
Beast Men

"Take that you evil mosquito!" There was a loud smack as I slapped my arm. Who would have thought that they still have mosquitoes in this world? I thought that the only blood suckers in this world are the vampires.

I growled in frustration when I didn't hit it. This isn't really my day. Who the heck even said that having a field trip to the other part of the kingdom would be so tiring? Stupid movies and fictions for giving us falls interpretation when we hear the word adventure. Sure, in fiction, when the main character would venture out into the woods, she would experience all sorts of fun adventures and get to be super cool for being resourceful.

In reality? It stinks! The kind of adventure that I was hoping for is a disaster. I kept on tripping and falling. My dress is ruined and I'm hungry. I lost a shoe and now mosquitoes are after me.

Stupid woods.

I want to find a lake to clean up and drink. I'm thirsty. Someone please give me water.

I continued to walk - drag - myself. I pulled out the map that I tore from the book and began to read it. Every time that I get deeper into the forest, I always check the map to make sure that I won't get lost. For the past hours, I always know where to go. But now, I'm not so sure.

I was pretty sure that I saw a path here before but now it's gone. It's as if the forest itself has somehow moved or something. If it did, I wouldn't be surprised considering that this is a magical world after all.

But I also have this strange feeling. Like someone was watching me, which is really creeping me out. The hairs on the back of my neck stood as I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I don't know why I have this feeling but I somehow do.

Reluctantly, I turned. There, I saw white rabbit by the bush staring at me. It's white fur stands out making it more visible. It's big black eyes - still staring at me - are creeping me out. And I couldn't help but feel that behind those black beady eyes of a rabbit, someone is behind them.

I tilted my head to the side and the rabbit followed my movement. Okay, you have to admit that the rabbit is kind of cute. But it's still creepy at some point. I started to turn around and leave. Once I was a few steps away, I dared to look back and saw that the rabbit's eyes were still following me. For a second, it just stayed there. Then, as if it was sleeping, it shook it's head and rubbed it's face before hoping off somewhere.

That's weird. I thought as I continued to walk away.

My stomach kept on making a sound as I walked. I'm hungry. I feel like I'm in the hunger games. Literally. My throat is dry and the sun isn't helping with my mood either. My dress gets ruined every few seconds as it gets caught on a tree branch. My hood, on the other hand, is pretty much good as new. I don't know why but it doesn't get stained no matter what dirt would cling to it. It must be because of it's material or something. How I wish that this dress that I'm wearing is made of the same material as the red hood.

My knees started to hurt from the continued walks so I decided to take a rest. I slump down on the ground and lean against a tree for it's shade. I sighed and took out the piece of paper with the map on it. This doesn't make any sense. I was sure that I've been keeping tabs on my tracks. How can I end up lost?

Maybe this map was a little too old to be of use.

In my frustration I crumpled the map and tossed it aside. Then I buried my face in my hands. I'm not gonna cry. I'm not a cry baby. I'll think of a way. Yes, I will.

I groaned. "But that's easier said than done if I have a full stomach." I whined and now buried my face in my arms.

I want food!! Where the heck do the main characters in the movies get something to eat?

Something then brushed my arm and I turned to look-glared at the animal(literally) that nudge me. It was a reindeer with fully developed horn. It's black doe eyes were staring at me. For only a second it's eyes had changed to a navy blue color, which was kind of familiar in a disturbing way.

The reindeer then ducked it's head and a bunch of fruits fell off of its horn onto my lap. One of the fruits had thorns on it and pricked my skin.

"PANCAKES!" I yelled in pain and glared at the reindeer. "I appreciate the food delivering service but do you really have to pick a fruit with thorns? And more importantly, drop it on my lap?"

The reindeer snorted and rolled it's eyes at me.

"But um, thanks." I mumbled gratefully. If this deer is a human with dark hair and navy blue eyes, I would have thought that this is Ace in front of me.

Without further adieu, I started to eat. The reindeer decided to stay and watch me, which was very creepy if you ask me. It was sitting at a corner and would occasionally glance at me or clean its fur. And because that animal was starting to scare me, I ate my food as fast as I could and started to stand up. Once I did, the deer decided to stand too.

