

Lith_7997 · Others
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The Steward Demonic Emperor – Chapter 1016, The Fight for Strongest Disciple


A sudden figure landed next to Yan Mo, who looked at Ouyang Changqing with a smile, "Brother Ouyang, is it? I've heard of your matter from brother Yan Mo, and while he thirsts for battle, his conceit is his fault, but brother Ouyang taunted him to fight, and after you won you proclaimed yourself to have beaten western lands' disciple, leaving us with no self-respect. That's not very gentleman-like. We've been invited to northern lands and to lend a hand as well, but to use us to make a name for yourself isn't right."

"How so? I at least am not like you, prancing around falsehoods, calling yourself the best in western lands when you have nothing to show for it. You got me excited about beating you for nothing. Besides, I am the best disciple in the northern lands and don't need you to be well known, humph, ridiculous!"

Ouyang Changqing mocked, "And who are you anyway?"

The newcomer cupped his hands, "I am Wu Qingqiu from Ultimate Clarity Sect of western lands. I have learned with brother Yan Mo in the Double Dragon Manor, becoming fellow disciples."

Zhuo Fan's heart jumped, while his face looked frozen.

[Even Wu Qingqiu is here. Western lands really plan on helping northern lands, or is it to let these kids gain experience?]

[Won't that mean she is also…]

Zhuo Fan's heart seized, alarmed.

"Wu Qingqiu, a disciple from Double Dragon Manor as well?"

Not even seeing Zhuo Fan's wince, Ouyang Changqing sized Wu Qingqiu up and asked, "I know the status of Double Dragon Manor in western lands and any that enter are talented people. I can't help but wonder how you fare compared to Yan Mo here?"

Wu Qingqiu smiled, "There's not much difference between us, we're sparring partners."

"He's a third stronger than me and I have yet to beat him once!" Yan Mo sighed and pointed at Wu Qingqiu, not ashamed to reveal his losses.

Ouyang Changqing nodded, "I see, so you're the true best disciple in western lands. I understand now why you came so late to northern lands, to save the best for last."

"Oh, no no no, young master Ouyang, you got it all wrong…"

"No, I don't. Yan Mo came ten days ago but I understand his character, arrogant and overbearing. Even when I defeated him yesterday, he still wouldn't surrender, a real man."

Giving a thumb's up of praise to Yan Mo's perseverance, Ouyang Changqing turned to Wu Qingqiu, "But now that he says so much about you, I come to realize that he truly accepts you as stronger. For someone like him to do that, then it can only mean that you have to be the best disciple in western lands."

Wu Qingqiu shook his head, "Young master Ouyang, you're still missing the point…"

"There's no need for explanations. Didn't you come today to get your brother's confidence back?"

Ouyang Changqing cut him off, puffing his chest and declaring, "Fine, this afternoon, I'll meet you on stage! The first disciple in western lands versus the first disciple in northern lands will fight to see who is the strongest disciple in the lands, and the future best in the lands. If I lose, I will take my words from yesterday's fight back in front of everyone. But if you lose, then you'll have to admit that the western lands' juniors have fallen at my feet. But this time, you're not going to say you were also putting up a tough front and aren't the best in western lands either, right?"

Wu Qingqiu gave him a long look then showed a cold smile, "Fine, since young master said so much, backing down now will make me look afraid. Then this afternoon, we will fight in the arena on the Mid Heaven Island!"

"Not Mid Heaven Island, but Beneath Heaven Island's stage!"

Ouyang Changqing raised his head high, "That is where everyone in the sect can come witness our fight. Or you don't want people to see the battle of the strongest? With all those sharp eyes on us, no one can play dumb on the outcome!"

Wu Qingqiu's face twitched and nodded, "Fine, since brother Ouyang has a penchant for fame, we will oblige. Though, young master, the higher you aim, the harder the fall from grace, especially from such a big stage."

"I have always been triumphant in all my pursuits, showered in applause and the crowd's reverence. I don't know the meaning of falling!"

Flicking his silky hair away, Ouyang Changqing mocked, "Brother Wu, you're best worried about yourself, lest you fail miserably."

