
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Urban
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61 Chs

Today is not that day



This man, this man I have fallen for, makes me fall for him deeper and deeper with every passing day. In this moment, I don't think I can love a person more. He understands me in ways I didn't know I needed to be understood. He's here for me, standing in front of me holding me while I fall apart. I love him the way I know I will never love another. 

He opens his way too-expensive car for me and I get inside, he closes the door for me and walks around the car to get himself in. I have no idea what he's got in mind but as long as he's here by my side, I'm in for it. 

He pulls us out of my work parking lot and hops on the freeway going southbound. I'm really confused about where we're headed. He takes his hand in mine giving it a minuscule squeeze, just enough to redirect my attention to him. 

"Why don't you take a little nap, it's going to be a bit of a drive," he says glancing from me to the road. 

I nod my head, a nap doesn't sound like an awful idea, I'm exhausted from the rocky night I had and mentally overworked myself since then. A few minutes of closing my eyes and I'm off to sleep. 

A hand on my thigh gently tapping startled me from sleep, "it's just me baby, we're here now." 

I look around shaking my head, "no," I whisper. 

"Baby, look at me," X says and I tear my face away from the surroundings of the last place I ever wanted to be again to look at him. 

He takes both of his hands to my jawline, "You need this, sometimes you have to do things that make you uncomfortable to be comfortable again." 

"I don't want to X, I don't want to be here, there's too many memories," I say, I'm internally freaking out and I want him to take me out of here. 

"I know baby, which is why we're here, we're going to make new memories, we're going to do whatever you want to do today and if you're not having fun, we'll leave, I promise." He says caressing the right side of my face. 

I close my eyes, I'm not prepared for this, especially not today of all days. 

I open my eyes again to meet his dark green ones, "what do I have to lose?" I say shrugging my shoulders. 

X leans in, positioning his lips to mine like a puzzle piece, lightly kissing me, "I love you so much, Millie." 

"I love you more," I whisper against his soft lips. 

He raises an eyebrow, then scrunches them together and shakes his head indicating that it isn't possible for me to be the one that loves him more, but I do, I really fucking do. 

"C'mon let's go make this a day to remember," he says pulling away from me and then opening the the driver's side door. I mimic his actions getting myself out of the car as well. 

"You can do this Millie," I say to myself before meeting him in the middle of the front of the car. 

I haven't been here since I was probably about twenty but everything looks exactly the same. The smell of the warm salty ocean hits me first, of course, every beach seems to have the same scent but Coronado Beach just hits different for me. 

X takes my hand in his, "What would you like to do first baby?"

I look down at my professional work clothes, this ain't gonna work, nope too warm for this. "Maybe we can find me something else to wear?" 

He laughs, "Yeah probably a good idea." 

We walk our way through the town first, I remember most of these places, some of the stores are new and some of them are gone. I remember walking down these streets with my parents, it's amazing how so much can come back to you just by the scenery alone. We come across The Bay Company, it looks like a souvenir shop. 

"How about here?" I ask X looking up at his handsome face. 

He nods his head and we go inside. 

It's so cute in here, definitely a souvenir shop. They have an array of mugs, California postcards, beachwear, and my goodness, the collection of socks? I actually chuckle at it. Who would've thought I'd be doing that today? We walk over to the socks that actually look more like an exhibit at a museum. There's got to be at least a hundred silly socks hanging on the wall. 

"What the fuck?" X asks looking at some of the prints on the socks. 

"What? You don't want a pair of pineapple socks?" I ask jokingly. 

He gives me the side eye, "I'm good.." 

I walk over to the clothing section while X browses around. There's nothing much to pick out other than the writings of silly things or California or Coronado. Well, we're here so let's represent I guess..I pick out a light blue Coronado beach shirt, a pair of denim shorts, and some sandals to match my shirt. I feel like a total tourist right now but it's kinda fun. X makes his way to me with a hat and sunglasses in hand. 

"Getting that?" I ask looking at the items in his hand.

"Yeah, why not?" He says. 

We go to the register to pay for our things, X of course insisted on paying for my stuff. The girl behind the counter is eye fucking him so hard even though I'm standing right by his side, it's like I'm invisible to her. X is either oblivious or so used to it he's just unfazed. I hope one day I could be unfazed by it all but today is not that day. In the meantime, I could fake it for the sake of a good day.