

It would be awesome if our imagination turns into reality. But the imagination will always stay in our mind unless we make it happens. This story is about a life of a woman, Shasha Lilly Waltz who used to be wild, stubborn, rebellious and carefree . She has no superpower or any special abilities. Just being an ordinary human who has to struggle to keep her sanity in facing the world and eventually lost her personalities which made her felt useless. One day, fate brought her an unexpected encounter which perked her will to make herself better. After 4 days of knowing a young boy, Eden Ozzie, she started to see clearly it was never too late to change her life. As long as she is still breathing.

_bebetom_ · Urban
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10 Chs


"A sweet friendship refreshes the soul – proverbs 27:9"

{Playing games} Eden responded.

{I see. So just play it then}. Shasha said and she was not surprised because even her husband also played online games.

{It's okay, we can still chat. What are you doing rn?} he replied.

Shasha typed {Okay then. I'm practicing my fingers rn}

Eden's reply came 10 minutes later. {How do you practise your fingers?}

Shasha was strumming her guitar while chatting with him, so she answered. {I've been trying to practise my fingers on this chord. F#m. It was so damn difficult for me. I just know how to strum few easy chords and until now, I still can't do these difficult chords properly, think my fingers are not strong enough}.

5 minutes later, Eden replied, {That's tough. I know. I play guitar too.}

Then there was a photo came in with the message {These are my guitars, one electric and one acoustic. The acoustic guitar was my grandpa's. They are beautiful, aren't they?}

Shasha looked at the photo and she said, {Yeah. They are beauties! Your grandpa Rock!😉 So, what kind of music do you usually listen to?}

{I listen to everything, there's no specific music} Eden answered.

Shasha was excited because this was one of her favorite topics in conversation. She said, {Me too. I love all kind of music, but I think I can't really stand one of them. You know that opera thing?}

Eden asked, {Opera music? Why?}

Shasha answered, {I don't really know how to describe my feeling when I listen to it. As if it brings out some kind of demon in me and make me feel itchy. It makes me want to do something crazy 🥴}

There was a link from Youtube came in from Eden and it showed the kind of music that Shasha mentioned before and the message said {Is this kind of music?}

{Yes..OMG. I can't listen to it} Shasha answered.

{Interesting. What kind of demon will come out from you anyway 😂}, Eden asked her.

{It won't be killing demon. Maybe seductive demon🤣}, Shasha was laughing when she typed her answer.

{Then, just let it out. That is not a problem 🤣} Eden replied.

{Oh really! I don't know how to seduce people anyway but maybe I can try 😂}. Then Shasha took her picture and sent it to Eden along with the message. {Is that seductive enough? 🤣What do you think?}.

It took about a minute for Eden to reply {Let it be my secret}.

{Just tell me please. 😳} Shasha typed.

There was no answer. Then Shasha sent a message {It looks like it doesn't work. 😂Sorry 😬 maybe the demon in me escaped just now. You're not comfortable with it right?}.

{Don't think it that way. It doesn't matter. If I'm not comfortable I will tell you okay} Eden reply came after that.

{Okay} Shasha gave her a simple answer. Actually, she thought she had been a little bit impulsive in sending her seductive photo. Was she become a pervert? That thought made her felt disgusted with herself.

She was quite confused with her own response. When did she become like this? Was she trying to flirt with a boy who even younger than her own children? Those questions kept on playing in her mind at that moment.

{Are you okay?} A message from Eden stopped her thought.

{I'm fine.} Shasha replied.

{Are you mad?} Eden asked again.

{No. I'm not} Shasha told him the truth.

{Why do I feel like you are mad} Eden replied.

{I'm not mad really! It's just…..your response made me thinking. If I were 20, I would fall in love with you I guess} Shasha tried to explain but she herself didn't know what she was thinking at that time.

{Why you said that?} Eden's question made Shasha didn't know what she should tell.

{I can say I've never met someone who responded like you do. Maybe this is my first time did something like this} Shasha thought this explanation would be the correct one to describe what she felt.

{There's always a first time in everything 😄} Eden replied.

{Yeah..you are right 😂 . But I am really curious. What do you think of the picture anyway?} Shasha's curiosity was killing her. Not that she sent a nude photo anyway. It was just looked seductive for her. Maybe not for him who had seen more daring girls in most social media.

{If I tell you, it won't be a secret anymore. You will know the answer. You are smart!} Eden replied.

{Aahh..I assume it was not good 🤣} Shasha tried not to laugh.

{Don't say that. Your assumption might be wrong} Eden answered.

{Well. If there is no certainty in the answer, it is better to think the worse. That way there will be no expectation} Shasha stated her opinion.

Eden replied {I've told you the answer already}

{Where?} Shasha asked.

{There. In my message above} Eden replied.

{🤣 I think I'm in a bubble eating a candy right now} Shasha was grinning till she thought her cheeks hurt.

Eden sent {😂}

{You haven't told me what kind of music you like most} Shasha tried to stop herself from teasing him more and change the topic.

{Let see.. I can say Bring Me The Horizon} Eden answered.

Shasha opened her Youtube account and search to see what kind of music he liked and listened to it for a while. She liked it. Maybe a little bit metalcore for her but it was still in her type of music.

She sent the link to Eden and asked {This one right? I think they've just uploaded their new song. It is good}

{Yes. I haven't seen that yet honestly. How about you?} Eden replied.

Shasha answered {Me? I felt in love with The Cranberries singer. Really love her but sadly she died}

{I didn't know that} Eden replied.

Shasha made a screenshot of the singer's photo and sent it to Eden and told him {She is cute isn't she? Used to cut my hair like hers. I could only pierce 7 holes on my earlobe. Can't be like hers, she had 10}

{She looks good. You can cut your hair like that again} Eden replied.

{Nah.. I want to keep my hair long. But I think my hair is not healthy anymore after I bleached it. You have a long hair now right? I saw it from you profile picture} Shasha asked him.

{No. I cut my hair already} after he sent the message, he sent the latest photo of him.

Shasha looked at the photo and really wanted to take a screen shot of it but it would violate his privacy. So, she didn't do it and looked at it as much as she could. He has a very pleasant and attractive face. With medium short, messy dark brown hair, a very deep beautiful eyes and long eyelashes. Shasha thought it would be great to have a beautiful son like him. Her wishful thinking. She couldn't even tell him all about her yet.

Then she replied to Eden {Why did you cut it? It looked good on you, but your new hairstyle also looks good}

{I can't take care of it anyway. That's why I cut it} Eden explained.

Then he sent another photo of a black cat and told her {This is my friend}

{Hello Kitty. I want to be your friend too. Is it a male or female?} Shasha smiled when she saw the photo. So, he has a cat too she thought.

{It will like to be your friend too.. I don't know} Eden responded.

{If it is a male, you'd better watch out. He likes to pee everywhere later. It will give you a headache with the smell} Shasha told him since she was a cat lover.

{Noted. Will remember that} He replied.

{My cat died two weeks ago} Shasha attached her message with a photo.

{Fkkk! I'm sorry} Eden replied.

{It's okay. What time is it right now in your country? Don't tell me. I'll check it out myself} Shasha found it and realized it was evening at his location at that moment and told him whether he had his lunch yet.

{I had my lunch already} he replied.

{What do you have for your lunch. Your mom cooked for you. It must taste good right?} Shasha asked.

Eden replied {It's just a normal lunch. Nothing special}