
4.246 Light Years

What do you imagine when you look up at the night sky? Have you ever thought that when you look at the beautiful shining stars you are looking back in time? Dara, a smart young girl has a deep memory as she looks up at the night sky. At a young age, Dara needed to face inner turmoil, failure, rejection, and mental problems that she was not aware of. She lost many things in her life, family, money, job and also friends. She was trying to get out of her problems and move towards her dreams. She wants to bring memories from her past to build her future. Memory about 4.246 that brought an impression on her life. Will she be able to overcome all the challenges in her life?

Yulian_Aska · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 13 : War and Chaos

Sofi still locked herself up. Not only were Billy, Tiara, and Leo worried, Dara who knew the reason why Sofi was acting like that was also starting to get worried. Sofi is difficult to contact. Tiara who was determined to come to her house even if her mother knew she would scold her, also couldn't meet her. Sofi's father only said that Sofi was sick and couldn't be bothered. Her father was worried too, but there wasn't much they could do other than give Sofi some space.

Besides that, Laura's injection of funds really helped them. Leo can move more freely, although Dara still hasn't received any additional help. Moreover, Billy began to show a declining performance. Dara didn't report it to Leo, and pretended all was well. Dara did not want to provoke questions, because Dara could slightly guess what had happened to Billy. Even so, Billy always tried to be kind to Dara.

Dara continues to develop and improve her project. She doesn't want the hard work of her friends to be in vain if she can't create her project properly. Dara sometimes forgets to eat her lunch. She was afraid of her old pace of life returning. But in hectic times like this, she really has a hard time taking care of herself.

"Dara doesn't seem to have eaten lunch yet," Billy said to his two friends.

"Our team is not just Dara," Tiara reminded him. "We also need to eat."

Billy looked at Tiara somewhat surprised by her words. While Leo, it seemed awkward to be between the two of them. Tiara is really good at hiding her feelings. But Leo, who had known her since childhood, knew that Tiara had had feelings for Billy for a long time. They have been friends for a long time. Sofi noticed it too. Even Billy himself just pretended not to feel it.

Tiara looks tired. She still divides her head between Dara's project and her family's businesses. Sometimes the condition is unstable. Dara is not too sensitive about this. She is busy doing her own work.

That afternoon Billy brought the warm drink he bought to Dara. Dara who was busy didn't even pay much attention to it. "Oh, thanks Billy," she said simply as she continued her work.

Tiara who saw it was hard to hold back her feelings of jealousy anymore. She's been holding onto her feelings for Billy fo a long time. She realized Billy didn't feel the same way. She had given up on it a long time ago. But when she saw Billy liked another woman, het heart was hard to control.

Dara and Leo are still busy doing their job. Until finally Tiara approached Leo and asked him to talk. Tiara asked Leo to talk some distance from where Dara and Billy were. Although actually Dara will not be distracted when she is concentrating on finishing her work.

"I want to take a break from this project. I need to take care of my family business first," said Tiara to Leo.Leo wasn't surprised. He had expected Tiara to do it. He was wise enough not to ask her much.

"Until when?"

"I don't know, I just..."

"I understand," Leo cut in quickly. "You can rest."

"Thank you, take care of them. Especially Dara, she's starting to push herself too much."

"Who can stop her?" Leo asked and laughing a little. Tiara also laughed hearing that.

"Don't tell them, okay?"

"At least say goodbye to them."

"I can't, I'm sorry."

"Okay, but I can't promise I won't say anything."

Leo didn't hold back Tiara anymore. Leo had a lot of work to do after Tiara and Sofi couldn't work for a while. While Dara still does not realize what happened between her friends.

Dara even just realized Tiara wasn't there quite a while after she left. "Where's Tiara?" she asked.

"Did she come home earlier?" asked Billy also surprised when she did not find her anywhere.

"She's been on leave for a while," Leo replied.

"What? Sofi is still sick, if Tiara is on leave, our work arrears will increase," said Billy again. "Is she all right?" Even though Billy was a little annoyed with Tiara's decision, it was clear he was worried.

"She's okay. It's just that her family business also needs to be taken care of," said Leo trying to cover it up.

"But she can still be here. Only Saturday and Sunday, or at least she could do her business here. So it's easy for us to coordinate," said Billy again a little louder as if he wasn't happy with Tiara's decision.

"She's just on leave, Tiara also needs a break," said Dara, a little displeased that Billy didn't seem empathetic to her best friend's condition. Billy seemed to disagree with her.

