

A normal, healthy, happy, loving family, a career of your dreams and a fulfilled life is the dream of every sane, normal, decent human being. What happens when you have all that and more but still feel like there is a very important part that you are missing on? One would ask, what else would you possibly ask for? Meet Alexis, a 26 year old CID officer who, from an outsider’s point of view, has it all. She is ‘Daddies’ princes’, has a mother that loves her to the moon and back and a brother that is overprotective of her and dots on her to a point it’s annoying. She has a fulfilling career as an Intelligence Analyst at the CID center in Sub-Saharan Mara. Coupled with her non-existent love life which she is happy with since it means absolute piece of mind for her and any sane person would say she has it all. Her dreams though, tell a different story, a story that she doesn’t understand that consists of people she has never met before, a story that scares her shitless every time she thinks about it, a story she can’t share with anyone, not her mother, not her brother, not her father and not her friends, a story that has seen to her waking up screaming, sweating and trembling every time she dreams. A story that has made night time her least favorite time of day and sleep a scary venture. So when a case she is working on opens a can of worms that she isn’t ready to face and puts a living breathing face to the object of her dreams, her life becomes her worst nightmare, a cruel reality she has to face. And that’s not the worst of it. Inside her person are two other persons, ladies, as crazy as that sounds and one of them is Sandra, a self-appointed wielder of justice who intends to correct the mistake that is ‘men who defile and use children sexually being taken to court and allowed to walk the earth freely after serving a measly jail term’. Coupled with her training in the forces, she is a deadly time bomb waiting to explode and . . . . . . TIME IS TICKING.

Rhoda_Ndukwe · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Mark walked out of the courtroom with a spring in his step as he fought the grin that threatened to break from his face. He couldn't help but thank his stars for the close call he had had that morning with the law. He really tried to be a law-abiding citizen and could only blame Norah, the ugly cow covered in layers of fat that was his wife. She was the genesis of all his problems. To think that he had once loved her: the thought caused a shudder to run through his body.

He stopped close to his car and waited for his lawyer. Thinking of the man that had made sure he walked out free, Mark couldn't help but be grateful to Oscar. He owed him his freedom, his life, and his wealth. His cow, the permanent nickname he had given to his wife, had tried to rebel and contest for a divorce when it had become apparent that the marriage was dead. Oscar had swiftly and effortlessly subdued her saving him a harrowing court case and half of his wealth not to mention custody of his children. And it doesn't matter what mess he found himself in, Oscar would definitely get him out of it and clean up too. He was definitely going to reward his loyalty.

The cow was still stewing seven years later and was turning even more bitter as days went by. He was sure the woman he married was still inside that ugliness somewhere. He just didn't just have the energy and the patience to search for her through all those disgusting folds.

She had been a pretty little thing that knew how to make a fully grown man scream and not from pain. It was love at first sight, or is it lust at first sight? And life was good until she started laying on layer after layer of fat so thick you might think she was getting paid to fatten. It didn't help that with the fat came incessant whining. The adventurous carefree happy girl disappeared and in her place there now stood a bitter ugly fat whining personality that was so damn irritating it gave him erectile dysfunction. Hell, even thinking about her now was making him nauseous.

When he thought of the anger and frustration on Daisy's mother's face when the case against him had been dismissed due to lack of evidence, he almost lost the fight against the laughter that threatened to tumble out unbidden. He couldn't however do that here, where every prying eye was trying to catch a glimpse of the man who had 'defiled a minor' and walked away scot-free. Not that there was any truth in that weird statement. He wouldn't call it defiling, not that he had been her first. In fact, the girl had shown him a thing or two about copulation not that he would admit that to anyone but she was good. She was almost as good as Norah had been all those years ago.

Of course, they were two consenting human beings, just that one was a bit young than the other and happens to still be a student. But then, he didn't force himself on her, if anything she came to him willingly, they always have. And the day they were caught was no exception.

