
7 Days In Pantora

WARNING!!!: MATURE CONTENTS READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Selena always had this one dream that haunted her every night. In this dream, she was been chased after by her mystic prince. But one day, she woke up to the harsh reality, that her mystic prince no longer lives in her dream; he was indeed real. But it seems reality had too many surprises for her, because she ended up being abducted by this mystic prince and was given 7 days to fall for him in a mysterious city. * Who is this mystic prince?? * Would she fall for him in 7 days?? *Find out yourself.

Jess_e1414 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


I got off the bed and did my morning rituals cheerfully unlike usual, today has proven to be a promising day and remembering that today was my first day at my 'permanent job' added to my joy, I even made special efforts to dress my best.

I had no mirror, but I knew I was good to go, sometimes I make use of my landlady's glass window to consider my appearance.

As I got out of my room I bumped into my landlady, 'oh no! someone is about to ruin my day!' "Selena! so it turned out you could step it down on your shrieking thing for one night afterall!" she said with so much sarcasm. "Good morning to you too Mrs Wilson!" I greeted with an overly sugary smile" "good morning, if you knock it off entirely then we wouldn't have any problems" she said.

I smiled at her as I made to leave, but she stopped me, 'what now?!' I frained in my head, but my facial expression was still as it was. "Don't forget my money, very important, you only have till Friday to pay up" she reminded.

"I haven't forgotten ma, I will pay before the deadline, have a nice day, Mrs Wilson!" I bid her good bye and left for work. I left in high spirits, today was going to be a day to be remembered, and my confidence was at it's highest voltage.

I whistled as I walked down the street, greeting and exchanging pleasantries with people as I flashed them my million dollar smile.

"Someone seems excited this morning!" that was Mr Joe the shoe cobbler, "you can say that again! good morning Mr Joe!" "good morning Sel! off to work?" "yes" I replied.

"I can tell!" he said, "uhm... Mr Joe?" "yes??" "I've got a pair of shoe to mend, I will bring it to your workshop this evening, but the thing is... I don't have money on me yet, but..."

"Nonsense! Sel, you know you don't have to pay me, I won't even accept any payment from you if you offered" "oh! you're too kind Mr Joe! thanks a bunch! Alright, I'll go ahead now or I will be late, see you in the evening!" "see ya!"

I needed to cross over to the next street before I could board a taxi, after I had crossed over, I stood there for about 3 minutes waiting for a taxi, but none came, the ones I saw weren't going my way.

Okay, this was supposed to be a great day for me, why this now?? I decided that I won't just stand there and wait for something that might never come.

I began to walk down the road, hoping to get a taxi before I get to the second junction.

But I had barely gone past the first junction, when a black car pulled over on me and a man dressed in a tush black suit stepped out of it.

"Good morning ma'am, may I have a word with you?" he asked politely, "s..sure, how may I help you??" I asked looking at him with curiosity, what could a man like this, possibly want from a girl like me?? sure it can't be for directions, I might be timid and unenlightened but hello? I've heard of GPS before, so that was out of it.

"In the car ma'am" he said gesturing to the car.

Now this is beginning to creep me out, why in the world would he want to have a conversation with me in the car, did he seriously expect me to fall for it?? I mean, he could say whatever that he wants to say to me here, right??

And speaking of here, it seems so deserted than usual, not even a soul has passed in the last 2 minutes, just then, my instincts yelled 'run!' and I did.

Fright lent me wings and I flew.

I ran, oh I ran, I didn't exactly know why I was running, but all I knew was that I had to run.

I looked back, but to my altmost dismay, the car was after me, I hadn't even gone far when the car double-crossed me, and out came the man again and...


Soon I began to slowly open my eyes, my eyes fluttered as they tried to adjust to the... wait! I.. I can't see! I can't see anything! What had happened to me earlier?? what has happened to my eyes now?? why can't I see anything?? and where the hell am I??

Too many questions began to race through my mind and then it finally occurred to me to do one sensible thing; shout.

"Heelllpppp! Somebody help me! Anyone there?? Help!" I screamed on top of my voice, but what I got in return, was the echos of my voice. I tried moving, but I couldn't, my hands were chained backwards to a pole or something of that sort. I couldn't move my legs either, they were chained together.

Then it dawned on me, I have been kidnapped! No! no!

I began to shake violently, I was terrified, I tried breaking loose from my bounds but, I couldn't, infact, I could barely move any part of my body.

I started yelling again, this time no words came out, it was just... sounds, loud sounds, loud cries, but nobody came through, I continued like this for minutes until I got tired, then I began to quieten down, until I went completely silent.

My mind was restless and it was racing too, but my body was as still as water, I was beyond tired.

What did my abductors want?? a ransom?? ah! they've got the wrong person! because, there was no way they could milk out even a cent out of me, l was as dry as a bone. But what if they abducted me for some other reason?? like organ harvesting?? just the thought of that sent chills down my spine.

"Dear holy mother! please! I can't die like this! please do something! save me! pleassseee! save me! save me! sa..." I whispered till I unexpectedly fell asleep. It was funny to think that I could even manage to sleep in a situation like this, but what can I do? My body was driving me.

Not only did I fall asleep, I drifted off to dreamland too, I heard voices, not only voices, footsteps too, but they seemed to be far away because I could barely hear the faint sound of it.

Soon, the footsteps grew louder and then I realized, this wasn't a dream! someone was actually coming towards me.

And then I thought, maybe someone finally heard me and was coming to my aid, so I thought of screaming, you know, for help, but I quickly decided against it, what if it wasn't a saviour?? What if it was my abductors??

Fear began to eat deep into my body, even though I couldn't move, I could feel my body vibrating, oh! how I wish I could see!

The footsteps grew louder and louder, closer and closer, until it suddenly halted.

I couldn't hear them again, but then, I could feel a presence in front of me, there was surely a second party in the room.

"Why is she here??!" A rapsy voice asked, "what a dumb question that is! of course you know why we brought her here!" another male voice said, there were two people in the room, I noted mentally.

"That's not what I'm asking dumbass! She's not supposed to be here!" Suddenly, there was a flash of light on my face and my eyes fought to adjust to the brightness. I wasn't blind afterall! I was being kept in the dark, where there was no trace of light, but it felt like I had gone blind.

"You even chained her up?? What the hell is wrong with you??! You're lucky the boss didn't arrive with us, you would have been singing hallelujah in hell! Untie her immediately!"

"Don't yell at me! I know very well what I should do!" the second man retorted, "yeah right!" said the first man.

From the look of things, the first man seems to be... well, softer, maybe if I plead with him he would let me go.

"Please sir, let me go! please.... I.. my family will be worried about me, I really need to leave this place, please help me, let me go, please!" I begged and begged, but they both just stared at me blankly like they couldn't understand what I was saying.

By the way, what was that lie about family earlier?? Who was I trying to fool? I must say, it had been heavy for me to say that word; family, I don't think I've ever used that word before.

"Sir, please! I'm sure you do have a family...a daughter..." "enough! you will have to shut up right now, you're lucky we're not going to kill you, just..." "oh thank you sir! thank you! ca..can I go now??" I asked fidgetingly.

"Hey! hurry up with that!" he yelled to the man untying me, totally ignoring me, then I knew I had to shut it.

Then his phone buzzed and he picked up, "hello Tyson... what?!" he immediately hung up and turned fiercely to the other man who was still untying me.

"Hurry up! the boss is here!!!"