
6AM my dearly beloved

Dance partners from the starry skies of shimmering dandelion fields.

CHILLs_Studio33015 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

The starry sky was beautiful.


She smiled when she heard her voice to sit up from lying on the ground.

Bits of dandelions flew up to the sky when she moved, "Hey, Celene."

Celene sat down beside her, dandelions flew off from each move she made and joked, "Did you get my butterfly?"

Helen laughed as she nodded.

"Yeah, I saw it." She said, "It landed on my face when I was napping in the afternoon."

"Looks like God heard my prayers and sent you one!" Celene gasped in awe.

Helen chuckled, that's cute. Her prayers were answered so she was indeed visited by a pretty butterfly while she was busy with her small field. Then again, maybe it's because she hoped for it that she's glad a butterfly did visit her.

"Was the butterfly pretty when it came?" Celene asked.

"Yeah, it was pretty." Helen nodded.

Celene hummed, face full of smiles as she tilted her head in wonder looking up at Helen.

"Say, have you ever danced before?" She asked.

"Hm? Danced?" Helen blinked, wondering, "I have, what for? I learned the woman's part for a lot of parties and my birthdays, but I also did learn the man's part to dance together with my friends."

She smiled reminiscing of those many times she danced with her friends in secret in the balcony. It was joyous and their little secret to laugh about and remember. If possible, it'd probably be a scandal for the society to think of it like that but then again, it's Helen they'd be talking about so if it does happen, it's that big of a deal to argue about. They wouldn't want to get the duke or duchess angry at them if such a thing were to be spread as a malicious rumor.

"Do you?" Celene said.

Helen nodded, "How about you? Have you ever danced before then?"

She was curious as to why Celene suddenly asked her such a question, all the nobles always get their first dances with either their fiancé or their father on their birthdays so there was no way you'd be able to escape from dancing unless you say you're sick and can't attend to it.

"I've danced alone quite a lot to learn all the parts, so I've never actually danced with somebody before." Celene shrugged, looking up at the stars, she brushed her hands to the side, making dandelions float up glowing into the sky.

The stars are so slow when they move.

"Oh, how about you dance with me?" She perked up when she thought of a random idea.

"Eh?" Helen's eyes widened, that would be a good idea, but wouldn't she be tired in the morning if she does it?

"Hm, I'm not sure." She meekly smiled, "Aren't they usually accompanied by a man instead? It's always been like that as my mother always told me."

Celene laughed, leaning towards her with a smile, "Oh, come now, nobody will know we danced."

Helen saw those violet eyes glisten like irreplaceable jewels in front of her under the starry skies, it caused her heart to skip a beat suddenly.


Helen took her hand and got up in front of her, the grass was soft under their feet, they were only wearing nightgowns, but it was almost like they were wearing the grandest of dresses in the most luxurious parties to ever be held as she laughed seeing that Celene wanted her to take the lead.

"I haven't mastered the men's part completely until now." Celene laughed as she was made to follow along Helen's steps.

It was a beautiful scenery in their perspectives as each step they took caused dandelions to glow around them as it floated up above and away.

"You're quite the dancer, Celene." Helen pretended to be a gentleman and played along as she spun her around, careful as to not trip her over as she found herself pulling her forward with her back against her.

Celene placed a hand on Helen's that held her by the waist and held the other that kept her from falling behind each step.

"I think these are steps a Duke's son would make?" She joked.

Helen laughed, as if she was the duke's son, let alone heir, in fact she was just his beloved daughter.

"I learned a thing or two from my brother whenever I'd watch him dance with the other ladies and my friends." She took a step back and to her left before she spun her around yet again and made her face her back.

"If possible," Celene was having so much fun, she was already getting a little tired from their sudden dance alone as she put her hands on Helen shoulders, "I'd like to dance with you a lot like this, you're certainly the best dance partner I've ever had since those many parties I've rarely gone to."

Almost tripping forward if it weren't for Helen holding her up by her upper waist with both hands.

"Careful..!" Helen panicked for a second as she looked down and met such soft violet eyes.

Celene chuckled, she was glad to have met somebody as fun as her, "Sorry about that, Helen, but would it be alright to request for another dance?"

"Eh?" Helen snapped out of her daze from staring too much.

"Ah, well, if you're not tired. You seem tired already." She spoke.

"Was that mockery I heard?" Celene chuckled.

Helen gasped, "Oh, no! Of course not! I'm just worried you might, I don't know--wake up tired?"

"Well, no matter how tired I get in this dream, it doesn't really affect how much rest my body gets once I wake up." Celene shrugged.

Helen paused. Huh, so it's only her then? She always gets so tired if she tries to do a lot of things in her dream.

"So can I ask you for another dance if it's not a bother?" Celene asked.

Helen hummed, it was nice dancing with her, it felt fuzzy in her heart when she did, and so, she smiled and nodded.

"I don't see why not. Let's dance a bit more then?" She chuckled as Anne began to wake her up for the day.