
Getting ready


(Alex Pov)

So right now I am heading in to meet sheriff Jonathan Horton I think he wants to talk to us so we understand what we are getting into but I do not really care about any of that I just want to brutally beat people you could say it is or was a passion of mine.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention I killed 30 people in a mass- shooting back in 2017 but sense I am very rich and I bribed some people they had me put on too this show.

(Time skip)

I have just said hello to some of the other people in the program and gotta tell you they all seem like a couple of bitches for especially Alex I meen the dude almost tripped walking in the door.

I will say I think me and dennis are going to be good friends he seems like the kind of guy you could get into trouble with, then there is matt I mean the dude looks like he could belong in prison with the tattos and all that but then again looks can be very deceiving.

(Time Skip)

We have just started self defense training and I am proud to say I did do way better than all of these dudes combined but my ego is already pretty big and I am trying not to make it any bigger than it already is so I am just going to skip to the next part.

(Time Skip)

They have just told us one of us is going to jail today and I will say I am hoping it is going to be me because I am so punped for this I can not fucking wait for this I am so fucking ready I want to fucking destroy some bitches.

(Time Skip)

I am getting changed in the bathroom before they, Put me in the van to take me to the prison I am now starting to mentally prepare myself and I start making a plan in my head to try not to act like I am enjoying this so much.

(Time Skip)

I just walked into the pod and I could hear yelling in the backround already and people banging on the doors I found out one guy was on sucide watch as I am processing all of this some guy comes up to me and tells me to turn around so he can conduct a search so I do not have any weapons on me.

There was no fucking way I was going to let this dude touch me I mean I am not homophobic I just do not like the idea of some dude touching me so I give h a look to let him know to get away from me and he gets the message and tells me to go on ahead


Jeez what is up with that guy I have never felt more afraid of someone In my life I mean I looked into his eyes and there was something evil hiding in there something waiting for the right moment the moment it could be unleashed and wreck havoc on the world, my back is sweating so much right now.


John what is wrong are you okay you look like you have just seen a monster or something

(John pov)

yeah I am Nick just though I saw something

[ I have to remember to never to get on his badside].

First chapter done this one was a shorter chapter Smsense I was just trying to figure out how I am going to do this the other chapters will be longer.

Make sure to give me all your power stones

Insert_Herecreators' thoughts