

Lith_7997 · Others
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658 Chs


Magic Emperor Chapter 446

Chapter 446, Unbreakable Diamond Body


Dragonic cries echoed from the rubble, eight of them. The dust around glittered as a golden glow reflected off it, flooding the entire sky.

The thick dust had no chance at containing the mighty light show.

Zhuo Fan watched the display, fully on guard for anyone or anything that might jump at him.


The rubble pile made of three ruined mountains erupted, sending rocks around at breakneck speeds. It took just a blink for the faint figure within that rubble to go from there, to over here.

The sight of it sent everyone gasping. Calling 'it' a human was putting it mildly.

'It' had the head of a dragon, four sharp talons designed to claw the heavens, covered in scales and with a steel-like whip to boot.

That thing was a man-eating savage beast.

"Nine Dragons Diamond Body, full body Transformation, Unbreakable Diamond Body!" Zhuo Fan gasped.

Huangpu Tianyuan cackled, "This is the pinnacle of Dragon Transformation. Four dragon souls have become Earth Dragon Claws, one Earth Dragon Body, one Earth Dragon Head and the last, Earth Dragon Tail!"

"Zhuo Fan, you only have two strong arms, of which only one is an Earth Dragon Claw. You stand no chance against the might of this Unbreakable Diamond Body! He-he-he, you're finished!" Huangpu Tianyuan's eyes shined with bloodlust.

Regent Estate's side got fired up.

Except for Regent Estate's Venerables, everyone was in the dark about Estate Lord Huangpu's newfound power focused on dealing with Zhuo Fan alone.

The worry of how to deal with an exemplary freak like Zhuo Fan was now gone, giving way to confidence.

Estate Lord's indifference at High Venerable's death became obvious now. He had upgraded himself to the ranks of freaks.

Regent Estate's morale was at an all time high, with victory in sight. While this had the opposite effect on Drifting Flowers Edifices, Veiled Dragon Pavilion and Sword Marquise Abode's side.

It went beyond their predictions for Huangpu Tianyuan to come fully trained in Nine Dragons Diamond Body. That made relying on Zhuo Fan to score a win for them somewhat problematic.

Anxiety was building.

Only Zhuo Fan was casual.

Of the nine Dragon Veins souls, one was his and the eight were right in front of him. [But this guy has only used seven in his Transformation. Is there perhaps one more Transformation?]

[What will he turn into then?]

Taking in Huangpu Tianyuan's monstrous visage, Zhuo Fan failed to see what other Transformation could be added to it. He took this as a warning sign for what may come.

[The last dragon soul may very well be the move to kill me.]

All the more reason he had to force the enemy to reveal it, create a counter for it and win this thing.

Zhuo Fan flicked his arms, "Earth Dragon soul, Transformation!"


The roar came from Zhuo Fan's left hand, glowing bright gold and revealing the same claw that Huangpu Tianyuan had three to spare.

His right hand turned red as well, bringing out the power of Qilin arm and Earth Dragon Claw!

Huangpu Tianyuan opened his sharp maw in a taunting laughter, "He-he-he, like I said, you only have the Earth Dragon Claw while I have the Unbreakable Diamond Body. It's time I bring back the 9th dragon soul where it belongs!"

Huangpu Tianyuan was upon Zhuo Fan in a blink.

Zhuo Fan widened his eyes at the sheer speed, just short of Shift.

He clawed with his left arm on instinct.


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The two Earth Dragon Claws screeched on contact, locked in place.

Grinning, Huangpu Tianyuan revealed a savage look while holding Zhuo Fan's left arm busy.

Zhuo Fan was clear on his plan, wanting to turn this into a contest of raw power.

And with the old guy's entire body prepped and primed, like Gu Santong's, he had no weaknesses. While beside his two beast fists, Zhuo Fan was all human. Even after the grueling refining, it fell short to an Earth Dragon's body.

That made a contest of strength the worst choice.

Something Huangpu Tianyuan insisted on.

Snickering, Huangpu Tianyuan had Zhuo Fan's Earth Dragon Claw busy while using another claw to slam his brainpan.


This time the clashing sound came from the impact between Zhuo Fan's right arm with the Earth Dragon Claw. The pitch-black eyes looking at him dead in the eye made him clench his teeth.

"I am more than clear on your left arm, though I am curious, how did you get your right arm to match the Earth Dragon Claw? He-he-he, quite a fine specimen. I guess I'll just have to rip it out of your cold dead body!" Huangpu Tianyuan's mouth revealed rows of fangs.

Zhuo Fan snorted, "Estate Lord Huangpu, your sons were naive, and you're no different. If my head was such an easy target, I'd have long since lost it by now. But where the emperor and Gu Santong failed, do you think you'll succeed?"

"He-he-he, that only makes it vintage, becoming my life's prized trophy!" Huangpu Tianyuan laughed, his left Earth Dragon Claw tightening on Zhuo Fan's Qilin arm.

Zhuo Fan fumed inside. He tensed his arms to get away, but found them in a vise.

Huangpu Tianyuan laughed, "Even if you use an Earth Dragon Claw like me, I am a peak Radiant Stage cultivator, while you are a stage short. Now that you're going nowhere and your arms are locked, you're like a gimp. But even without these two arms, I can still take your life!"

Huangpu Tianyuan unhinged his jaw and bit on Zhuo Fan's head. The whistling wind between those sharp fangs made Zhuo Fan shiver.

His allies were shaking with worry.

Zhuo Fan was pinned down and had no place to dodge. Huangpu Tianyuan had to just clamp down, cutting short his life and this war.

Zhuo Fan squinted, his brow soaked, waiting for the last moment as he stared into the mouth of darkness and found the tooth decay of logic festering therein, before ducking his head.


The snap of those fangs rattled the ears of everyone while almost blowing out Zhuo Fan's eardrums.

It was a testament to its savage power.

Zhuo Fan sighed relieved, unlike the tense audience. He had made a lucky escape, but his position was still very much precarious.

His hands were still in deadlock, making him easy picking for the monster looming above.

Zhuo Fan struggled, but those arms just wouldn't budge.

Huangpu Tianyuan toyed with him, "He-he-he, Steward Zhuo, everyone reaches their end and today it's yours! You dodged my bite from above, but how will you escape when I attack from below as well?"

Huangpu Tianyuan opened his mouth again as the tail whipped at Zhuo Fan.

The shrill sound that tail made as it traveled stung his mind and vexed his heart.

It was more than capable of splitting his head down the middle. But dodging it would put him right between those fangs.

Zhuo Fan was pushed into a corner.

Luo clan was worried for him, their hearts in their throats. They wanted to come to his rescue, but with how not even Zhuo Fan could overpower Huangpu Tianyuan, their odds were slim at best.

Regent Estate's allies had it better, everyone smiling at Zhuo Fan's plight. They'd see the hatred for their ancestors' desecration be repaid in full.

"Estate Lord Huangpu reigns supreme…"

You Wanshan and others got to an early celebration.

But in the face of such a problem, while tied and facing the jaws of death, Zhuo Fan showed no fear. Maybe his flashing right eye had something to do with it…

Chapter end