Now this is this thing that just turned creepy to a whole new level. I sat again and the deer followed. Hmmm...

I stood and the deer stood too.

I think I'm getting some sort of pattern here. First, it was the rabbit. Now, it was the deer. Is it possible that the animals here like me?

"Aww, if you guys really like me that much then why didn't you just approach me? Well obviously since you can't talk." I started to approach the deer so I could pet him. Immediately, it's eyes turned from black to navy blue once again and glared at me. But still, I didn't let that bother me as I reached my hand out until I touched it's head and started to pet him.

"Awe. You're so cute!" I cooed as I continued to pet him. The deer suddenly frowned and hit me with it's head causing me to fall on the ground. My butt hurt from the impact and this time, I was the one who glared at the deer. It was currently shaking it's head as if it was in a daze.

Once it has settled, it's eyes are now back to it's black ones. When it saw me, it got startled and ran away into the forest.

Right. I should have thought of this before.

Weird World = Weird animals. Period.

I should stop goofing around and start to look for my way out of this forest. I think I can now manage to travel after having a good - if not satisfying - meal.

I got up and dusted my dress as I prepared to travel again. But first things first; I need a drink. Despite eating the fruits, my throat still craves for water. And I think I might have seen a river here somewhere.

I started to head south - or is it North? - from where I was. I kept heading that way until I saw something sparkling up ahead. It was a river, glistening in the sunlight like diamonds. I was standing there like an idiot as I gape at it. It was unlike the river in our world.

It was...clean and it looks so fresh and unpolluted. Seeing the river made my gulp down in thirst and my feet just started to move towards it.

Halfway there, I was suddenly blocked by the same deer that headbutted me earlier. It was as if it was preventing me from getting closer to the river.

"You again? What do you want?" I glared at the deer.

The deer snorted and aimed it's horn towards me as if it was warning me not to take another step forward.

"What? You're going to headbutt me again? Well in your smelly doe face!!" I yelled and started to head towards the river but the deer blocked me once again and positioned its horn at my face.

And now I'm pissed.

Believe it or not, I grabbed the deer by its horns and started to push it back. The deer too had started to push me back.

I can't believe I am doing this!

"Stupid deer! What's your problem anyway?! It's not like it's your freaking river!" I pushed the deer back with all my might but to no avail.

This deer is freaking heavy!

Well I'm kind of stupid for challenging an animal anyway. But it's not my fault! I just wanted to have a drink at the river! Is it that wrong?

An idea suddenly formed in my mind making me smile evilly at the deer as it continued to push me back. It doesn't seem to have an interest in hurting me though. I guess it really doesn't want me near the river. But I'm thirsty!

With one hand, I removed my hood from my shoulder and drew it at the deer's face. The deer then stopped pushing me as it busied itself with taking the hood off of its face.

I took that chance as I sprinted past it and headed towards the water. Once I was there, I started to wash my face first to freshen it up. My face was starting to disgust me anyway. After that, I rinsed my hands and scooped up some water with my palms as I drank. The water was so fresh unlike anything I have tasted before. Our water supply in our world cannot compare to the water in the river here. It was clean and pure.

A snap of a twig brought me out of my admiration to the water as I looked up.

"Well well well. What do we have here? A royal."


Ren and Dan's paws pounded the ground as they took off. Their fur swaying to the air around then as they ran.

‘Keep up, Dan!’

Ren barked at him. Dan panted as he tried to keep up with him. He knows that it isn't fair for him to take out his frustration on his brother, but every second only increased his bubbling tension and eagerness to find Rose. According to Ace, Rose is somewhere deep within the forest and dangerously close to meeting two rouges. Their best chance is finding that lake.

Stupid girl. Why would she even run away? Did they treat her badly or does she hate them? Whatever the reason is, they aren't as bad as the people from the Kingdom of Tereau.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Just thinking about what'll happen to Rose after she encounters the rouges.

What will be left of her after that....

Ren's hackles raised the meat image. Nothing will happen to her. They won't allow it.

‘We'll make it, Ren. Stop worrying and slow down. You're increasing your speed again.’

‘No we won't.’ He said.’ With the pace that we're heading, Rose must have bumped into them already. We need to hurry.’