"At least she said goodbye, why did she just leave."

"She must have a reason, maybe she is in a hurry," said Dara again trying to defend her friend.

But Billy seemed unfazed. He still felt annoyed. Dara couldn't understand it. "What about the job? We are actively promoting. We really need someone to help Leo. Leo has to execute himself," said Billy, still adamant in his opinion.

"Well, you can help Leo first, I'm fine with developing the 2.0 version of the project myself." Dara thought it was a very practical solution. Billy didn't help her much either.

Billy did not seem to agree with the idea. But before he could say anything, Leo intervened. "Yes, I need help. For a while you help me first, okay?"

Billy had no reason to refuse. He accepted his new job reluctantly. "I want to try to come to her house. I need to ask her why she left us like this," said Billy who was clearly annoyed.

Dara felt his attitude was too much. He acted as if Tiara had betrayed them. Billy then left without another word. Dara still saw him when he was completely out of their sight.

"What's wrong with him?" Dara asked clearly astonished.

"You don't understand what happened?" asked Leo somewhat disbelievingly Dara asked that.

"Understood why he was so angry?"

Leo was a little annoyed with Dara's innocence which was more like insensitivity. "You don't understand this situation?"

"If you just want to repeat the same question over and over, I'd better go home. I'm so tired. Now tell me what I don't understand!" Dara said more firmly. A lot of work makes it even more difficult to hold back her anger.

"Okay miss. Where should I start if you don't understand the situation at all." Leo also looked annoyed.

"Start with why Billy is angry."

"He doesn't want Tiara to leave him," Leo replied flatly.

"Why? You should be the one who is not willing Tiara to go. You need Tiara's help."

"I really don't want Tiara to leave. But what Billy feels is different."

Dara began to understand it. But she still didn't believe it. "Is it possible?" She asked. "Billy hasn't looked any different all this time."

"Because he also doesn't realize that there is something different between the two of them. He only realized that Tiara left not because she was busy taking care of her family business."

"Then Tiara left for what?" Dara asked really did not understand.

Leo took a deep breath. "You really don't see anything between us?"

"We all?"

"Okay, I'll explain once. But don't ask too many questions, okay?" Leo said trying to control himself.


"Don't ask anything. I'm just going to tell you and don't cut me off."

"Yeah, okay," said Dara already getting impatient.

"Tiara left because she couldn't see Billy paying attention to you." Dara was about to speak cutting Leo's words, but she held it back. "Tiara doesn't like seeing you two. Meanwhile, Billy realized that Tiara left was because of that. So he can't accept it and gets angry to cover his feelings."

"What feeling? The feeling that he actually likes Tiara or the feeling that he doesn't want Tiara to leave him?" asked Dara.

But like the agreement between them Leo didn't explain anymore. Leo's explanation even more raises new questions in Dara's head. Leo ignored her and just walked away.

"I still want to work here until the evening. You better get home before dark," Leo said flatly.

"Okay, okay." Dara couldn't resist. Although it was clear she wanted to discuss Tiara and Billy's feelings.

Dara couldn't understand. She didn't even know that Tiara had feelings for Billy. Then Billy? Does he like her or Tiara? Dara's head started to hurt from constantly thinking. She frowned. She even stopped her bicycle midway to hold her throbbing right side of her head. Dara still doesn't know how to deal with Sofi's problem, now a new problem has come to them.


"There is an increase in users, our website traffic also increases," said Leo. But he didn't seem happy with the good news.

"Alhamdulillah, can I see the data?" Dara happy, although she also couldn't deny she was still tired.

Dara looked at the statistics of the website. She was grateful for the results they got. She wants to celebrate with her friends, but the current state of her team is in chaos. They didn't even know about Billy, who couldn't be contacted since he left to visit Tiara in her house.

"Where's Billy?"

"I don't know, later after my work is finished I'll look for him at his house," Leo replied without looking at Dara.

"If you don't explain further, I won't be able to concentrate on work," said Dara again. "We can't let our team be like this."

"Okay, what do you want to know?" Leo asked still busy with the papers in front of him.

"Who does Billy like? Me or Tiara?"

"Dara come on," this time Leo began to pay attention to her.

"I don't understand. How can you understand abstract things like this so easily?"

"Indeed, I also don't have an exact explanation, because I don't know."

"But yesterday you explained it to me, where did you conclude it?"

