
5-in-1 System in the Pokemon World

This is my first time writing so any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks and I hope you enjoy. I'm not sure how far I'll take this story because I'm only writing for fun but I have a lot of ideas that I can make into "hopefully" a great story. Follow the adventures of Jake a young boy from the same age group as Ash Ketchum as he travels through this new world he finds himself in.

RapidReader1993 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

First Pokemon & Green's POV

I figured we would be waiting a while so I pulled up my System to check my Daily Missions, I was surprised at what I saw. The first mission was the same as yesterday, scan a Pokemon with the Pokedex but the second and third were already completed. The first completed mission was to fight a Pokemon and the second was to win a Pokemon battle. Both missions were completed by fighting the Arbok, I selected claim on both of them and my rewards were delivered.

[Ding.....Daily Mission completed, Item Shop unlocked.]

[Ding.....Daily Mission completed, awarded Item Box expansion.]

Seeing the rewards I first checked the Item Box, originally there were ten rows with ten boxes each, that had been increased to fifteen rows of ten. From one hundred to one hundred and fifty, not immediately useful but more space is always better. Next was the shop, one of the previously grayed out tabs was now accessible.

Scrolling through the short list of available items I was a little disappointed, the only items for sale were regular Pokeballs and a few berries that had the same effects as in the game, they were cheri, chesto, pecha, rawst, aspear, leppa, persim, and lum each berry was one hundred System Coins. Not only were the items a little lackluster but the shop requires a new currency called System Coins, SC for short. I focused on the top right corner of the screen where it showed '0 SC' and a currency exchange window popped up, looks like Pokemon Dollars can be converted to SC in a one-to-one ratio, this didn't do much for me as I didn't have any money at all.

It had been about an hour since Blue had headed out and Daisy finally woke up, forcing me to close the system and focus on my surroundings, she looked around not awake enough to process everything until her eyes landed on mine. Seeing me she remembered what had happened and looked around again, this time in a panic only to find that she was sitting on a couch with her mom on one side and me on the other. Her mom spoke soothingly trying to help her stay calm.

"It's OK honey. Your safe now."

Her mom hugged her tight and as her mom pulled her closer, and away from me, she realized that her hand was clutching my shirt. She tried to let go but she had been holding so tight for long enough that her hand had fallen asleep and it was difficult for her to move her fingers. She tried to apologize but she kept stuttering every time she looked at me, I just smiled at her which caused her to blush and hide her face on her mom's shoulder. I'm pretty sure she might have developed a crush on me, only time would tell.

Just then the phone rang and my mom, being the closest to it, answered. She listened for a bit then hung up.

"That was Blue. He said the Professor needs to talk to you, in person, as soon as you can get there."

"I understand. Red, can you stay here with everyone for now?"

"No problem boss, you can fill me in when you get back."

My dad looked at me and then to my mother.

"I'm going to bring Jake as well, after all the Arbok is rightfully his as he and Growlithe defeated it."

My mom looked like she wanted to object but then accepted what my dad said, he crossed the room kneeled down in front of Growlithe and I and pulled out a Pokeball.

"Jake, Growlithe, the two of you were in perfect sync during your fight against that Arbok. I think it would be good if you made your bond official."

He handed me the Pokeball, I looked at the Pokeball in my hand and then at Growlithe.

"What do you say buddy?"

Holding the Pokeball out to Growlithe, he didn't hesitate, pressing his nose to the Pokeball he was sucked in. It rocked back and forth a few times before a soft click was heard, I pressed the button on the ball and Growlithe reappeared in the room.

"Good, now Growlithe can go with you anywhere and anytime, call him back and we'll go."

I pressed the button again and Growlithe disappeared from the room once more. As we left the house dad called out his Arcanine, picked me up, and got on Arcanine's back before settling me in front of him then with a press of his knees we were off. Headed straight for Professor Oaks lab.

** Green's POV **

After watching the security camera footage of what happened I was really impressed with my son and Growlithe. Jake did say he had memories of playing a game based off this world, but there is a major difference between virtual and reality. In a game you can always restart, but in real life losing means death or serious injury. Just from watching the video I could tell that Jake was a natural at Pokemon battling, I would have to see if I could get him his Pokedex early.

Seeing how uncomfortable all the attention was making Jake I tried to redirect everyone's focus. I gave out a few directions and after Red and Blue left I settled down to wait for whatever information we could get. It was good to be the boss sometimes, seeing Red and Blue quickly carrying out my instructions. It reminded me of how we originally started working together.

When Emily and I finally decided to stop traveling we agreed to settle down in Pallet Town, it was where our parents settled after being exiled from the family back in the Sinnoh region. We bought a house and looked at what jobs we could get, I applied for the Pokemon Rangers and Emily decided to take a job breeding Pokemon on commission.

I had prior dealings and an agreement with the Rangers so I was quickly offered a position and Emily seemed to have a knack for pairing up Pokemon to breed strong and healthy Pokemon. We settled into a peaceful routine up until Emily told me she was pregnant. I was overjoyed when she told me. I was going to be a dad, I focused on only two things for the first four months my job and my wife. Starting at the fifth month of Emily's pregnancy I applied and was granted extended leave to stay with and take care of her. Honestly I think I drove her a little nuts.

