando's Rule.

(The plan is secret and revealed in Future Chapters)

Sayuri:- It sounds good to me

And all agrees .

After this commotion overs ,,,,,,,,, It's Already Morning 🌅 .

Verlord take his leave ,,,, before going to Aryavarta....Nero :- Keisuke Take this...

Keisuke:- What is this ? Scroll?

Nero :- Nope, it contains

"Blind Eyes Infinite Sword technique"

This is the perfect thing,,,, you needed for your Skill perfection…

For An Senses User like you, ,,, it is the Golden opportunity..

I know you are type of person, Focuses on Techniques rather than Power…

If you master this , then may be you can take a General Head on…

Keisuke:-- It's so much. Where did you find this?

Nero :- Idiot Just eat fruits, don't Count Seeds.

Well then ba bye….(ofcourse i can't tell him Now…about soul Library…

Or listen….this scroll 📜 will dissolve/expired within 2 months….

Keisuke:-- how am I gonna learn…this fast..?

Nero :- don't worry theoretical part is less….the more is ….only your practice…. after reading this….

(I'm this way Nero and Eri Leaves)

Instantly Nero body transformed into Eri and Alchemical body is destroyed

Nero :; – oi , what are you doing? . My gorgeous body😫😫.

Eri :- Idiot, we are going inside the Aryavarta,,, peoples here Already know you as a Wanted Criminal...

So Just Stay Calm…😆😆.

(On the way to City....)

Eri :- Did you hear something?

(On the other side inside spiritual core , Nero along with Darky and Whity playing Cards and Laughing like idiots)🤣😂😂😂🤣

Eri :- These guys, Already starting to Enjoy.😤😤

(Eri hits hard all on their heads)

Eri :- please pay attention.

Nero :- oi , Eri . What is that for ? I am near to winning this Match.

Darky:- i win (hehe)

Eri :- Look , some peoples. They are in trouble.

Meanwhile Trio

Nero :- This time i will definitely gonna to win Darkyyy.🤣🤣😂😂

Once again both Nero and Darky got a good hit.😤😤

Whity:- Thank God, i am saved.

Nero /Darky:-- (obediently) we are wide awake.

Whity:- what is this?

Nero :- Just Few Monster. And Academia students.

(Remember these playing cards/drink are spiritual creation of Nero Spiritual core….)

Darky:- Dear, students just go to Hell😂😂🤣hahaa/while drinking spiritual Drinks..

(Darky got an amazing hit this time , from Eri)

Whity/Nero by looking at each other understand the Situation quickly:----

Ofcourse, we are going to help them.

Remember Eri is Wearing Beautiful clothes right Now, her monster presence is hidden .

Eri goes into battle and with her superior Magic, she eliminates many monsters in No time..

Students:- Who is she….she is pretty….. beautiful...strong...i can't believe she just killed a "A" Rank Monsters in one strike.

Suddenly Ayumi comes and with her improved skills she kills many monsters swiftly…

(After the monster issue)

Ayumi Approaches Eri and says ::- Thank you for your Help.

(Eri instantly understand who she is, but act calm)

Eri :- It's Nothing, it's my duty to help others.

Ayumi::- by the way , What is your name?

Eri :- My name is Eri . 4th year (Transfer) student from priest Academy.

Ayumi::- Then we are in the same year.

(In this way both chats Little and aparts)

Meanwhile inside ….. Whity and Nero is holding darky….Darky::--- I told you guys,,, Let's me give this bit*h A painful death…

Darky:- Nero , did you forget. What she done to us…..she is a traitor in the Name of Friendship….she has no right to live…

Nero :::- Idiot i know–i know… that's why we need to take Every step carefully…

Don't you notice we are being watched by Nobles of Aryavarta..

Darky::- Watched??

Whity::- 🐻‍❄️, didn't you notice, Monitery spells are casted Everywhere in this Area .

Also on every student..

(After this commotion Eri reaches Aryavarta entrance)

Soldiers:- wait,, please give us your identity.

Eri shows Trust seal and Migration/Enrollment letter .

Soldiers calls their higher ups:---.....

Higher up::- Oh, Masked tribe Trust seal..How did you get this.

May be you steal this.

There is no way ,Masked tribe give there recognition to some non-nobles.

Suddenly A member of Masked tribe approach and cornered the officers.

Member::- It's better if you watch your Mouth….

Mrs. Eri . You are Allowed to go in.

