
7 1/2 Worlds

I’m new to this so please go easy on me. I’m trying to make a interesting story so the beginning may be a bit slow. This will be a story about trust, sadness, helpless, revenge and of course leveling up! Also World ending. So stay tuned. When I think of a better synopsis I’ll post it. Till then. Tell me what you think.

Kira_Gait · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Before the fall: part 2

20 minutes past in a blink of an eye, 10 minutes left till everyone in the workplace leaves. Contrary to Kira's thoughts. Not everyone started packing up, and In a building like his workplace you could very much so see everyone if you stood up from your desk. Out of the 24 or so people all but 5 stood up to clock out.

Kira himself, Jake, Julie, Paul, and Rebecca. None of which Kira knew on a personal level, but he did know them. And they knew him. "Well at least I'm not the only one staying behind " he thought. His respect for those four slightly went up.

Taking out his phone Kira texted his fiancé ~ sorry sweet pea I'm staying overtime. Be home soon, love you~ ending it with a cute red heart. With that settled he continued his work.

Getting lost in his work was one of Kira's strong suits. If left alone he would completely focus on his work and his work alone shutting out the world and even his own thoughts. Working was like meditation to him, letting him lose himself and not having to worry about all his problems.

Two knocks on his desk woke him from his work related trance. Looking up he saw that is was Rebecca.

"Hey, thanks for staying overtime with us. Julie and Paul have been crunching numbers like crazy these past couple days. So we really appreciate it. "

Having said this she placed a cup of coffee on Kira's desk. Smelled sweet, like honey. Smiling back at her, Kira paused and looked around.

"O thank you. You didn't have to though, I'm just glad to help out. Why are you still Rebecca? I get the others but aren't you in the IT department?"

Wiping the sweat off his brow. And nervously laughing in his mind, at least she doesn't know I stayed behind to make up time.

"Just updating some of the computers they've been acting kinda funny recently."

Stretching out her lower back she continued.

"Just hate that I have to crawl under each desk to reach the tower. Well back to it, enjoy the coffee. "

As she walked off, dumb thoughts started to fill Kira's head and thought if he didn't have his fiancé she would probably be the girl he would ask out upon sight. Rebecca was cute, but not the " owa owa " type of cute. But the Cute tech girl with glasses cute. She was about 5,6 curly short red hair, and the glasses to match and very much on the slim side. And her personality completely complemented everything about her.

Slapping himself on the cheek he knocked those dumbs thoughts out of him. "Come on man, stop thinking like a dog. I have love my baby, I love my baby. " having a small conversation with himself he recited this mantra in his mind.

"Bzzzt! Bzzt!" The lights flickered.

"Huh" Kira glanced up at the lights.

"Bzzt!.......bzzzt" the lights flickered again this time lasting longer.

"What the?.... hey Julie? you guys payed the electric bill this month right?"

Jake stood and looked over at his boss Julie. He probably asked because of all the rumors going around about the investors pulling out. Most likely making a joke out of it.

"Don't be stupid Jake of course we did, probably just all the construction down the street. Dammit."

Looking down she saw her computer rebooting. She felt like crying on the spot.

"I didn't save my work."

Paul not to far away spoke for the time the whole afternoon while fixing his glasses in a very anime style way.

" Julie.... I'm not redoing all this work today. I say we go home."

Not waiting for Julie to respond Jake spoke first.

"Yup ima take L, let's call it."

Kira was pretty sure every one in the room was feeling the same way. Even he wanted to go after that. The only one probably not upset about the lost data was Rebecca, she wasn't that far away from the others. She was sitting at a random desk listening to the conversation.

"Ughhh" Julie facepalming herself complied

"Yeah, we can finish this tomorrow, let's call it a night, thank you guys for staying though and helping me out. I really do appreciate it."

" don't worry about. If I'm late again I can stay tomorrow as well, hahaha" Kira said laughing half heartedly. Knowing full well if he wasn't late he wasn't going to stay. Don't misunderstand he loved working, but he would rather be at home with his fiancé. As they all chuckled as they started packing up. In that moment, all five of there phones started to buzz.

Taking out their phones a large message appeared on the Lock Screen.


"What the fuck?" Someone whispered.