Leo seemed to be getting impatient. "I just felt and predicted it. I don't know for sure. I don't know how Billy feels, we can only guess."

"But guessing also has a basis. Why did you put it all together?"

"Okay," Leo started to stand up from his seat. He began to seriously explain his analysis to Dara. "Look, not all of my background thoughts can be easily validated, the truth is between 0-100%. Which causes the truth of my statement and conclusion is also 0-100% true. Nothing is certain. It could be that my guess is only 20% correct, so I can't go into detail about the reasons why I can conclude that."

"Okay I understand. Now I want to ask again." Leo looked tired. "According to your subjective analysis, what percentage does Tiara really like Billy?"

Leo couldn't believe Dara was asking him this. But he already didn't have enough strength to fight back. "Probably 75%."

"Okay, then the truth is that Tiara is annoyed to see Billy pay attention to me, what percentage?"

"85? Or maybe 90."

Leo already wanted to stop Dara's game. But he knows Dara is hard to stop, so he has no other choice but to accept his fate.

"What percentage do you think Billy likes me?"

"Hmmm, 70?"

"70? I don't think Billy likes me."

"You're asking my subjective judgment right?"

"Okay," Dara suppressed her argument. "Then what percentage do you think is the probability that Billy actually likes Tiara? He's annoyed that Tiara left the team, right?"

"I don't know, I didn't think about this before. But your thoughts may be right too. Maybe 40% is right, he might not realize that he also likes Tiara."

"Then what do you think? Why do you think Billy was upset yesterday? What's the difference between them?"

"Maybe their condition is complicated. But the biggest percentage of the possibilities I can think of, is because Billy feels guilty. He ended up getting angry to himself."

Dara began to think about the data obtained. Now she was starting to understand more and more with the statistics that Leo was describing. But she didn't have an answer for the solution to her problem either. She just thought it was that complicated a boy and a girl being friends with feelings involved. Time passed so quickly because they were so busy taking care of the project.

"Shall we go to Billy's? We'll find out why." Dara was a little hesitant as she spoke.

"Okay, you go first. I'll follow later," Leo said flatly.

"Are you kidding me? I can't go there alone."

"You wait for me to finish my work, okay?" Leo was trying to be patient.


Dara was clearly annoyed. But she held back. It's hard for her to understand Leo, but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel his kindness. After waiting for quite a while, Leo finally finished with all his work.

Leo took his motorbike ahead of Dara, while Dara followed him from behind. Arriving at Billy's house, the house looks empty. They knocked on his door. Leo and Dara were a little worried when there was no response from inside.

They were about to leave when Billy's door finally opened. Billy fell into Leo's arms, makes Dara quite panicked. Leo immediately brought Billy into his house. When Leo sat Billy on the sofa in his living room, Dara could clearly see Billy's face was pale.

"Shall we go to the hospital?" asked Dara panicked.

"No need. It's oke," Billy replied weakly.

Dara just noticed Leo who also looked as panicked as her. He could barely speak. They were both even more confused as tears streamed down Billy's face. Dara signaled Leo to do something. But Leo also didn't know what to do.

"What happened Bill?" asked Dara finally. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

Billy cried even harder. Dara and Leo could only be silent without doing anything until Billy was completely calm. Dara hoped that Tiara was with them. Because Dara knew Tiara always had a sentence to say.

After they were silent for a long time, Billy finally said what he had been hiding for a long time. "My mother ran away from home."

This time it was Dara who froze. She began to understand what was happening. But she couldn't say anything. Billy didn't say anything else. Leo take Billy to his room and prepared his a meal. Meanwhile, Dara chose to sit alone in the Billy's living room with feelings that she had difficulty understanding.

If Leo could explain his subjective thinking statistics to Dara, Dara was sure that this time it wouldn't help her. Dara thinks of Billy, Sofi, Tiara, her Team, her Project, all mixed up. Dara feels that she needs to postpone working on her project until their team feeling better. Dara doesn't want to ignore the feelings of her team members. Dara feels they need to rest. However, on the other hand she couldn't stop it. Laura had made sacrifices for them. They are already half way, Dara doesn't want everything to be in vain.

Leo came back from Billy's room. He looks tired. Leo seemed as tired as Dara. "Let's go home," he said flatly. Dara then followed him without speaking.

The next day Leo asked Dara to help him take care of various things. Leo was initially unaware of Dara's change in attitude. But finally Leo realized that Dara, who was used to being quiet while working, this time she was too quiet. Dara also starts avoiding him when they're not working. Leo realized that Dara was hiding something.

