
5 years later

Prince Regent and a Princess who will return with a cute baby after five years

Lb_1975 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 5 The murderer is someone else

The royal family of the Tianxia Kingdom has a special imperial tomb, but those princes who set up palaces outside have to set up another ancestral hall in the mansion to serve their ancestors.

Therefore, the Prince Regent's Mansion also has an ancestral hall. The importance of the tablet in the ancestral hall is no less than that in the imperial tomb.

So, when Concubine Ning heard it, she lost all three souls and seven souls in an instant, she shouted angrily. "What are you still doing, don't hurry to put out the fire!"

Lin De also frowned, how could it be said that the ancestral hall of the Prince Regent's Mansion suddenly caught fire?

Yu Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this. Fortunately, Aunt Qing was clever and didn't mess things up.

She took a step forward, then knelt down in front of Concubine Ning, and asked earnestly. "Mother Concubine, could it be that the ancestors are angry?"

Since these people believe in ghosts and gods so much, she will start with this.

"What do you mean?" Dowager Ning looked over with gloomy eyes.

Looking like that, it seemed that Yu Yunxi couldn't explain why, so she must have killed her.

Lowering her eyes, Yu Yunxi said meekly. "Concubine Mother, you really want the prince to wake up as soon as possible. But he should be a living person, and a living person will be tainted with bad luck when he enters the coffin. Juniors, how can they feel at ease when they see that the real juniors are about to be put into coffins? Perhaps the fire tonight is a reminder to our ancestors."

"Princess, you are deceiving the public!" Lin De yelled loudly.

With his attitude, he didn't treat Yu Yunxi as a princess. But Yu Yunxi ignored his attitude, she continued to say to Concubine Ning sadly.

"Mother Concubine, the prince is your flesh and blood born in October of your pregnancy, and he is still a hero who stands up to heaven and earth, you really have the heart to let him Is he curled up in that small coffin? It's so dark there, and the coffin lid needs to be nailed on, how can he bear it, the ancestors will be angry when they know about it."

Listening to Yu Yunxi's words, Concubine Ning glanced at Feng Yili hesitantly, her eyes turned red again.

"Aijia's Li'er, Aijia definitely doesn't want him to stay in that small coffin."

"Mother Concubine, the teacher of the state..." Lin De was about to be persuaded when he saw Concubine Ning, and he was a little anxious.

Yu Yunxi hurriedly interjected, "Mother Concubine, the national teacher said that the cold jade coffin has a miraculous effect on the prince, so it is good for the prince to lie in it, and there is no need to cover the coffin lid. Anyway, it is the cold jade coffin, not the coffin lid, that has miraculous effects."

She knows the weight of the national teacher in the concubine's heart, and it will be counterproductive to stop it blindly. It is better to compromise and take a relatively favorable method.

Concubine Ning pressed her aching brows, and said wearily.

"You are right. Since the coffin is the one that has the miraculous effect, it is good to put Li'er in it. There is no need to nail it to death. This way Li'er can breathe, so that the ancestors will not be angry."

Linde wanted to say something else, but seeing Concubine Ning's expression was impatient, he could only suppress his emotions, and said softly, "That's also possible."

Just like that, Feng Yili was carried into the cold jade coffin.

"Nanny Liu, help Ai's family out. Ai's family is going to see how the ancestral hall is doing. Ai's family is going to plead guilty to the ancestors." Concubine Ning said wearily.

Nanny Liu hurried to support her. Before going out, Concubine Ning gave Yu Yunxi a cold look.

"The princess will stay in the house and take good care of the prince. Don't try to play tricks, there are guards outside the yard."

"The prince regent really married a good princess, and the Prime Minister Yu also raised a good daughter." Lin De then glanced at Yu Yunxi, and after leaving this sentence in a strange way, he also left with others.