

They don't know about the sufferings.

That my parents didn't want anything to do with me

It keeps getting turned onto me..

"I didn't tell you guys, cause I didn't want you to worry, but I guess I ruined it..." A low sigh came from the young one, while TaeTae came up in front of him, being cute. "Sorry Tae, the cuteness isn't working today.."

Sliding off of the grandpa turtles lap, Soo slowly slipped past the others, but Jimin seemed to notice. He followed the youngest, who was heading to his alone space -the practice room- to walk around it, collecting his thoughts. He paced around the room, -hit the wall with his fist- and yelled a bunch of swear words, that you never knew a 19 year old could say.

"You dumbass!" He yelled to himself as he paced around the room, taking quick steps, before he stopped in the middle of the room, and crouched in the middle of the room, before he ran his hands through his dark red hair. "You made yourself like this, with the depression, and your parents not wanting anything to do with you, now having fans hating you as well. Just maybe you should start going solo, so this wouldn't happen." He was talking harshly to himself, and was serious about him going solo.

As soon as he got up, the door came open with a very concerned and angry Jimin. "Why? Why are you saying these things about you? They are not true. I need you to stay with us, we all care about you." Jimin had his hands on the shorter male shoulders. "Look hyung... I really want to stay, but with me trying to put on a happy face, when on the inside I'm hurting... I just don't know how to manage.."

His voice was now on the point of cracking, while tears were slowly falling. " You can manage just fine, just push everything aside. I will make sure that you're okay with the others help." Jimin ruffled Soo's hair before helping him back to the dorm.

The door opened, there stood inside the door was a very confused BTS. Jimin brushed it off, before leading a shooken Soo to the couch. He sat on the couch first, before laying Soo's head on his lap, the other members rushing in trampling each other to get on the couch.

"What happened?!" Tae was yelling at this point, before he got wacked on the back of head by RM. "Don't ask sudden questions, Jimin will tell us, since he's the one that went after Soo" Tae shrunk back into his side of the couch. "After I went after Soo, I could hear the wall being hit on, and I went to go in, but Soo was yelling at himself to be better, and he blamed himself for it, also was serious about going solo, but I told him that we would be there for him, which he calmed down, then came back here and got rest."

He played with the youngest hair, a small smile appearing on his face. "The thing I don't understand is how he looks so peaceful here, but on the inside he's actually dying. Wish he would of told us sooner..." Jungkook was concerned for the youngest hoping he would want to talk them about it...