"If you don't tell me what happened I won't stop asking," Leo said firmly.

"What?" Dara asked clearly she couldn't pretend she didn't understand. Leo easily figured it out.

"Dara, what happened?" Leo asked more gently this time.

Dara is still silent. Tears started to trickle down her cheeks. Dara touched her wet cheek. After a long time, she could finally feel the tears on her cheeks again. There was relief in her heart, but also the problems she was facing also hurt her.

"Explain to me," Leo said again, ignoring Dara's cries.

Dara wiped her tears that had started to stop flowing. She was recovering, but not fully recovered. The tears still couldn't flow freely. She was still silent. Until Leo kind of shouted at her. "Tell me what's wrong? Tell me!"

"Okay, I'll explain," Dara replied also raising her voice. Leo was silent and waiting for Dara to speak.

Dara doesn't know how to explain everything to Leo. But she knew she couldn't avoid him anymore. "I know what happened to Billy."

"What is it? Explain to me!" Leo still seemed unable to hold back his patience waiting for Dara to string together the right sentences to convey. For a moment Dara was quite annoyed.

"His father is having an affair with Sofi. Our Sofi."

Leo knew Dara was telling the truth. But Dara's words are too unreasonable in logic. Leo didn't say anything. He understood how Dara felt. He began to understand what was going on among his team members. Leo felt a big smack in his heart. He wanted to do something, but just like Dara, he didn't know what he could do.


Dara and Leo decided to continue their work even though they were alone and their feelings were still very messed up. They don't talk to each other and just focus on their work.

They no longer discussed what happened. Leo brought Dara food at lunch time. She knew Dara didn't have much money. Dara had forgotten her feelings of helplessness. She is grateful that she is still alive and able to work on her project although now she does not know what will happen to this project next.

Although Leo and Dara often disagree, Dara realizes that Leo's existence helps her a lot. Leo felt the same way. He felt lucky to know Dara. He could re-build his dream too. He can get back to work the way he wants.

Even though they are good friends, they both realize that they have many differences that they can easily feel. There is no comfort they feel when they are together. If they were talking to each other, the chances of them not arguing were only 20%. Dara didn't know why she was thinking about this. So did Leo who thought the same thing.

In the midst of the chaos they are going through. Dean's acting up again. Dara is at a loss for words. She just smiled sarcastically when she saw Leo starting to get his life started to bother again. Leo, who usually doesn't care, is now starting to be openly annoyed.

"I guess I need to sell my workshop, so he's quiet." Leo was clearly furious. Dara almost believed his words, because her face clearly looked tired. Dara couldn't say anything. "Mrs. Ussy also seems to want to give up. She's tired of his behavior."

Dara didn't want to ask what else Dean had done to them. Dara has no energy. When Dean kept calling her, Dara didn't want to answer at all. But not Dean if he gives up easily.

"What do you want?" Dara asked Dean curtly.

"I know you already know. I won't mince words. You have only one choice now, join me."

"You think so?" Dara asked flatly.

"I'm not a patient person. I will let your friends go. I won't touch them again. Now the decision is yours."

"What if I still don't want to?"

"You have nothing to lose, Dara. I will help your small project, I will also not touch your friends again. And you won't be looking at me for a long time either. I'll be leaving soon."

Dara is a little interested this time. But she didn't want to lower her ego to ask Dean, until Dean explained.

"I will take my PhD in America. You just have to do what I tell you from there. That's my offer."

Dean has prepared an answer if Dara asks about his big dream which Dara thinks is crazy. But Dara, who was in a bad mood, had no interest in prolonging any conversation with him.

"I'll think about it," Dara answered briefly as she hung up their phone.

Dean wondered a little. Dara doesn't act like she usually does. Although this time Dara said she would think about his offer, Dean didn't look happy. She seemed to be able to feel the feelings Dara was feeling.

Meanwhile Dara began to think about Dean's offer. She realized Dean had a point. She didn't have much choice, or maybe she just didn't. But Dara refuses to lose. Sometimes her intelligent brain does give her solutions without her expecting. Dara's expression didn't change. There was no smile on her face. But she knew what she wanted to do.


The symptoms of the headache that Dara suffers from are quite disturbing. Dara is still able to force herself to work, but occasionally she has to be quiet because the pain in her head is hard to bear. The symptoms she experienced also came and went, but that morning, the pain was quite constant.

