
60 Days Boyfriend

[Mature content] Piper Miller, an ordinary high school student, finds herself thrown into an unexpected situation when the most popular guy in school, Jake Thompson, asks her to be his fake girlfriend for two months. Jake's motive was to make his ex-girlfriend jealous, but as Piper reluctantly agrees to the charade, she soon discovers that their fake relationship was becoming all too real. When heartache hits the young couple they are forced to grow apart but meet again as grown adults and Jake is persistent in winning her back.

PenBeauty · Teen
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57 Chs

Still Not Here?

The wheels of the car crunched over the gravelly path, signaling our arrival at Jake's family resort.

We had been picked up at the airport by another driver, and it took almost an hour to get to the resort.

As we disembarked, I couldn't help but marvel at the sprawling resort, with its pristine white buildings nestled in the middle of lush tropical plant. The Moonlit Mirage Resort, one of the biggest and known worldwide. I had seen pictures of it online but seeing it first hand in person, it was just so mesmerizing.

Matilda and I were shown to our shared room, a spacious suite with a balcony that offered a stunning view of the ocean. Matilda stood on the balcony, gazing at the waves. "What a life," she marveled.

I, on the other hand, felt a knot in my stomach and quickly looked away, diverting my attention back to our bedroom.

"Jake really outdid himself," Matilda remarked from the balcony as I started unpacking my suitcase.

"He sure did," I muttered, placing my clothes one by one on the soft mattress.

"I wonder why he's not here yet," Matilda hummed. I could hear her footsteps as she approached where I sat.

"Who knows," I replied, my words barely above a whisper. I sensed a hard glare, causing me to look in her direction. Matilda's lips were pressed together, and her left brow arched upwards as she stared at me, confusion written all over her face.

"What?" I asked, sensing that she was up to something.

"What?" She mimicked me in a mocking tone before adding, "Why are you acting so strange?"

I sighed, my hand clenched at the corner of the soft mattress. "How am I acting strange?"

"Your reply is suddenly lame. I mean, we're now in California, what happened to 'Yay! I'm so excited'?"

Matilda's scrutiny made me squirm under her gaze. She was always so perceptive, picking up on the slightest shifts in my mood. I tried to muster some enthusiasm, forcing a smile.

"Sorry, Matilda. It's just... I guess I expected Jake to be here when we arrived." I hesitated, choosing my words carefully. "And it's not just about being in California. There's something else on my mind."

She leaned in closer, her eyes narrowing with curiosity. "What is it, Piper?"

I pushed her away gently, feeling her hot breath against my skin. "Gosh, Matilda!" I half-yelled, a frown settling on my face. She chuckled, helping herself back up before saying, "Just tell me."

I sighed again, "it's nothing serious, I am just tired from the trip. You know it's been a while since I flew on plane." I tried to convince her into believing me so she would stop bothering but she didn't seem to give in just yet. Not until we heard a knock on the front door, diverting our attention in that direction.

Matilda and I exchanged puzzled glances before I got up and walked over to the door. I peeked through the peephole, and to my surprise, it was Jake's personal driver, Mr. Roberts.

I quickly opened the door, and he smiled warmly. "Good evening, Miss Piper. I am here just to inform you that dinner would be served in and hour, in the garden."

I nodded, but why hadn't he called rather than walking all the way over here? "Thank you Mr Robert. We will be down shortly."

He nodded in response and excused himself, leaving Matilda and me back in the room. I closed the door behind me and turned to Matilda, who was now wearing an intrigued expression.

"Imagine a life like this everyday." She said dreamingly. "What are we going to wear?"

"Matilda, it's a dinner not a party. what else are we supposed to wear?"

We spent some time picking out simple but elegant outfits for dinner, excited about the prospect of a lavish meal at this exquisite resort. As we got ready, the knot in my stomach began to ease, replaced by anticipation for the evening ahead.

As we made our way to the garden where dinner was to be served. The moonlight cast a soft, glow over the surroundings, and the gentle sound of the ocean waves in the distance added to the calm atmosphere.

The garden was adorned with strings of fairy lights, illuminating the pathways and creating a magical atmosphere. Tables were set up with white tablecloths and elegant dinnerware, each adorned with a bouquet of fresh flowers.

As Matilda and I took our seats, we couldn't help but be in awe of the setting. I noticed that the other guests were also dressed in their finest attire, and the chatter and laughter filled the air.

The aroma of delicious food wafted from the open-air kitchen nearby, making our mouths water. A server approached our table with a menu, and we quickly made our selections, eager to savor the delights that awaited us.

As we waited for our food to arrive, I couldn't help but wonder where the rest were, not that I cared. I had just expected them to have dinner with us since we came together in the first place. It seemed unusual for Ethan not to be present at such an extravagant dinner.

"Still thinking about Jake?" she asked with a knowing smile.

I snapped out of my trains of thoughts wiping my head in her direction. "Yeah, wait no. It's just so strange that none of them are here."

"Why do you care so much?" She said and she was right. Why do I care so much?

Matilda leaned in closer, her voice soft and conspiratorial. "Maybe he's planning a surprise for you."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A surprise? What kind of surprise?"

She shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Who knows? Maybe he'll show up with a bouquet of roses or something romantic like that."

I rolled my eyes. Slightly shaking my head. She was really up to something.

As the evening progressed, Matilda decided to call it a night and headed back to our room. I, on the other hand, felt a restlessness tugging at me. The rhythmic sound of the ocean waves were calling me, reminding me of a forgotten past and I found myself walking alone in the direction of the beach.

I stood watching from afar, feeling emptiness in my heart as I stared at the large bodies of water. Earlier today it had been a reason for my change of attitude.

I gulped down nothing, a sigh escaped my lips taking a step back I turned to leave when I eyes caught a figure sitting by the water.