When little Jake was born and I saw him for the first time it felt like my whole world changed, I now had only one goal in mind. Protect my family. Nothing more and nothing less. It was around that time that Red and Blue also decided to make a home for themselves, that was when I realized what needed to be done.

I approached Red and Blue about forming a Pokemon Ranger squad. At first they were hesitant because their ego's couldn't accept not being in charge, I explained that because I had a history and recent accomplishments with the Rangers I could apply for a Captains position. If they applied without my recommendation and request for them to be assigned to me they would likely be placed in a random squad possibly on the other side of the region.

Seeing the sense in my argument they agreed and we became a team, and we worked well together, we completed every assignment we got even if sometimes we were only able to bring back a body. They came to realize that I was really good at my job, they never said it but I could tell by their attitude that they knew I was better than they would ever be. With that realization they began to respect me more, when we first started it was hard to be their boss and their friend but we managed to make it work. After years of hard work we had become the top ranked search and rescue team in the Pokemon Rangers.

I was pulled from my reminiscing by the phone ringing. Glancing over I saw Emily pick it up, nod a few times, and hang up.

"That was Blue. He said the Professor needs to talk to you, in person, as soon as you can get there."

I acknowledged Emily's words with a nod, made a request of Red which he agreed to and looked at my son.

"I'm going to bring Jake as well, after all the Arbok is rightfully his as he and Growlithe defeated it."

I said a few words to Jake about making Growlithe his, officially, and handed him a Pokeball. I was pleased to see he didn't unilaterally make the decision he asked Growlithe and Growlithe himself initiated the bond. This was another good sign that Jake would be a great trainer, it showed the he would appreciate his Pokemon and listen to their wants and needs not use them as mere tools like so many trainers do.

"Good, now Growlithe can go with you anywhere and anytime, call him back and we'll go."

We left the house and I called out Arcanine to give us a ride to the lab, Professor Oaks lab wasn't what most people would think of when hearing the word 'lab' it was more like a meeting hall with a few machines spread out inside. Behind the lab was a huge fenced in nature preserve with every habitat a Pokemon could want, after all Professor Oak wasn't just a pokemon researcher he was also a pokemon caretaker.

Many trainers will catch Pokemon so they can scan them into their Pokedex and then immediately release them, others like Emily and myself like to have what's called a Living Pokedex. A Living Pokedex is where a person will catch and keep at least one type of every Pokemon in the Pokedex, the only problem with this is where do you keep them. Sure, you could leave them in their Pokeballs forever as a Pokeball acts like a stasis chamber, but that is not healthy for or fair to the Pokemon you catch.

That is why many associations like the Pokemon Rangers, Pokemon Breeders, and Pokemon Researchers with offer living accommodations for their members Pokemon, for a monthly fee, based on the number and dietary needs of your Pokemon.

During our travels Emily and I had each completed our Pokedex one hundred and forty-nine Pokemon each, I had caught only males and Emily had caught only females. We had done that because Emily had always considered the possibility of needing to do a bit of breeding if we ever were short on money during our travels. All of our Pokemon were housed here at Professor Oaks lab, all two hundred and ninety-eight of them, except of course for the Legendary Pokemon and any Pokemon we kept on hand for protection.

There is an unwritten rule among Pokemon Trainers that Legendary Pokemon can be caught but must be released immediately after their data has been added to the Pokedex. Legendary Pokemon are the rulers of a domain they help to protect the balance of this world, if they were to go missing the entire world could be thrown into chaos.

I agree with this unwritten rule and I understand the necessity of it, that said I kept the Legendary Pokemon that I caught, they are currently inside my Item Box. To catch them I didn't do what most people do, I directly entered their domains. The domain of a Legendary Pokemon is not just a specific area, it is a separate plane of existence connected by a hidden passage. Going through the passage is not a simple matter, one wrong step and your dead, but if you can make it to the other side it's worth it as you can find tens of Legendary Pokemon and hundreds of rare resources ripe for the taking. That's why I kept the Legendary Pokemon that I caught because I know that one Pokemon out of nearly a hundred is not going to cause the world to end.

Upon reaching the lab I didn't put Arcanine back in his Pokeball instead I lead him to the fence gate and let him go inside, after all it has been a while since he got to spend time with his mate. That done I headed into the lab with Jake to see the Professor and find out what he had discovered.

As we entered the building I saw Blue leaning on the front desk waiting for us.

"Finally, dad says the situation is bad but wouldn't explain until you got here."

Blue looked a little annoyed while saying this and it worried me. There were two possibilities for the Professor's actions, the first and most unlikely is that he didn't want to explain himself twice, this was unlikely for two reasons. The first is that Professor Oaks loves to talk, I swear he must really like the sound of his own voice, the second is that he gives his son preferential treatment telling his son everything he wants to know.

The second and worst possibility is that Blue doesn't have high enough clearance to hear what the Professor has to say without my approval. Putting all the pieces together and I'm left with only one possibility. A Sovereign ranked Totem Pokemon. I really hope I'm wrong.