She took a deep breath as the pain in her head started. She wanted so badly to ask Leo to stop talking, until he finally realized Dara was enduring the pain. Dara started to grimace when her head felt pulled and it hurt so bad.

"How long are you going to ignore your health?" Leo asked quite sarcastically.

Before Dara could answer, Tiara's voice which was like a dream was clearly heard by the two of them. "Let me take you home."

"Tiara." Dara immediately approached and hugged her. Dara almost cried with joy. She had somewhat forgotten the feeling she felt.

"I'm sorry," said Tiara briefly looking sorry to them.

"Come on, we have a lot of work to do," said Leo, who didn't look too melancholic. Leo seemed quite tired to discuss their personal matters at that time. Dara didn't want to think about it either. Her head really felt a pain that she couldn't bear this time.

"I'll take Dara home first. Just keep your bike here," Tiara said to both of them.

Dara could not refuse. Tiara doesn't talk much like she usually does on the way to Dara's house. Dara doesn't know it's because Tiara wanted her not to think much because she was sick or indeed Tiara didn't want to talk.

Dara thanked Tiara for dropping her off when she got home. Dara held her head as she entered her room. She didn't even notice Nemma watching her enter. Dara lay down on the bed, then she closed her eyes. Even though she wasn't asleep, Dara felt comfortable when she started to rest. Dara realized the last few days, she had forgotten to live slowly again and also forgot how to rest as she had learned before.


The next day Dara's head was still very sore. Nemma understood the situation well enough and allowed Dara to rest for the day. Dara lay down while feeling her head occasionally felt pulled. She winced in pain. Dara for a moment forgets the problem of Sofi or Billy.

When she had calmed down enough and intended to close her eyes to continue resting, Nemma knocked on her bedroom door and said someone was looking for her. Dara's mind only focused on one person. Dean. For Dara, he is like a troublemaker who often appears when she wants to enjoy her life.

Holding her head Dara walked to the front door. Her eyes were closed on one side of the pain as her head seemed to contract. Dara didn't know the right words to describe the pain she felt. But when she saw who was standing in front of her, Dara was quite surprised. She saw Tiara standing there looking panicked and nervous.

"What happened?" Dara asked.

"Leo," Tiara answered briefly, signaling Dara to follow her.

Dara followed Tiara without saying much. She had a bit of trouble keeping up with Tiara's fast pace. Tiara didn't say where she was headed, but it was easy for Dara to guess where she was going. They headed for Leo's house which was only a few houses away from Dara's house.

Dara was still holding back the pain as she began to guess what had happened. Several neighbors had gathered around Leo's house. Tiara slightly asked them for space so that Dara and herself could easily enter the house. Dara heard a familiar scream in her ears. Grandma Nomi's voice sounded loud in her ears making the pain she felt in her head amplified. She didn't wonder why the neighbors were swarming there.

Dara saw Leo still holding Grandma Nomi, while Tiara, who was still panicking, started to approach timidly. Dara got the impression that Leo was quite surprised to see Dara was there. Dara could not guess what had happened earlier. On top of that, she didn't know what to do either.

Everyone there looked panicked. Dara was grateful for the pain she felt in her head, it made Dara not focus on her panic. Dara wasn't too scared. Her feelings were hard not to share with the stabbing pain she felt in the left side of her head.

"We need to call a professional," said Dara, restrain herself from holding her aching head. She didn't want her friends to worry about her.

Leo was still trying to hold Grandma Nomi who was still screaming. "My cellphone broke when my grandmother threw it."

Dara also did not have time to bring her cell phone. Tiara seems to be still panicking and a little slow to respond to their conversation. "I brought my cell phone."

Dara then offered to make an emergency call for them. Tiara didn't refuse, she really looked shocked by what she witnessed. Dara slightly away from them so she can concentrate more when making calls. Grandma Nomi's voice was so deafening.

Dara closed her eyes again a few times when the pain in her head reappeared. She felt safe enough for her now to hold her head unnoticed by her two friends. Dara did not know how long she could endure the pain.


After Grandma Nomi was treated by professionals and taken to the hospital with Leo and Tiara, Dara waited at Leo's house alone. Dara can no longer think too clearly. She couldn't force herself anymore.

Dara then lay down on the sofa in the living room of Leo's house while feeling a pain in her head. She almost screamed a little as the pain stabbed her again. This time it hurt more than before. Dara closed her eyes, she kept his eyes closed until she finally drifted off to sleep.