‘True that, but if you keep that up, then you won't have the energy to fight to protect Rose or even yourselves.’

‘Screw about my safety.’

‘No, Ren. Screw you. You'll die in the hands of those rouges without even fighting. I'm telling you not to slow down but to not push yourself.’

He growled.


‘Fine! Alright you bossy little brother. He rolled my eyes. Sometimes I wonder who's the eldest among us. You act as if you are older.’

Dan then let out a toothy grin while Ren grunted and sniffed the air. Hoping against hope that they would get a whiff of her scent. None. Rose was still cloaked. His wolf feels blind of not being able to sniff her out. He can say the same to his brother.

‘But I'm just wondering... .’ Dan suddenly wondered so Ren looked at him.

‘What is it?’

‘How did A- I mean - PRINCE Ace managed to locate her?’

Now that Dan has mentioned it, he suddenly got curious. But he didn't let that get to him. He knows his first priority as of the moment.

‘Who knows? For all we know he must have blackmailed a pixie to locate her or something. But let's leave that topic for some other time. Right now we have to find Rose first.’


There was a moment of silence between them as they continued their pursuit for Rose. They were taking too long and Ren even considered running off ahead. They both know that when it comes to running, Ren is always the winner.

He's not boasting or anything. Just expressing the facts.


‘What?’ He asked. Did he somehow read his mind?

‘Sniff the air.’

‘Why?’ He asked dumbly. ‘You didn't fart did you?’

‘Just do it!’

Dan growled in frustration which caught him completely off guard. He rarely snaps unless it's important or he hears something that he doesn't unlike. So to say, Dan is the calm one between the twins.

He did what Dan asked him to and sniffed the air. His nose then caught a fairly familiar scent. A trace of lavender mixed with rose petals entered his line of smell. He looked at Dan in both surprise and fear.


Dan nodded. Confirming his guess. But why can they sniff her now? Isn't she cloaked? What does this mean? But wait. If they can sniff her now, then the rouges must have sniffed her already. They have no doubt that they have. Those two rogues are

Were people too. Their people.

‘Damn it!’ He cursed and started to run faster.

‘Ren!’ Dan called beside him as he tried to keep up.

‘Don't you Ren me, Dan! Don't you know what this means? The rogues must have sniffed her out already!’

I know. That's why I'm telling you to go on ahead. Dan nodded at him in encouragement. Now he's fairly torn on what he should do. He never left his brother behind. That is why he is always urging him to keep up. When he's going against a fight, which might be sooner or later, he'll always have Dan beside him as his back up or the other way around. He can't just leave him. Not when he needs him.

As if reading his mind, Dan rolled his eyes as he snored.

‘Go on, Ren. Trust me, you can handle this. I'll catch up in a few seconds. I promise.’

‘But - ‘

There was a scream. Roses scream to be exact. His hackles rose as he snarled at the direction of the scream. By now, his eyes must have started to narrow itself in anger.

‘Go, Ren!! Trust your wolf. I believe it's eager to tear those rouge's limbs apart.’ Dan winked at him and ushered him using his snout.

He nodded. ‘Make sure to catch up or else.’

Ren warned as he ran. The forest passes by in a series of blur and he has to squint his eyes in order to see. Rose's scent was getting stronger. And the closer he gets, he can smell two foreign scents.

‘They better not touch her or else. I will rip them to shreds.’


In front of me were two muscle builders. Well not really. They have the looks but the scars on their faces made them look....well you know. Like a gangster.

One of them was bald with a few scars on his body and face. He would have been handsome if it weren't for the few missing teeth. I wonder where his teeth are. And beside him is a brunette. He was very muscular. It's like 100% of his body is made out of muscles. He was also full of scars. One of them was connected to his lips making it look like his lips were sewn. Creepy.

They were both grinning at me as they looked at me up and down. I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest.


"So. What's a royal doing here? You're far from home, aren't cha?" Baldy said, still grinning. I suddenly have this urge to count his remaining tooth.

"Um....not really." I said hesitantly.

"Well what are you doing here then?" Brunette asked.

I hesitated. Should I tell them? Well, it can't be all bad. Maybe I should try asking them. After all, beggars can't be choosers, right?