(in respectful manner)


Officer is shocked to see a Masked tribe Member in person….

(Eri along with Nero Enters the Aryavarta….)

Nero :::- Truly, this brings old memories back to me..

Eri :-- hmmm hmm , I can also feel this.

(In this way Nero and Eri reaches Priest Academy and starts to walk on pathway)

(Remember Eri and Nero both Knows each other Memories due to soul Fusion)

Eri :- did you live in that Quarter 2 years ago…

Nero :--Yep…Me and Mom.

(Eri gets her New Quarter in Girls Section of Academy)

Eri :- It's not bad .

Nero (from spiritual core)::- What do you mean by, No bad…..

It's Luxury…isn't it.

Eri ::- Not that Luxury….

Nero :::- Huhh, …. Truly Eri it's hard to understand your taste..😑😣😄

(After all this, it's Already night...Nero creates an Alchemical body and comes out ... .both eat Dinner together...)

(After this Both goes to sleep...Nero is sleeping on the side sofa …..Eri comes near to Nero …..

Eri ::--hey Nero , don't you going back to the spiritual core...

Nero ::- I want to sleep in the fresh air..

Eri :-- (blushes) Can I sleep near you ... .on ground…

Nero :- baka (idiot),,,, why do you want to sleep on the ground…. You can sleep in bed …. Look at that ... .it's so fluffy …..

Eri :-(blushing) ,,,, but I want to be with you…

Pleaseeee Sleeppp with meee.

Nero ::- oi idiot,, it's not a suitable thing for a girl to say(surprisingly)..

(Eri Make a baby face )

(After this, Nero Lifts Eri ….and put her on bed…..due to Fluffy bed…. Both gets in a position of few centimetres away from each other.....

Nero ::-- Erii..ii

Eri ::-- ah..mm.(blushing)..

(After few seconds….)

Eri ::-- Can I kiss you one more time,, please (calmly/Seductive voice)

Eri ::- You look more Attractive from this distance…

(Due to this kind of situation…..Nero kisses Eri First...and both goes more and more deeper in this….

Eri ::- Ne …..ree..ro….

Eri ::- Doesn't it's too Early..

Nero ::- It's all your fault… Don't blame me…

(In this way both remove their clothes and share a night together…by having some 😊 Fun.)

(It's Already morning…. )

A Female Waitress came into the room for service…..


Nero who is it..(in sleepy condition..)

She (Waiter) can't recognise Nero due to his mature appearance…

Waitress on Seeing Nero nak*d with Eri ,,, she tries to shout but suddenly whity comes and hits her with a magical spell / Erases her memory.... about what she sees Now…

Whity:-- Don't disturb,,, our Lord Happy moments…..

Meanwhile::- Nero is still in sleep….

Nero …:- Ohh , whity .. what's going on..?

Whity ::- It's nothing special,,,, My lord.. i am just preparing 🥞 breakfast….

Nero ::- ohh.. keep going

(And Nero sleeps again by Grabbing Eri from behind/back…..)

(After few time….. we see Eri in a rush…here and there….

Nero ::-- Hei.. what's going on??

Eri ::--- It's going to be Late?

Nero::-You have to wake up early…. You are getting lazy … day by day…

Eri ::- (by sharply looking at Nero )

Wake up early…..huh…

It's your fault…. You don't let me sleep even for a second during the whole night….

(After few seconds….)

But ...tt….

It was an amazing Experience...😁.

Nero ::- idiot, (by hitting on head)…. You are a girl,,, you don't have to say something like this….

Eri ::- idiot,,, i am not a perv**t,,

(By blushing)ofcourse you are a special person for me which i 💕💖 Love…

That's why it's fine…..

(In this way...

(Eri prepares herself and leaves...)

(Eri was happy for the First day at priest Academy…. Exactly like Nero )

Nero ::- Whity go with Eri …and protect her…

Whity::- But Eri-san(Our Queen) is already super stronger ...than me…

Nero ::- but you know… she can't demonstrate her strength in front of others….

Whity::- Got it ..

(Darky transforms into Cat and tries to go with whity..)

Nero grabs Darky ::- Where are you going Now..

Darky::- Meow…

Nero :-No Meow meow….. You are coming with Me….

Darky Try to excuse...but Nero says ::--. We are going to gather some information and as a reward of this…you can destroy spirit of

" Moon light dagger"...

(By listening this…..darky becomes super ready…)