Dara wakes up when she hears that Tiara and Leo are back. She thought the pain had subsided, but the occasional prickling in her head, she still felt. Leo and Tiara did not notice Dara's unusual expression. They both thought Dara was just panicking like them.

"How is Grandma Nomi?" asked Dara.

"It's been handled, now she has received special treatment from professionals," replied Tiara, who already looked calmer.

Leo didn't speak. He still looks shocked. Dara doesn't know how to calm him. She didn't even know how to calm herself down.

"We'll help you take care of everything. You don't worry you're not alone," Tiara told him. Leo was still silent and looked down languidly. "You should rest now. Let me and Dara take care of your grandmother in the hospital."

"Thanks, ra," Leo finally let out his voice. "Are you all right?" Leo looked at Dara who had been silent all this time. His face looked immediately worried when he saw Dara.

Dara was quite surprised to suddenly be asked such a question. But before she could answer Tiara also asked the same question while holding her hand. "Are you okay? Your hands are cold."

Tiara seemed to panic again when she realized Dara's face was a little pale. Dara is not comfortable. As pain stabbed into her head, she tried to keep herself from expressing it. "I'm fine."

"Let me take you home," Leo said suddenly. Leo doesn't look like him usual self. He looked really worried. Immediately Dara felt awkwardness between them. Dara did not understand what she was feeling. Luckily for her, Tiara was there. She is very good at reading situations so her friends feel more comfortable.

"Yeah, we'll take you home. You just take a rest."

"I just need a sleep." Dara still looks a little awkward.

Leo didn't speak anymore. Tiara seemed to understand and without much to say immediately took Dara home. Even though Dara actually felt that she was still able to walk back to her own house alone.

Tiara started to talk to her so that Dara wouldn't feel more awkward. "I'm sorry, I was really panicked. I don't remember you are sick."

"I'm okay. I'm happy to help. What really happened? Why is Grandma Nomi throwing a tantrum again?"

"Again? You've seen him rage before."

Dara doesn't know what she should say to Tiara. But finally she told the first incident she saw when Dara asked Leo for help for her project.

Tiara was still contemplating Dara's words when they arrived at Dara's house. Dara did not enter immediately. She still wants to know what really happened to Grandma Nomi.

"I went to Leo's house to give him the project files. Leo couldn't come to the hall today. When I arrived, I saw the crowd gathered and I heard the screams from his house. I immediately panicked and all I thought was coming to you, because I didn't dare go inside alone. That's all I know."

Dara still didn't get an answer to the question that popped into her head. But she began to understand what was happening. Tiara then said goodbye to go home. Dara doesn't know if Tiara is really going home or going back to Leo's to help hin take care of Grandma Nomi. Dara couldn't think about it anymore. While holding her sore head, she immediately lay down on her messy bed she had left earlier.


Day after day passed, Dara began to be able to return to her activities. Leo is still working hard while he takes care of his grandmother in the hospital. Tiara is still helping him. Dara also started to help with their work and stopped the development of the website for a while because they had a shortage of people.

Their efforts are quite fruitful. Their website traffic and users continue to grow significantly. Leo's promotion strategy on social media is quite successful. He involved several influencers that they can still hire. Leo reads statistics and carries out marketing strategies well enough for the funds to be used effectively. He even made his own promotional video. It's true what his friends said before that Leo was really reliable.

Since Tiara rejoined Leo, it has been very helpful for the records that have been done. Meanwhile, Dara only helps contact people who work with them. She didn't really understand the details of such things. Especially when Leo started selecting incoming sponsors and the product build-in mechanism on their website. Dara only understands how to make the product appear on her website. She did not understand the contract made. The economic benefits and many details that even Dara can't remember.

Meanwhile Dara is still carrying out her plan for Dean's problem. She was a little hesitant at first, but she really felt want to do it. None of her friends know anything about what Dara was doing. They only know Dara is getting busy.

Meanwhile, Dara is still thinking about Sofi and Billy. After her work was done, she approached Tiara and Leo who were still busy with their tasks.

"You guys still have a lot of work to do?"

"Just a little more," replied Tiara. "Is there a problem?"

"I want to tell you something."

Leo paused for a moment. He could guess what Dara wanted to talk about. He didn't know if that was a good idea. But he also doesn't really understand the conditions his team members are facing.