"I'm looking for the Kingdom of Tereau." I said. Both men looked at each other in confusion before shifting their gazes back at me.

"What's a royal from the Kingdom of Thalia having business with the Kingdom of Tereau?"

"That's my business." I said. "But hey, what do you mean by a royal?"

Baldy gave me a surprised look as if I was stupid for not knowing that or something. They must have assumed that I am from their world, which I am not. Mind you.

"Well.....a royal is from a royal family. We just thought that you're a royal because of your dress, even though it's covered in mud." Baldy then pointed at my dress before giving me a look. "You are a royal, right? Or are we mistaken?"

I thought about my option. I mean, I did come - escaped - from the royal family, right? Is being a royal an advantage or a disadvantage for me? I mean, if I say that I am a royal then they might help me, but if I say that I am not, then I might be in some sort of trouble. So I decided to take the first choice.

I held up my chin in confidence as I said, "Yes. I'm a royal. In fact. I'm the niece of queen Elizabeth."

The two then have a creepy grin on their faces as they whispered to each other. "Blah blah blah King Ferius Blah blah blah Promoted whisper whisper."

"Yeah whisper whisper King Ferius be happy whisper blah blah Prince Kellar whisper whisper."

"Um...excuse me?"

Both of them suddenly came into attention and had the widest grin - not to mention creepy - on their faces. "So you are headed to the Kingdom of Tereau, am I correct?" Said brunette guy.


"Then we'll take you there." I looked at baldy who offered and couldn't help but narrow my eyes at them suspiciously.

"No thank you. Just giving me the directions that I needed would be enough."

"Naw. What kind of gentlemen would we be if we leave you without an escort? You're a royal after all." Brunette guy suddenly grabbed my wrist tightly and it made me flinch.

"Hey! Let me go." I tried to pull my hand, but the more I pulled the tighter he held it.

"Come on them, Princess. We shall take you to the Kingdom of Tereau." Baldy then started to come forward.

"I said I can go there myself without a chaperone you creeps! Let me go!" They laughed at my futile attempts as I punched the brunette guy on his chest.

"She punches like a bug." Brunette commented, making both him and baldy laugh.

Punch like a bug?

In my anger, I bit his hand that was holding me. He let out a yelp as he released my hand. Baldy tried to reach for me then, but I swung my foot up and kicked his manhood. Once the brunette was able to recover, he backhanded me across the cheek making me fly. I landed on the ground with a thump and clutched my aching cheek. It was too painful that my eyes started to water and I felt dizzy.

"HOW DARE YOU BIT ME!!" Brunette guy growled in an inhuman way. When I looked up, I saw that his eyes had changed into narrow cat-like slits. Baldy was once again on his feet, but his face was more like a cat's than a human. I shivered.

Brunette guy started to walk towards me so I grabbed the nearest tree branch and hit him with it. He was able to block it. He grabbed the tree branch and tossed it into the river. Now leaving me weaponless. I looked at the guy and screamed as soon as he grabbed me by my collar and tossed me to the ground once again. But not before I threw sand at his eyes.

"YOU LITTLE B***H!!" With one final roar, the brunette guy and baldy dropped to the ground in all four. There was a snapping of bones and in no time, there was a lion in front of me and a cougar behind it.

I screamed in terror at the sight in front of me.

I scrambled to my feet in an attempt to run away from them. In my attempt, the Lion grabbed a hold of my dress making me fall to the ground again while the cougar managed to block my escape by jumping in front of me.

I'm doomed. I have never been this scared in my entire life. Looking at the eyes of the cougar, I can slowly see my life in its hands. I'm going to die.

I closed my eyes as I waited for them to snap at me. If I'm going to die then I don't want it to be as scary as it is now. I can feel the lion putting it's paws behind my back and pushing me towards the ground.

Then I heard it. A howl. It came somewhere from the forest. I couldn't tell.

Just then, the weight on my back was gone and replaced by a series of snarls and growls. I got curious and dared to take a peak. Beside me, I saw a huge wolf taking down the lion. The wolf scratched the lion on the face. The lion let out a roar and jumped onto it's back and bit it's neck. The wolf didn't falter as it ran towards a tree and hit it's back to the tree along with the lion.

