
7 Days In Pantora

WARNING!!!: MATURE CONTENTS READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Selena always had this one dream that haunted her every night. In this dream, she was been chased after by her mystic prince. But one day, she woke up to the harsh reality, that her mystic prince no longer lives in her dream; he was indeed real. But it seems reality had too many surprises for her, because she ended up being abducted by this mystic prince and was given 7 days to fall for him in a mysterious city. * Who is this mystic prince?? * Would she fall for him in 7 days?? *Find out yourself.

Jess_e1414 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


Last night's bathing rituals repeated this morning and I must say that I had a good night sleep and I'm certainly gonna have an amazing day after this one.

I noticed them put extra care and efforts in dressing me up, they even put some makeup on my face and guys! I have never worn makeup in my life.

By the time they were done with the makeup, I couldn't recognize myself.

"Uhmm, what's the occasion??" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity anymore. "Oh that, you're gonna be having breakfast with the boss this morning, so we have to make you look as beautiful as possible, not that you're not beautiful already, but just a little touch here and there to make you popping" Maureen said.

So I'm gonna be meeting with him again today, I was glad and nervous at the same time, glad because I have another opportunity to get the answers I need, nervous because... well, it's him; him my mystic prince.

"Done!" Athena announced excitedly.

"You like??" she asked, "like?? I love it!" I said as I admired the new me in the mirror, I love the way they styled my hair into perfect wavy curls and then they put some eyeliners around my eyes, highlighting my hazel eyes.

"I'm glad you love it" she said.

It was time to get dressed, so they stripped me of the bathroom and then helped me wear the dress they got me; a red dress.

Maureen was doing the zippers while Athena helped with my hair so it doesn't get stuck in the zippers. "Ok, turn around" Maureen said and I did, now I was facing the mirror again, what is this??

I stared at the dress in the mirror like there was something off about it; and there was.

The dress did little or nothing at covering my boobs, they were on display, the length wasn't a problem, I'm used to wearing short dresses, I even had issues with the nuns back at the orphanage because my dress and skirts were usually too short, but I never show off my breasts, not even the tiniest of cleavage.

"Is something wrong ma'am??" Maureen asked, I bet Athena wanted to ask the same question too.

"You don't see what's wrong?? My breasts are on display! I can't wear this, get me another dress" I said.

"Oh I'm sorry you don't like the dress, is..." "I'm not saying I dislike the dress, it's just, I can't bare my breasts like that for everyone to see."

"Ma'am don't look at it like that, you're not wearing this dress for everyone, you're wearing it for the boss; your man" "sorry? what did you say?? my man??" I laughed bitterly at her statement.

"You this your boss is my man?? You think...oh! I get it, I get it, I see where this whole ma'am thing is coming from, you think I'm your boss's mistress..." "No! We would never condescend so low to think that you're a cheap mistress, no way!"

"Then what were you implying when you said 'your man'??" I asked.

"Well, it isn't hidden that you're our boss's fiancee, so..." "Fiancee??! What the heck is going on?? Where are all these tittle-tattle and hearsays coming from?? I am nobody's fiancee, okay?! I am just a simple orphan girl who was kidnapped on her way to work yesterday and then kept behind these walls against her wish!

I am being kept here as a hostage, but of course no one will believe or even listen to me, you all prefer to make baseless assumptions! I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, I keep repeating myself over and over, yet no one is listening to me.

I was out of breath by the time I was done, they just stood there and gawked at me with mixed expressions on their faces. Humph! They still don't believe me, do they?? Well, I'm done explaining my self, they can go ahead and believe what they want, I will seek help else were.

"Let me have a change" I said, requesting for another dress, but they didn't move, instead they started pleading, "please ma'am, you will have to manage it, there's actually nothing we can do about that, the boss had chosen this one himself and he gave strict instructions that you wear it only" Athena explained.

"What now?? I'm supposed to wear a dress I'm not comfortable in?? Well what do I expect, that's common with hostage, they always have to be forced to do their master's bidding.

"we are really so sorry, we would have done something to make sure you get what you want but, but it's the boss's command and we can't go against it." There they go again.

"It's not your fault, I can see that. So, what are we waiting for?? let's get this over and with" I said with a straight face and they knew better than to try to pacify me.

If I'm going to meet him this morning, then I need to do that as soon as possible, I need to get to get things straight and get me home!

"I think you're good to go" Maureen said and Athena nodded in agreement, "then let's go" I said and they began to lead me to the door, we soon got out of the room and I met same guards from last night still at my door, I wondered if they got some sleep at all, but I quickly waved it off, this wasn't the time.

We walked pass them as I ignored their chorus greetings of 'good morning ma'am'.

I was expecting us to walk down the stairs but instead we went up, wait, isn't the dinning room downstairs?? I was a little puzzled by then I decided not to ask any questions, I didn't want to give off the impression that I was desperate.

Soon we came to the topest floor of the mansion and it had a mini hallway with rooms on both sides, just how many rooms are in this house??

We finally stopped in front of one of the rooms and Athena knocked on the door, as soon as a response came from inside they both turned to me.

"We will leave you now ma'am, have a splendid breakfast and good luck" they gave a little bow and left me.

I felt my confidence diminishing and I was in dire need of something to hold on to, I finally turned down the door lever and opened it, I had already spent some seconds trying to compose myself, so I finally got in.

Here was a mini version of the dinning room I had seen yesterday, only that this looked more private, but what was the need for a second dinning room??

There was breakfast served on the table and then my eyes traveled round the room and landed on a figure standing with his back to me and his face to the window, he had two hands in his pockets, I knew he was aware of my presence but I didn't know what to do to get his attention.

Oh! greet Selena!

"Good morning..." I trailed off because I wasn't sure what I should call him. Then finally he turned to face me and that moment, our eyes met and locked.