
4 o'clock

CHARACTER INTRODUCTION AMY was your typical unpopular, plain looking, loner girl. Growing up chubby and polar opposites with her beautiful sister, she deliberately distanced herself from becoming friends with anyone and chose to be invisible to avoid being targeted by bullies. Her only comfort is visiting this place during the magical hour 4 o'clock and expressing her love for photography having the sky as her favorite subject.  EDMOND on the other hand is Mr. Popular. The university heartthrob and mischievous by nature. Intrigue over Amy's loner nature and constant disappearance every 4 o'clock, he wanted to know where and what so was special about that hour. KEVIN is the second most popular guy in school. Good looks, hero by heart. He is most often misunderstood by girls because of his caring nature. SOFIE is your all around Australian bombshell, carefree, attractive and on the wild side.  Amy grew up having a perfect family. Well loved. Strong bond and adhering to values while Sofie's family was the extreme reverse - broken, narcissist and revenge oriented. SYNOPSIS It started as a love-hate relationship between a bored, teenage heartthrob intrigue over where a chubby, loner disappear to every 4 o'clock. In the process of discovering her world, he ended up realizing that her lonesome, laidback nature is actually filled with fun and excitement that turned out to become amazement and affection for her. As the love story develops, personal circumstances caused them to be separated and after five years, reunited once again. This time as mature, young, successful adults. Mending their past and rekindling their complicated love story, they ended up passionately in love.... So what could go wrong? What do you think could possibly turn a bright, happy love story into dark, menacing situation by just a flick of a switch? This love story is not your typical daily dose of fairy tale. It started as a teen romance that transcends to a mature story. It contains twist and unexpected circumstances that draws all emotions from personal well being to state of mental health. Along the process, it gives away love lessons not only for lovers but everyone who appreciates the magical hour 4 o'clock.

emilymercado · Urban
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141 Chs


School break was almost over and before it started again, Amy decided to make a few changes to her looks. Taking into consideration her sister's advice, she started with her hair. She finally let it flow and styled properly. Her choice of clothing was also upgraded to a more acceptable level. She started her diet plan and hoped to stick with it.

Feeling like a new person, she was excited to return to school. Smiling to herself, she can't wait for Edmond to see her new look. Finally, she spotted him from a distance. Getting excited and was about to run towards him when she realized he was not alone. She froze from where she was and like a vision that was slowly clearing, behind Edmond was Val. He was holding her hand. The vision became clearer when they were crossing the street. Edmond was protecting her. The sight of them together was so sweet. No one can deny, they were a couple.

Amy stood frozen from where she was standing. People passed by her but she did not notice. She was in a trance. There were so many emotions running through her at that moment but one thing is for sure, she needed to get away. She turned and slowly walked not minding that other students bumped her already. She just continued to walk away. She reached the back of the school building where no one was around. She remained standing there trying to think of what just happened. Then suddenly, rain started slowly trickling down and then poured heavily as if crying together with her broken heart. She remained standing there frozen unmindful that she was getting wet. Her breathing became heavy and it almost felt that air was running out of her. She grasped her shirt by the chest and tried to regain focus. Something inside her was telling her to scream and cry but nothing was coming out. She remained standing there in the rain until it stopped. She started to walk slowly headed to leave school. Once she got her pace, she started running. She ran as fast as she can as if someone was chasing her. She reached the train station and decided to go to the farm. She sat under a big tree and stared at the sky trying to contemplate what had just happened. A lot of things were going through her mind. Confused - was there ever a point where she misunderstood Edmond's actions towards her? Disappointed - Did she expected too much from him? Did she read the signals wrongly? Whatever it was, the bottom line was she was stupid to believe that there could be more to them other than friends.

Staring blankly at nothing, memories of their good times together started flowing in her mind. She was desperately looking for reason why the relationship they had ended the way it did today. The worst part is, although it was too painful, she cannot make herself to cry. She can only blame herself for expecting too much.

It was getting dark when Amy snapped out of trance. She had missed the first day of school, got soaking wet and her clothes dried out on her. She started to sneeze and seems to be getting a cold. Amy stood up and decided to go home.

By the time she reached home, she was already shivering from cold. Her mom greeted her, gave her a hug but noticed that her body was warm. She touched her forehead and noted that she has a fever:


"Did you get wet? You should have brought an umbrella."

"Go to your room and change, I will cook hot soup for you."

Feeling lifeless, Amy obeyed and changed to fresh clothes. Exhaustion from over thinking caught her and she immediately fell asleep as she hit the bed. Her mom came with the soup, seeing her in deep sleep, she did not wake her up anymore.