The wolf was able to detach the lion from it's back and was now biting through its neck. From the looks of it, the wolf was intent on killing. It's eyes were full of hatred.

A cat-like snarling brought me back to my own problem. The cougar was still there in front of me, ready to attack. I let out a yelp and I back away from it. It let out a final growl and jumped at me, but it was then tackled by the same wolf. It gave a warning growl to the cougar as it stood in front of me. Blocking my view from the two cat predators. It had a few scratches and bite marks on one of its front paws and on its face. The lion was back on its feet and stood beside the cougar. It glared at the lion before shifting it's gaze back at me. I shivered and hid behind the wolf.

I don't know why but for some reason I felt comfortable with this wolf. It seems awfully familiar and I feel safe with its presence.

The wolf let out a loud growl at the two werecats as it stood its ground. The werecats then let out their own roar. It was like they were conversing with each other. The cougar then leaped off to the ground and headed towards the wolf. The wolf, with it's massive paws, hit the cougar and sent it to the side without even moving from it's spot. The lion then took that chance as it charged at the wolf. They both rolled on the ground and the wolf then kicked the lion off of it. The wolf shook its head as if it was dizzy before giving me a head gesture to stay back. I did and backed away to the nearest tree.

How did my situation even come to this?

By now, as the two Weres were busy killing each other, the cougar was sneakily walking towards the wolf's back. Once I realized what it was about to do, I screamed. "NO!!"

The cougar leaped to its feet as it opened its jaws, ready to snap at the wolf's bare neck. Just as it was about to, another wolf came out of the forest and tackled the cougar away from the first wolf. Both are pretty similar with each other but this one had a white sock like print to one of its front paws. The first wolf was finally able to separate itself from the lion and stood by the new wolf. It gave it a side glance as it snorted at it. The new wolf only let out a toothy grin and wagged its tail. For a second, it looked at me and winked before turning back to it's enemy. Could wolves actually winked or is it my imagination?

By now, it was a battle between werewolves and werecats. The two wolves then took turns in attacking the werecats. One would take offense and the other as the defense. They were in perfect sync and the werecats couldn't keep up with them. In no time, the werecats realized that they were gonna lose the fight so they fled. The wolf, the first one, made a move to chase them but the other wolf blocked it's way and gestured it's head to me.

The first wolf turned and met my eyes. It's eyes then softened. All intent on killing now gone. The two started to head on my way and I shrink back in fear. They both stopped from advancing as if sensing my fear. But the first wolf started to walk towards me again, this time, with its head bowed and it's tail lowered. It approached me slowly as if it didn't want to scare me.

Once it did, it raised its head and looked at me in the eyes.

‘Rose, it's me. Ren.’

A voice said from my head. It was Ren's voice. I started to search the forest trying to find it's source, but I found none. By now, the second wolf was beside the first and wagging its tail at me.

‘We're here, princess.’

And now Dan's voice is in my head. I searched the forest again. "Ren? Dan? Where are you?"

‘In front of you, Princess.’ Ren's voice said.

I looked at my front and found no one but the two wolves.

Wait. Two wolves....Ren and Dan.....their voices......

"Ha...HA! I think I'm going crazy since I keep hearing Ren and Dan's voices. And to actually think that they are the two wolves in front of me. That can't be it. Haha!"

I turned towards the second wolf who was nudging me with it's snout. It was frowning. "Yep. You're crazy alright. We are two talking werewolves here to ruin your world. Sounds good, right?" it said. I stared at the wolf in shock. And that does it.

I fainted.

And as I fell, I felt something smooth catch me.


As Rose started to fall, Ren jumped in front of her to catch her.

Dan, his wolf form, was dying in laughter at her reason for fainting.



Ren hit his brother on the head with one of his large paws.

‘Do you really have to scare her like that?’ Ren asked in an annoyed tone.

Dan grinned at him and wagged his tail. ‘By scarring her do you mean the part where I opened my mouth and spoke in her mind at the same time?’

‘Yes! Now look what you've done.’

‘Oh yes. I'm looking.’ He said and batted his wolf lashes. ‘And I'm feeling the chills. You know.’

‘Oh shut up. I'll give you chills once I dump some ice cubes in your pants once we get back home. Now help me carry her.’ Ren said and gestured at the limp body of Rose.

