
The beginning

This is the story of how i met my husband and the life that we shared together until death did us part. I wanted the memory of him written in words, you know, to make it easier to tell the children when they are of age. Maybe, one day our story could be shared with the rest of the world. Let me introduce myself. My name is Haley Wood and I'm 24. I was previously Haley Brett but obviously after the "I do's" back in Bali three years ago, I took my husbands last name. Oh how i wish he was still here. I miss him so much. Let me tell you everything.

It all started on a random Monday morning back in college. I woke up as miserable as ever. College had just recently started and I really wasn't feeling it. There was a massive advantage though: the boys. I can't even begin to explain how attractive all of the new boys were and it is fair to say they took a liking to me too. I mean, not to toot my own horn or anything but not everyone had my long brown hair and green eyes that i was blessed with. I got it from my mother, the most gorgeous woman I've ever met. She has always boosted my self-esteem, which has left me with the confidence every girl should have. However, the confidence hasn't exactly got me anywhere. I don't really have that many friends. Back in school, I was caught up in a bunch of drama which left my reputation in trouble. No one wanted to be friends with me after the heated arguments I was in daily. I don't blame them but I guess no one really understood me. That was until I met Jaxon.

Jaxon's dark brown hair and blue eyes caught every single girl's attention but he just didn't seem to acknowledge them. He appeared to be very down to earth, which made him a hundred times more attractive. We were assigned as partners in Chemistry which was definitely a blessing in disguise at the time. He would always try to talk to me but I assumed that someone like him was definitely a player. I'm not saying I was an angel myself, but popularity just leads down one path in college. I tried my hardest to ignore him, which he confessed that it made him want me a lot more. I was flattered but I was used to my life as a loner. To be honest, there were many nights where I'd felt completely isolated but no one had ever asked me if I'm okay, just because of the confident persona that I show the world. I had one close friend but she didn't get into the same college as me so I had to adapt on my own. Her name is Becky. I'd known her since we were 11 but the sad truth was, she just didn't truly know who I was and how I felt. I portrayed myself as a closed book. A very confident one.

As lessons went on, Jaxon and I began to commute more and more. He flirted with me like crazy and I guess I gave in and did the exact same thing back. The chemistry we had together was sensational. Nothing more cliche could happen in a chemistry lesson in college. I chuckled, thinking of the memory. One day, my mood wasn't great. I walked into the lesson and took my seat. I didn't look at Jaxon, nor did I greet him. He clearly sensed that there was something wrong, making him tap me on the shoulder. 

"Haley, are you okay?" he asked, with concern. At that point, I just didn't feel like talking so I nodded and turned away slightly more so that he couldn't see my face. He went quiet. He must've thought he had done something to make me not want to talk to him but I was just having a bad day. Instantly, I felt guilty so i turned back to him.

"Jaxon, I'm sorry. I'm just not in the mood," I convinced him. 

"Do you want to talk to me about it?" he asked. I thought about it for a second but realised I'm useless at expressing my feelings and that i would probably make a fool out of myself.

"I'm good," I lied. He just looked at me with uncertainty in his eyes. We were interrupted by the teacher starting the lesson and we didn't talk for the rest of the time. 

When I got home, I realised that I was a bit unfair to Jaxon and that I owed him an explanation. After all, it's not like many people ever ask me how I am. The following day, I woke up and decided to put some effort into my appearance. I curled my brown locks and did my makeup extra nice. I put on my best mom jeans and a little white crop top, along with my favourite trainers. I hurried along to college and arrived to my lesson extra early. Before Jax arrived, I remembered to spray a little extra perfume to smell good. I know this sounds like i put all that effort in for him, but it was just my way of feeling confident. 

Minutes felt like hours. Why did I come so early? Why does Jax show up so late? Or would he even show up at all, after what had happened the day before? About ten minutes later, he arrived and took his seat next to me. I looked at him but he didn't look back.

"Hi Jaxon" I said, cheerfully. He glanced at me for a second then turned away. Suddenly, he looked back and stared in shock and awe. 

"Hi wow- I mean hi Haley, you really know how to clean up well!" he stuttered, leaving his mouth slightly open.

"Thank you, you're not too bad yourself" I flirted.

"I- wow Haley" he didn't know what to say.

"Listen, about yesterday-" I began

"Don't even worry about it," he assured me.

"No, no. I owe you an explanation. No one ever asks me if I'm okay but you did. So, I'm willing to talk, just not here..." I rambled on.

"Do you want to come over after college?" he asked, politely. I was shocked. Would I really be going to Jaxon Wood's house? I tried to keep my cool.

"Uh, yeah sure why not!" I replied.

"Cool, why don't you take my number?" he suggested, as he wrote his number down for me. This was the start of something crazy.