Dara waited outside the hall while sitting herself on the front porch which was now surrounded with withered flowers. Sofi took those flowers a while ago, but after she left no one had time to take care of those flowers anymore. After waiting for a while, Leo and Tiara joined her there.

"What happened?" Tiara asked.

Dara steeled herself to talk about what was troubling her. Leo just remained silent as long as Dara explained what she knew. Tiara looks devastated. Very saddened. Dara had never seen her so depressed. She didn't speak for a while. Dara was also silent. She could understand what Tiara was feeling.

"We need to help them," Tiara began. "We need to talk to Billy."

"Will that help or make things worse?" Leo asked in a weak voice. He seemed almost desperate.

"I don't know, but at least we try."

"Maybe it's not easy for Billy to accept. But sooner or later he'll know what's going on. At least we're behind him." Dara gave her argument. "But what about Sofi?"

"I haven't been able to contact her," replied Tiara. "She was probably devastated."

"I didn't even know Sofi and Mr. Reynold knew each other. I've never seen them together." Leo spoke again. His face was downcast, looking devastated.

"Sofi has known him for a long time. Since childhood," answered Tiara. "But lately I've seen them close. I didn't even think something like this could happen."

"Yeah," Leo confirmed Tiara's statement.

Dara still chose to remain silent. No, she didn't understand much but she's grateful that her friends didn't judge Sofi. They all agreed what she was doing was wrong, but they all agreed that they had no reason to berate her.

"What should we do now?" Dara asked finally speaking again.

"I heard Billy's mother came home to her parents. Mr. Reynolds went after her, but until now they had not returned. It seemed too risky to talk at Billy's house even though his parents weren't around. I'll take Billy to my house. You wait there, okay?"

"Shall we talk today?" Dara asked a little panicked. She felt unprepared for this situation.

"As soon as possible. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. We need to convince Billy to be in our back. We can't let Sofi be attacked alone," Tiara answered her.

Both Dara and Leo agreed with Tiara's statement. But neither of them could imagine what might happen next. They really don't want to give up. But they need to admit they were quite scared when they started walking.


Dara and Leo waited for Tiara to come with Billy. The two of them didn't talk to each other at all. Dara could see Leo couldn't calm down. Dara wasn't nervous, she just wasn't sure everything would be okay. For Billy, the fact that Sofi took part in the breakdown of his parents marriage was not an easy thing. Dara could imagine if that happened to her. Dara did not know what she would feel. How bitter is the reality that she needs to accept.

Leo thought about his childhood when he and his three friends played together. No one expected them to be in a situation like this. Tiara who was the most mature among them often intervened when they had a fight. Tiara was the same age as him, but Leo realized her maturity was way above him.

Leo and Billy are very close. They grew up together, even though their characters were very different. Billy has a simple mind. It's pretty easy to guess his feelings. It was easy for him to realize that he liked Dara. He's known for a long time. Billy was very kind in Leo's eyes. Billy easily sacrifices for his friends. But Leo didn't know if he could suppress his pain to stand behind Sofi now. The situation is too complicated.

Leo didn't understand why Sofi could have the heart to do that. He wanted to blame her, but Leo couldn't do it. He didn't know what really happened. But even if Sofi is wrong, Leo only knows that Sofi has the right to correct her mistakes. He was never too close to Sofi. Sofi's life was too different with him. But Sofi was always nice to him.

Leo recalled the incident many years ago when he was only 9 years old. Sofi, who was entering school for the first time, just walked over to him. Leo didn't know her. The figure of a little girl with a pink ribbon in her hair. Leo still remembers it. She brought chocolates and a letter to give to Leo. Leo didn't understand at first. Sofi then ran back to her friends.

When Leo opened the letter, Sofi's scruffy handwriting said that she liked him. They still laugh about it a lot until they are teenagers. Sofi is much different from Tiara. She is like a younger suster who needs to be taken care of by her three friends. Childish, innocent, and cheerful. She was quite lonely since her mother left her. The presence of Tiara and Mrs. Ussy made her life colorful again. But again Sofi had to lose them.

Finally Tiara and Billy came. Looks like Tiara forced Billy who still looks pale to follow her. Dara was increasingly hesitant to ask Billy to have a serious talk in such a condition. While Leo couldn't think much anymore.

They sat in the large living room of Tiara's house which was empty. She lives alone with her mother. They didn't even have a housekeeper living with them in the big house. Awkwardness overcame them. Tiara started the conversation faster than Dara expected. "How are your parents doing?"

