

"I don't know Alyssa. I'm just very nervous."

"Nervous why Jasmine? Look, you and Ben have always been there for me. You both are the ones who gave me hope when no one else did. I would have ended my life long ago but I realized that I have you guys. I'm not alone and so I deadened the thought. What I'm trying to say is that, there is no better partner for you than Ben and there is no better partner for Ben than you." I told her with a teary eye.

Jasmine came closer to me, looking so radiant in her white lacey gown.

"You know sometimes I wonder if you are older than me" she said and we both started laughing.

"You really got Dad's wisdom Alyssa. I just wished they were here." Jasmine commented and I hugged her.

"Chill sis, they're proud of you. I know it and I can feel it." I said still hugging her.

"No Alyssa." She replied easing herself from the hug. "They're proud of their little Alyssa. For being a strong girl. For being a fighter." She said looking at me. I didn't like where this topic was heading. The last thing I wanted to think about is my condition.

"Let's get going. We don't want to be late." I told her and she nodded.


"Congratulations!" I screamed and hugged Jasmine and Ben, the newest couples in town.

I was so happy and overwhelmed with joy. I never knew that I would ever see my sister married. I used to think it would happen when I'm gone...you know.

We exited the court premises and took our various rides to GABELLA SUITES.. the most expensive hotel in the entire country. Incase you haven't figured, it was Mr Leti's own way of wishing the couples a happy married life.. so it was more of a wedding gift.

We arrived at our various rooms in the hotel. I crashed on my bed immediately. I was so tired. I heard chuckling. I looked up, it was Kyle. I have been giving him the silent treatment since that day we argued.

" What do you want Kyle?" I asked him sitting up.

"To apologize. I'm sorry." He said and I got up.

"It's all right. I just don't like it when my friends say things I don't like about people I love." I told him holding his hands.

He suddenly removed his hands from mine and muttered..."people you love" countless times.

"I need to go. I'd be at the after party though." He said and suddenly left without giving me chance to see him off.

I sighed and turned to the bed and someone started tickling me.

" Jayden... stop" I said in between laughs.

I was extremely ticklish.

He stopped surprisingly.

"How are you?" He asked me as he sat on my bed and dropped his phone on the small table there.

"I'm just okay. What about you? Mimi told me you don't like weddings. How are you coping?" I asked him and he looked at me intensely.

He held my hands and answered.

"I'm well."

"Why did you agree to come or even be the best man today?" I asked, his hands still on mine.

"Because I wanted to. And to be close to you." Okay....what?

"I don't understand." I removed my hands and sat on the bed close to him.

" I don't understand either." He said rubbing his head with his hands. " You should get some rest. I'll be in my room." He added and left immediately shutting the door after him.

Why is today just awkward?

I began removing my clothes and showered. With the towel still on my body, I saw Jayden's phone on my bed. He must have forgotten it here.

On impulse, the phone started ringing. I contemplated on picking it. He picked my call with permission once so we'd be even. It was an unknown number.

"Hello..." I began

"Who the fuck is with my phone?" It was Jayden. I smiled.

"Calm down. It's with me."

"Alyssa?" His voice was much calmer.

"Yeah..you left it here before you suddenly ran off like a teenager." He chuckled.

"Keep it. Don't go through my phone. There's a password anyway. I'd get it from you at the party." He said and ended the call.

How rude. I dropped the phone and picked it up suddenly. The picture on the wallpaper was ME. That bastard. It was the pic of me the other day at the restaurant when I had food on my face. I made a mental note to ask him why I was his wallpaper. I dropped the phone and wore casual clothes and slept off..

Evening came sooner than expected.

Soon it was time for the after party.

A makeup artist was paid to do Mimi, Jasmine and I's makeup. Mimi looked ever charming in her blue sparkly gown. Jasmine also in her mermaid shaped black gown and I settled for a midi black gown which bare at the back.. courtesy of Mimi. I grabbed my purse and left not forgetting to put Jayden's phone in it.

We arrived at our house a little past seven and was welcomed with soft slow songs playing by the DJ. I must admit, the decor was amazing. If I didn't know better and someone said this is my house, I would have slapped the person hard. Disco lights everywhere and all. I talked to few guests and Jasmine's classmates from high school and college. I decided to head upstairs as everyone was dancing and merry. As I climbed the stairs, someone tapped me. I turned and saw Ben. I hugged him and began teasing him before Mrs Benjamin Okoye came to claim him. I haven't seen Jayden to give him back his phone. Even Mimi doesn't know where he is. I looked for Kyle too but still couldn't find him. Kyla couldn't make it. She had to travel out of town to see a friend of hers who just had a baby.

"Alyssa!" Cole called me as I turned towards the doorway.

He was with Jayden.

"How are you?" I asked him completely ignoring Jayden.

"I'm good. Hmm.. can you both excuse me for a minute?" He replied and ran out literally but not before giving Jayden a pat on his shoulder.

I turned to Jayden.

"Hey." I said casually.

"Here's your phone." I added while reaching for it from my purse.

He collected it and stared at me in a way that was so uncomfortable.

"I need to talk to you about something." He blurted out.

"Okay." I replied.

He opened his mouth to say something but immediately shut it as the dj cranked the music to the highest. It was no longer a slow song. Everyone screamed and danced.

I was feeling the beat.

"Let's get a drink first." I told him and he nodded as we went to the kitchen which was now a bar. The barman offered us two glasses of something I haven't had once. Jayden emptied his in one gulp while I talked to the bar man or guy, whichever.

"Hey, please what drink is this?" I asked him.

He smiled and answered. " It's Vodka."

"Alcohol, you mean?" I asked and he nodded while Jayden asked for another.

He turned to me.

"Don't you think today is not the time or day to go soft? Let loose for just today. Enjoy." He told me and smirked.

Curse you Jayden Leti.

I pondered in the words and emptied my glass on one go while Jayden gave me a look of approval.

I looked around and saw people dancing and rocking each other. Even Mimi. Okay this is now a club.

After having few more vodka, Jayden and I decided to go up to my room to discuss.

I could feel the impact of the vodka in my body as I suddenly became more confident.

We got to my room and I sat on the bed waiting for Jayden to tell me whatever he wanted to discuss with me.

Before I could ask, he blurted out..." I'm in love with you Alyssa Hart."

I looked at him and stood near him. "You are?" I asked him and he nodded. Maybe it was the alcohol but I found myself kissing him within the blink of an eye.