
Chapter 1

Imagine being born as a princess, but not knowing that you are one. Well in my case, I was born one, but didn't know till I was seventeen years old, when both my parents, who are happily married as prince and princess, finally told me. Was there some reason why they were hiding the secret of me being a princess from me for so many years. Well not knowing and later on your parents telling you, can be a little freaky. Anyway, I'm Scarlett, who was recently freaked out by their parents big secret that was being held in for seventeen years.

In the Kingdom of Secaressy, was a family, that was secretly royal, but lived in the village as villagers. The Fluke family wanted to be average. They felt as if they were royal, no one would be equal to them. Which is not fair into the minds of the small and forgotten. But Mr. and Mrs. Fluke had a baby daughter named Scarlett, a beautiful blonde baby girl, with blue eyes. But seventeen years later, came right around the corner, and she grew up, she was a beautiful young lady now, realising that she had a whole world to look up to.

Scarlett's seventeenth birthday, was told that she was a princess. If course in shock, feeling as if she was shocked by an electrical wire, feeling a sudden pulse of feeling unsteady.

"Scarlett Honey, I'm sorry we had to tell you so late, but you wouldn't have understand when you were younger." said Mrs. Fluke, trying to reassure her daughter. "You don't have to be a princess, but we just wanted to let you know that you are royal."

"Its okay mother, its just taking me sometime to process this." replied Scarlett, breathing in a bit heavy. " I want to a be a princess, I have always wanted to be one. They are so poise, delicate, and sweet. And guys always love princesses, am I right. That's how Barbie and Ken met."

"Well, this is no Barbie magical fairytale, this is reality, real!" Said Mr. Fluke, her loving trusting father.

"I know father, but i also have a question?"

"Do tell."

"If your royal, and so am I, then who is ruling the Kingdom?" Scarlett questioned.

"Your great, great grandmother, who is sick at the moment. She is dying, and there is only one person who can take her place on the throne, which is not your mother or I, but you. We resigned, you didn't. We are giving you a chance."

"So, your giving me a chance to make my first and only decision I have ever made, to decide if I want to become a princess, then become queen and take over the throne as the rightful ruler of Secaressy!"

"Yes, we are giving you the chance, so what do you say?"

"Umm... I guess. I have always wanted to be queen."