‘Ohhh... the playful Ren is back! Welcome back, big bro!!’

Of course, being the good and supportive sibling that he is, he laid on the ground dramatically. ‘Ow ow ow!! My back hurts! Ouch. That damn cougar gave me a few bruises and bite marks. And to think that we are both males for him to give me a bite mark. Ugh!! I'm too handsome for my own good.’ Dan sighed.

Ren then snorted and his brother, who was now rolling on the ground. ‘If anyone should have a say about bite marks then it should be me. I have more bite marks than you. That means I'm better looking than you.’

‘In your dreams. Your face is my butt!’

‘You have a nice butt then.’ Ren grinned and carefully shifted Rose to his back.

‘Oh ha ha. Good one smart guy. I'll get you back for that later.’

Dan hid a grin as he followed them.

‘By the way, Dan. You were awfully late. Why is that?’ Ren suddenly asked.

Dan let out a dramatic gasp. ‘You accused me of being late? Well sorry. It's just that you were so fast that you left me behind.’

‘I was that fast?’

‘Yeah. You just heard Rose and you went whoosh!!’

‘Really huh? Just admit it that you're getting slow, brother.’

‘Maybe? I don't know.’ Dan shrugged.

Well here's the thing. Dan was able to catch up with Ren just in time for the fight. But he just hid behind the forest and let his brother take the enemies down. Why? To impress the lady of course! He did say that he was the supportive brother, right?

Actually, Ren was handling it well, He was about to kill the werelion. But hearing Rose yelping made him stop and attack the cougar instead.

Tsk tsk tsk. He should have finished the werelion fast. No dear me. I have a dumb brother. Dan thought.

‘Come on, Dan. You slow poke.’ And now Ren is boasting his speed.

Tch! Bastard. If only you knew the sacrifice I made for you. Plus, I am not the one who's slow around here. Dan smirked as he pocketed his own thoughts. Good for nothing bastard~!!

‘Dan? What's with your face? You look creepy. Wipe it off.’ Ren made a face at him.

‘Nothing bastar - I mean, brother.’

Oh crap. Did he say that out loud? No! Don't kill me Ren!! He still have some fangirls who love him~

Lucky for him that Rose took that time to mumble something. "Sweet potato deer salad. Take that you stupid deer...mmm."

Ren and Dan looked at each other. There was a pause between them before they started to laugh.

‘What the heck is a potato deer salad!?!’ Ren said in between laughs.

‘Beats me. You ask a deer.’


‘Ow!!’ Ren jumped and let out a whimper.

‘What is it, Ren?’ Dan's wolf suddenly got into full alert.

‘Rose bit me! She bit me!!’

Dan rolled on the floor as he laughed out. ‘Now That's a love bite.’

‘A what?’

‘Nothing. Let's just get her home. I believed our little princess is hungry.’

‘Agreed. Let's go before she eats me alive and mutter something about wolf potato salad instead.’

Dan watched as his brother gently fixed Rose onto his back. He was really careful not to touch her now swollen cheek, which he just now noticed. No wonder Ren had a killer intent before. They hurt her, that was why Ren wasn't able to control himself by attacking the enemy. If he would have seen that bruise earlier then he might have attacked the bastards instead of hiding.

Just looking at how Ren carried Rose made him want to step back and let them have their moment.

Nah!! It's payback time.

Dan grinned at Ren and started to sprint pass them.

‘Dan? Dan!! Get back here! Wait for us!!’ Ren called. He can faintly hear him going to a slow jog.

‘Try to keep up you slowpoke!’

***In the Forest***

He was a little late. He couldn't meet his master. It was watching a pair of wolves carrying his master. It whimpered sadly. His master was also unconscious. It was wary of them. It couldn't trust other races with it's presence.

It looked in the direction where the rogues went and growled. Someday, those rogues will pay for harming his master.

The little wolf let out a small grunt as it shifted the weight of the red cloak in its mouth. It was certain that it belonged to his master and he would deliver it to her without fail. Maybe if he followed the wolves, he'll somehow get a chance to meet with her.

A couple of steps forward and he tripped on the cloak and well.

It might take a while to meet his master after all. He whimpered sadly.