"I don't know, they're not back yet," Billy replied. He still didn't seem to understand why he had to be forced to be there by his friends.

"This is hard for you, but we are here behind you. But I also need you behind us," Tiara continued.

Dara did not know what Tiara and Billy were talking about all the way to Tiara's house. Maybe they had talked a lot, but Dara felt that their conversation was now a little too fast. At least for her. Dara expects a moment of small talk to make the atmosphere comfortable.

"But are you okay?" Leo asked trying to loosen the tension a bit between them. It seems Leo thinks the same thing as Dara.

"He's fine," Tiara answered. "He knows about Sofi."

Nobody spoke. Dara was too surprised. Even Dara didn't have time to notice Leo's nervousness which was clearly visible on his face. Billy also just kept silent and lowered his face.

"Why didn't you tell us from the start? Why didn't you tell me? How long have you kept this to yourself?" asked Tiara. Her emotions peaked. Tiara seems to have a hard time holding back her emotions this time.

Billy was silent, tears starting to roll down his cheeks. Dara felt the pain he felt. Her tears also started to fall.

"Now we all need to calm down, okay?" Leo finally intervened. Tiara sat down, trying to calm herself down.

"Since when did you know?" Leo asked weakly to Billy who was still crying. Dara just silent. Dara could feel that what Billy was carrying was not easy.

"From the start," he answered weakly.

Dara never imagined she would watch Leo hold back his sobs. Leo tried his best to keep the tears from falling. He succeeded, but enough to make him look even more restless.

Dara is not an expert in this kind of situation. She didn't know what to say. In the end she just kept quiet. They could only silence each other in the end. Each with their own mind.


The next days passed without any more talk of Billy or Sofi. Billy was back at work. Tiara didn't talk much to him. They were mostly silent now. Even when the development of their project is getting better day by day, none of them have a happy expression.

When Laura visited them to bring food, no one greeted her as cheerfully as usual. Laura looked a little surprised. But she was wise enough not to ask too many questions and just chatted with Leo for a while. Dara saw that Leo's cheerfulness returned after he met Laura. But the other two friends are still the same.

"I have to go home," Dara told them.

Her friends were actually surprised by Dara's busy schedule the past few weeks. As far as they know, Dara didn't have anything else to do besides working on Project 4.246 Light Years. Her friends did not have time to talk about it with Dara. Dara was grateful for that. She also didn't want her friends to know what she was doing. At least for now. She wasn't sure if she was doing the right thing. She didn't even know why she kept doing that.


Dean was still waiting for news from Dara who hasn't call him since their last conversation. But it wasn't good news that he finally heard, another news comes from Mr. Yogi. He could barely believe what he heard. Mr. Yogi was ready to accept Dean's anger. But Dean didn't budge and just told him to leave.

Dean got the news Prof. John said he was considering other candidates. Dean didn't want to despair. But he was tired enough of his life too. The following days Dean lived with a very uneasy feeling. He still didn't know which candidate was standing in his way. Until a message arrives on his cell phone.

Dara sent a screenshot showing her in discussion with Prof. John. He didn't felt anger. His body went limp, he plopped down on the chair hard. Dean was sure he would not win from Dara. Dean had already tasted defeat that had not been officially declared.

Dean never thought Dara could take a step like this. He didn't expect it at all. All this time he thought he understood Dara well, but he was wrong. Dara is not what he thought. Dara beats him. Memories of the past returned to Dean's mind. He wasn't the best and it's still hard to be the best. He never thought Dara could take his dream.

Dean did not seem excited anymore to live his day. Mr. Yogi entered his room and Dean just looked at him with a languid look. Mr. Yogi was a little hesitant to submit his report.

"Prof. John has decided to accept another candidate," he said quite firmly. Mr. Yogi tried to ignore Dean who looked devastated when his defeat was finally declared. He admits he has lost. He didn't want to argue anymore. Perhaps Dean felt a pain in his heart from the defeat, but for the first time in a long time, he felt like giving up.

Meanwhile, Dara received the same news from Prof. John. There was no trace of happiness on her face. She was indeed interested in the offer from Prof. John who could pave the way for her career. She is sure that Leo will also be able to take care of their project while Dara is studying in America.

Her financial problem will also be resolved because Prof. John had promised her research would be funded. She wasn't going to burden Nemma anymore and maybe she could start helping her friends finance their current project. But she did not know what she was thinking. She didn't really want it and si felt guilty.
