
Brothers Invitation

Day 2

As he entered the room Xie Yun didn't forget to ask Ying to send the letter right away and that, he would be brewing some peach blossom tea now.

Little Ying simply smiled and said yes.

Now in his room alone, he let out a small sign the incense burning in the room made him sick the smell of medicine had always made him feel sick but what to do for he was born with this weak body even at the palace he was almost never allowed to go out a lot and would always be in his room it's not like he was so weak he couldn't walk it's just that his brother and father were so overprotective over him they wouldn't let him go out of their sight.

Xie Yun got up to open the windows so that the smell would lighten up a bit and he stood there for a while looking at the view

He'll never get tired of watching it.

Peach blossoms had always been special to him but they meant even more to him after that day when he met Yang ...they first met under the peach blossom trees. Just as Yun was going back down a memory lane there was a knock on the door

" Your highness, his majesty the emperor has sent a letter to his Highness"

Xie Yun let out a sigh yet again at how formal the little girl was despite Yang and him literally raising her as their own the stubborn girl still insists on being their maid.

He called her inside and Ying entered holding a golden letter with a smiling face drawn on it so much for being the mighty emperor.

Xie Yun opened the Letter and could only sigh yet again but this time of embarrassment if anyone saw the Letter, they'd think it was written by a child. Who would look at this and think this was written by the mighty Emperor who sits on the dragon throne?

He quickly finished reading the childish Letter it was nothing important just his brother crying saying how much he misses him and how he won't visit him much despite him visiting this brother of his not that long ago.

Xie Yun was the 8th prince which means he had 7 brothers before him ...he also had a sister but despite all that he had always been the closest to his first brother the Emperor that is because they share the same mother.

Almost all my other siblings are dead either they got exiled or killed in between the power struggle and Xie liying she was married to a western king and we rarely met after that and as for me I was never interested in the throne and even if I was Yang would be there for me not to mention my brother who constantly reminds me about how he would he give up everything for my safety.

Sometimes I worry for him but sister-in-law knows how to keep him in the line so that's one less thing for me to get worried about.

After he was out of his thoughts, he quickly announced to ying that they would be going out and ying was excited that his Highness is finally traveling and finally somewhere other than the palace that's right they were not going to meet up in the palace the Emperor will be sneaking out to meet his brother and have fun with him.

As weird and silly as it sounds that's what they were going to do ...it takes about 2 days for Xie Yun and ying to reach the capital and so Yun quickly wrote a letter for his brother and asked ying to send it quickly which she did.

Just as she exited the room Xie Yun quickly laid down as he was sweating too much to the point, he was almost dizzy he had been trying to hide it from little ying for he didn't want her to be worried about him even more than she is already

He decided that a cold bath would be enough and after the bath, he decided to rest for a while.

To his surprise when he woke up ying was asleep on the floor near him certainly passed out crying he could tell just by looking at her face.

He quickly got up and carried the tiny girl and laid her on his bed and got out only to see all the servants crying happily at how he finally woke up and it turns out he had slept almost all day and it is the next day Yun almost got another headache thinking about how him trying not to worry them resulted in them worrying so much more.

Even so, He smiled at them and told them that he's alright just a bit tired and asked them to prepare his bath, and instructed them not to wake little ying.

And after a while, he decided that he will start to write his Letter to his husband now

And so, he sat near the pond and began to write to him about all that happened today

Dear Yang,

I don't have much to tell you today but I still wanted to write to you nevertheless

My childish brother has asked for me to meet him yet again. he's older than all of us and he always acts like a child ... remember when he almost fought you over me? Haha.

I will be visiting him in the capital soon I'm planning on leaving today and you know me

Carriage rides tire me out since it's so boring to travel alone especially without you.

Anyways enough about me how is it like in the military camp? I heard this year's winter was harsher than usual please have you been taking care of yourself?

You don't write to me as you used to now but that's okay if you are fine.

Take care my dear I will get ready to go out now ... I'll write to you on my way.

He put down his signature and rolled the letter and tied it close with a red string and gave it to the maid instructing her to hand it over to ying once she wakes up.

And soon she woke up and ying decided that she will not bother his Highness and decided to pack up for the trip and Xie Yun appreciated it since he didn't really know what to tell her yet and he was certain she knew as the physician had visited countless times yesterday.

Just then little ying came over to let him know that the carriage was ready to leave he gently smiled at her ...her eyes teared up and she for the first time in so long hugged him and through her chocked tears she said

"let me know if there's anything ever wrong, please your highness I promised I would take care of you "

And his heart broke at how the child cried and he had no other way other than to promise the child and he quickly changed his expression and told her that he would buy her all the Tanghulu there is in the world once we reach the capital. The poor ying could only smile and nod at his poor efforts to cheer her up.

And they decided to set out on their 2-day journey all the way to the capital