
5 years later

Prince Regent and a Princess who will return with a cute baby after five years

Lb_1975 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 4 Prince's eyes moved

Concubine Ning left with Eunuch Lin De, and she did not forget to leave a maid staring at Yu Yunxi.

There is also Aunt Qing next to her.

Being stared at, although Yu Yunxi was anxious, there was nothing she could do. She could only force herself to calm down so that she could think about what to do.

The national teacher has a very high reputation in Tianxia Kingdom, and Concubine Ning must have no doubts about what he said. But a living person was stuffed in a coffin, so it's no wonder that nothing happened after a long time.

No, she must stop it, if Feng Yili dies, she will not survive! Turning her eyes and scanning the surroundings, she suddenly let out an "oops".

"My princess's stomach hurts, it hurts..." She clutched her stomach and began to moan.

Seeing this, the maid hurried over. But she had just approached when Yu Yunxi took out a silver needle from her body and stuck it around her neck. Soon, the person passed out.

"Are you crazy?" Aunt Qing was furious.

Yu Yunxi looked at her coldly: "Aunt Qing, if the prince is really sealed in a coffin, then he will really be completely dead."

"Nonsense, the national teacher has said it, it is a cold jade coffin, as long as..."

"Oh, do you really regard the national teacher as a god? The prince has a physical problem, and only a doctor can save him. Making crooked ways will only make him die faster." Yu Yunxi sarcastically said.

"So what? That's something you should worry about, princess." Aunt Qing still didn't think so.

Yu Yunxi looked at Aunt Qing, and suddenly smiled, "If the lord dies, I will be the one to be buried. But Aunt Qing, don't forget, you are the only maidservant I have as a dowry. Since ancient times, how can the master be buried? The reason for slaves to live? you should think about this also."

Her words made Aunt Qing's face turn pale, "The madam said, she will protect these servants!"

"This is the Prince Regent's Mansion, and the Prime Minister's Mansion has nothing to say. You have just seen how much Concubine Ning cares about her son. If she loses her son, let alone forcing a maid to be buried with her, the Prime Minister's Mansion will suffer accordingly." Yu Yunxi's words hit the nail on the head.

Aunt Qing also panicked for a while, she hesitated and could only compromise, she asked Ning Yunxi: "Then, what should these servant do?"

"You're like this..." Yu Yunxi lowered her voice and whispered something in Aunt Qing's ear.

Soon, Aunt Qing ran out in a hurry, and Yu Yunxi also started to look through the window, found a small path, and went straight to the wedding room. When Yu Yunxi rushed over, she saw that they had arranged the Hanyu coffin, and now they were preparing to carry Feng Yili in.

"No!" She hurried over and pushed the eunuchs away.

"Why are you here? Someone, pull the princess out!" Concubine Ning was furious when she saw Yu Yunxi.

But Yu Yunxi hugged Feng Yili's body tightly, she raised her head, and said to Concubine Ning earnestly: "Mother, the prince is about to enter the coffin, and as his wife, I want to see him again."

But Concubine Ning obviously did not calm down her anger, she waved her hand, and soon several old nuns came over, ready to drag Yu Yunxi out.

Yu Yunxi was calm on the surface, but inwardly she was very anxious. Suddenly, she shouted: "Look, look, the prince's eyes have moved!"

"Ridiculous! The imperial concubine, the imperial doctor in the palace has said that the prince is not responding now, and he must receive help before he can wake up. The lord of the country has instructed that the prince must be put into the coffin as soon as possible, otherwise If you miss the hour, you will be in trouble."

  Linde scolded loudly, he winked at the eunuchs around him, telling them to send Feng Yili into the cold jade coffin quickly.

   "Concubine Mu, your lord's eyes really moved." Yu Yunxi said anxiously and clearly.

  Concubine Ning also hesitated, she wanted to come over to see if what Yu Yunxi said was true.

But Lin De suddenly stood in front of her. He sighed and said, "Ms. Taifei, is it possible that you still can't trust the Master? gibberish..."

  His words made Concubine Ning sober in her eyes.

  She said to Yun Xi in a cold tone: "Yu Yunxi, if you dare to obstruct again, Aijia will let your head fall right now."

  Yu Yunxi knew that her warning was true, but she had no way out.