They didn't know that her mother had quietly followed her that early in the morning. The blasted woman had almost been his undoing but thank God for money. . .

"Hey Mark. . . ", he was ripped out of his thoughts by his lawyer who had somehow walked to his side without him noticing. And Mark was spotting a damn boner.

How had he become that careless? Thank God it was just Oscar. He slightly turned to hide the boner and to try to gather his emotions that were all over the place.

"What say's the judge?" Mark schooled his features and asked.

Oscar looked around them just to be sure no one was listening in on them before talking.

"You are free to go, but, you need to stay a bit low for some time until this blows over, he said in a low tone.

"Why? I thought it has already blown over?" Mark was now getting irritated.

"I stumbled on your wife talking to Daisy's mother this morning and . . . let's just say I managed to stop her from testifying against you today. That . . ."

"That stupid ugly cow!" Mark swore loudly.

"Shshhhss! Keep your voice down" Oscar whisper yelled.

They quickly look around only to realize that a few heads have turned to watch their exchange curiously. Now irritated, Mark nodded towards his car and they quietly move out of earshot and to the privacy of his car.

Once inside, Mark turned and faced Oscar.


"Saw them at the smoking area and snuck upon them. She was explaining how your alibi doesn't hold since you are almost always never home and the few times that you are, you are always out of the house before five in the morning. She had the audacity to look guilty when I interrupted their little rendezvous. Don't worry, she won't testify now but you should watch out for her. She can easily sell you at a very cheap price".

By the time Oscar had finished his narration, Mark was spewing the most colorful curses in his curse dictionary, and those were words that would easily make a sailor look like the pope. Oscar grinned.

"Save the colorful vocabulary for when it's needed. She has been taken care of. She might not be a problem. . ."

"Might?" Mark all but spat but Oscar was unfazed.

"I can't guarantee that you won't screw up and give her a chance to do you in, after all, she has had it out for you for . . . seven years?"

"Don't remind me"

"Am glad we are on the same page. Now, try to keep it zipped in your pants for a short while. We can't afford the jury thinking that it might just be true and maybe. . ."

"I get it. I will lay low for a while"

"And don't do anything stupid in regards to your wife. It won't end well" and with that, Oscar left.

Mark was now in a bad mood. He imagined how he could punish Norah severely but without attracting attention to himself. In his very imaginative mind's eye, he killed her gruesomely with different tools over and over again. She died, came back to life, skin peeled and layer after layer of fats thrown into the fire, he imagined it sizzling as it burned and cringed his nose in disgust at the offending imaginary smell, died again and came back to life again under his expert torturing hand until she begged him for death.

There is no way he could afford that though so he settled for fantasizing about it. There is a million ways things could go from the way they currently were to a lot worse and he couldn't afford to let that happen. He had been careless before but that was going to change. He needed a new plan, and fast. There is no way he would go two days without chewing a babe. He would go mad.

Before he knew it, Mark had calmed down. Regaining his senses, he realized someone was knocking on his car window. He rolled it down and came face to face with a beautiful oval-shaped face looking at him with very concerned eyes. She instantly reminded him of the late evening rendezvous sweet sixteen Caro had promised him to help him get rid of the bad taste the court session was sure to leave in his mouth.

"Are you alright sir?"

"Yeah. Am fine thank you"

"Well, then quit blocking the path, not all of us can afford to sit here and daydream. Some of us have places to be" her voice was harsh and unforgiving and before he could formulate an answer, she was gone.

Mark put his key in the ignition and slowly backed up out of the courthouse parking lot with the promise of fresh firm warm buds in his mouth and his member buried deep into the tight warmth heavenly softness Caro's young body had to offer.

Mark almost had an anticipatory orgasm just thinking about it and his lips curled up in a smirk. The pleasures money could afford him, and some idiot somewhere thinks money is evil, huh.

And as he hit the road, floating in his suddenly bright cloud, Mark did not see the single pair of eyes that followed him the entire driveway until he disappeared around the bend.