Wu Qingqiu squinted and cupped his hand as he shouted, "Goodbye!"

He took Yan Mo away with heavy steps. Watching them go, Ouyang Changqing turned back and came inside Zhuo Fan's home, "Hear that? I just received a challenge to fight with the western lands for the best in the world. I don't have time to waste on you and need to tell all my fellow disciples to come see me fight."

"Oh, of course, talented young master Ouyang is bound to be victorious, ha-ha-ha…" Zhuo Fan beamed, easing his tense nerves.

[Great, now this fool is finally leaving. That should at least give me peace and quiet for today.]

Since Ling Yuntian had sent this kid to look into them and had yet to show results, he couldn't attack them just yet. And since the plan was to move tonight, their odds were looking good.

A true central area spy wouldn't have acted so soon, but Zhuo Fan's team was doing it to turn things around and catch them off guard.

Zhuo Fan gave the others a look, who smiled and nodded in return.

His joy was short lived as Ouyang Changqing paused, "Also, Steward Qian, bring your group over this afternoon to watch me crush western lands. You can't miss it!"


Zhuo Fan looked conflicted, "Young master Ouyang, we've come a long way and aren't even part of the sect. It's best that we don't interfere in the sect and western lands' disciples' conflict."

"You're too polite. With your group traveling so much, it's rare for you to come to our sect. It's my duty to entertain you guys!"

"We could never impose on the young master's grand hospitality. And we also like peace and quiet, not a fan of bloody fights. Those brutal competitions are…"

"They say merchants know how to read people, so why don't you get it yet?"

Ouyang Changqing stomped and snapped at them, "You're a merchant traveling the lands, gathering information, or better yet, bearing information. I want you to witness the fight so you can spread my heroism to others. So that everyone would know of my feats, of defeating the best disciple in western lands and soon to become the best disciple in all the lands. If only our disciples know this and spread it around, they'll say we're insidious and conceited. What would be the point of today's win then?"

Zhuo Fan jerked, giving him a long look and a nod, "Oh, right, young master has such foresight, thinking of the people and their opinions. You're a true man of valor, the greatest in northern lands. Just the best!"

"Totally, but this isn't bragging, just the facts. Greatness can never be hidden no matter how modest you are. Like myself, a genius of unparalleled talent, it would be a huge loss for humanity not to let everyone know of my true value."

Flicking his silky hair once more, Ouyang Changqing had a look of utter pride plastered on his face, then patted Zhuo Fan's shoulder, "Come early this afternoon, or I'll send someone for you instead. I'm not to blame if they're a bit rough compared to me with their invitation. Some people just don't know a good thing when they see it, so petty."

Zhuo Fan grimaced as he gave a helpless nod.

[This damn pompous fool only knows how to brag. I really want to punch him in the face!]

Oblivious to the other's thoughts, Ouyang Changqing, left in glee, "I'll notify sister Xue of this fight right away. She wasn't there at my fight with Yan Mo and had missed my greatest moments. But now she's definitely going to see everything, he-he-he…"

Zhuo Fan sighed as he left, then turned to the others, "I hate his type the most, so impulsive and conceited. They always have a knack of messing things up. Only the heavens know what the hell is going on in that mushy brain of theirs!"

"Goes to show something always goes wrong. You may be able to talk your way out of trouble with the older and cunning seniors, but come short when dealing with brats." Bali Yuyu smirked.

Zhuo Fan shook his head, "This punk only wants to make it big to get as many eyes as possible on him. With there being so many of us, having a couple less won't be noticed. Also, with his obnoxious attitude, he's definitely going to blow this simple match out of proportions. This will lax the guard and give us the perfect chance.

"Yuyu, you don't need to come to the fight. You'll be scouting out Beyond Heaven Island, especially Heaven Sealing Sword's location. You only have that afternoon to get a grasp of the place, moving in once night falls. As for the rest of you, the minute the punk finishes the match, rush to the exit of the sect and get ready to leave? Got that?"

"Crystal!" Everyone shouted with solemn looks.

Bali Yuyu showed an awfully cheerful smile watching him plan…

To be continued