
4 o'clock

CHARACTER INTRODUCTION AMY was your typical unpopular, plain looking, loner girl. Growing up chubby and polar opposites with her beautiful sister, she deliberately distanced herself from becoming friends with anyone and chose to be invisible to avoid being targeted by bullies. Her only comfort is visiting this place during the magical hour 4 o'clock and expressing her love for photography having the sky as her favorite subject.  EDMOND on the other hand is Mr. Popular. The university heartthrob and mischievous by nature. Intrigue over Amy's loner nature and constant disappearance every 4 o'clock, he wanted to know where and what so was special about that hour. KEVIN is the second most popular guy in school. Good looks, hero by heart. He is most often misunderstood by girls because of his caring nature. SOFIE is your all around Australian bombshell, carefree, attractive and on the wild side.  Amy grew up having a perfect family. Well loved. Strong bond and adhering to values while Sofie's family was the extreme reverse - broken, narcissist and revenge oriented. SYNOPSIS It started as a love-hate relationship between a bored, teenage heartthrob intrigue over where a chubby, loner disappear to every 4 o'clock. In the process of discovering her world, he ended up realizing that her lonesome, laidback nature is actually filled with fun and excitement that turned out to become amazement and affection for her. As the love story develops, personal circumstances caused them to be separated and after five years, reunited once again. This time as mature, young, successful adults. Mending their past and rekindling their complicated love story, they ended up passionately in love.... So what could go wrong? What do you think could possibly turn a bright, happy love story into dark, menacing situation by just a flick of a switch? This love story is not your typical daily dose of fairy tale. It started as a teen romance that transcends to a mature story. It contains twist and unexpected circumstances that draws all emotions from personal well being to state of mental health. Along the process, it gives away love lessons not only for lovers but everyone who appreciates the magical hour 4 o'clock.

emilymercado · Urban
Not enough ratings
141 Chs


With pouting lips while zipping her pants up, Amy can't help but be disappointed while looking at herself in the mirror. Little voices were running through her head saying she is not good enough for Edmond. She was almost tempted to take the advice of her sister about changing her hairstyle but she brushed off the thought and said to herself

"Well, Edmond liked me this way anyway!"

"If it doesn't bother him, why should I care what everyone thinks!"

then grabbed her bag and walked outside the room.

The school year is coming to a close and students are getting crazy about study reviews and exams. That only means less adventure and togetherness between Edmond and Amy. Although their closeness remained the same, Amy's parents required them some time apart so they can focus on passing their exams.

Finally, the end of the school year has arrived and vacation time has started. Everyone is talking about their plans for the summer, places to visit and things to do. The air of happiness can be felt everywhere but for Amy, it was mixed emotions. She had developed deeper feelings for Edmond and summer vacation can only mean either more time together or totally apart from each other.

Edmond excitedly came from behind Amy's back while she was walking and said:

"So what's the plan for summer?"

Amy got excited after hearing his voice, halted her walk, looked at him smiling and said happily

"hmmm... more train trips going to the farm, more pictures of the sky and what else...."

She gathered her thoughts and like a flash of thunder, she remembered that every summer holiday, their family never missed a chance to visit her grandparents living outside the city. The thought of them being apart made her feel sad. She will miss him dearly now that she has started to have deeper feelings for him.

Brushing aside the thought, they continued to walk and she turned the question to Edmond.

"What about you? What are your plans for the summer?"

Edmond tilted his head as if thinking and replied:

"Hmmm.... No plans yet but I'm sure something will come up."

His replied got Amy thinking. "What could be his plans?"


The van's engine was already running. Amy and her dad were still stacking their stuff in the compartment. Her mom and sister were still in the house. Ronnie came with a heavy bag and placed it in the compartment. Their Dad commented:

"Good god! Why don't we just bring the whole house with us. I'm sure grandma will be pleased."

Janice and her mom came out. Mom replied to Dad:

"I heard that. I just want to make sure that we did not forget anything."

While everyone was busy putting stuff in the van, Amy was at the gate texting. She was hoping to see Edmond before they leave.

Text to Edmond: "Are you still coming, we're about to leave."

Edmond text reply: "Almost there."

Edmond just wanted to send off Amy and didn't want to miss the chance to see her and her family before they leave. It will be awhile before they see each other again.

From a distance, Amy saw Edmond's car coming and got excited. He parked and run to her. Looking at her eyes, he said:

"Are you going to be away long?"

He sounded sad. Amy felt his sadness and thought a joke would light up the moment. She grab Edmond's cheeks on both hands, pinch them a bit, and asked:

"Awww, you're gonna miss me?"

He hang onto Amy hand and slowly remove it from his face. With sadness as he held her hand, he said to her:

"How can I not? I will have to do our thing alone."

While they were saying their goodbyes by the gate, Amy's family were gathered behind the car watching them with enthusiasm like in the movies, then Janice's phone rang. It was grandma asking if they left the house already. Everybody came back to their senses and hurriedly hopped in the car. Janice called on Amy:

"Hate to break up the scene but we got to go. Don't worry Edmond we will be back in no time. Someday we will take you with us to meet grandpa and grandma."

As the car drove off, Amy was watching Edmond from the window until his image disappeared from her sight. She felt the sadness. Janice tried to console her by getting excited and thinking of activities that they will be doing at grandpa's place. Amy tried to cheer up.