
37 Days: Holding on 2 broken promises

This is a second book to 37 days so if you haven’t already read the first book, please do so! Millie and X are now apart and must go back to the lives they lived before they knew one another. They struggle to move on but learn to grow on their own. In their days after the unforgivable actions of X, they continue to show each other their love without the others knowledge. X is faced with the consequences of his actions when Millie is at risk of moving on.

Marissa_Inserra · Urban
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58 Chs

Fiery red



I'm briskly walking around the parking lot trying to locate Penelope's car, pressing the panic button, I'm not sure what is panicking more, me or the red Ford Fusion a few rows away.

This girl and red I swear..

Never mind that, I need to get to X.

It takes me way too long to get there, a place I never wanted to return to ever again in my existence can't come into view soon enough.

I have no nerves, I just need answers and I need them now.

I pull up onto Sunset Avenue and drive a hundred feet until the house comes into view.

I type in the gate's passcode as fast as my fingers can manage and it takes an eternity for the tall black wrought iron to open, once it finally does, I speed to any parking spot available.

I run out of the car as fast as I can and run into the front door, getting looks from some of the nearly naked girls sitting around with drinks in hand.

It's Saturday night so he could be at the club, god I hope he's not there and with some girl on top of him. My first instinct is to go to the penthouse so I run to the elevator pressing the button as it lights up.

"Come on, come on!" I say quietly to myself.

Honestly, I have no idea why I'm in such a rush, this happened days ago but I need the information.

The shiny stainless steel elevator doors separate and I step in immediately, pressing the button that reads four.

I impatiently stand there waiting for the elevator to reach my destination.

I have an overwhelming feeling of all the shit that went down here only a week ago and had this been a half hour ago, before I found out about X I'd be in a current state of panic by my surroundings but it's not thirty minutes ago, it's now and I need to get to him more than ever before. I feel responsible for this, deep down I know it was his decision but on the surface, he did this because of me.

The doors open and I'm on the fourth floor, anxiety is starting to take over after every step I take getting closer to X's black door.

I take a deep breath in and a deeper exhale out and knock on that door with so much force it inflicts pain on my knuckles.

Julian opens the door.

"Where is he?" I demand.

"Millie, it's not a good idea," he says rubbing the back of his neck.

"And it was a good idea to withhold his overdose from me?!" I ask enraged.

He lets out a loud exhale, "Who told you?"

"What does it even matter Julian?" I ask pushing him out of the way to let myself in.

Oh hell no!

"Are you fucking kidding me, Stephanie?" I say feeling fully betrayed as my best friend sits on the black leather couch.

"Millie, please don't be mad, I wanted to tell you about it but I didn't think you could handle the news yet," she says.

"That's not for you to decide Stephanie," I say pissed off.

She puts her head down with guilt, "I was just trying to protect you," she says with sadness.

"We'll talk about this later, where is he?" I more or less demand than ask.

"He's in his room," Steph says pointing to the hall.

I storm down the hall and when I reach the room I spent many nights in, I don't bother knocking I just open the door.

What the fuck happened in here?

It's a complete disaster in the room, lamps are lying on the floor, glass lies throughout the ground, and paper is ripped on the ground.

It's my note to him, he ripped up my note?

He's not in the bedroom but I see a glimmer of yellow and orange on the balcony, the fire pit is going.

I carefully step over the glass to avoid getting any in my shoes, I slide open the door that leads to the balcony and there he is.

He's sitting alone in a chair watching the fire in front of him, he's wearing his black hoodie with the hood above his head and in black basketball shorts with his legs crossed at the ankle with a joint between his fingers.

"X," I say sternly.

Fuck me, he meets my eyes in the sexiest way and then breaks contact giving his attention back to the flames and not giving me the time of day.

"Let's go to the beach, let's talk" I suggest.

"No," he says cooly.

"X, you owe me an explanation," I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"I don't owe you shit," he says calmly but feels like a stab to my heart.

"What..?" I ask simmering down my tone.

"Go away Millie, I don't want you here," he says with another stab to my heart causing me to actually lose a breath.

"I thought.." I start to say but he cuts me off still not looking my way.

"Whatever you thought Millie was wrong, now just leave," he says and I'm now holding back painful tears with his words.

What changed? A few days ago he was at the hotel door wanting me back and saying I love you and now? Now he couldn't be any more frigid towards me.

I rub my arms to comfort myself.

"No, I'm not leaving, what changed?" I ask losing all confidence.

"Shouldn't you be on a date right now? What are you still doing here?" He spits out.

Great..he found out..

"So that's what this is about?" I ask.

"Fuck you, Millie, I'm done with this conversation." He says full of hate.

"Don't talk to me like that, you're the one that messed up, not me," I say still lacking confidence because of my state of distress.

He shakes his head, once again not looking at me, and says, "Ya know, I know I fucked up. But you see the difference here Emily is that what I did was nothing more than just trying to get a deal out of it, was it wrong? Fuck yeah but I didn't have any feelings for her, she was nothing to me. But you? You caught feelings for someone, not even a week after all this shit went down, so go back to your date, he's probably waiting for you to put out unless you already have." He says emotionless like the fucking devil.

I walk over in front of him and slap him so hard across the face.

"Fuck you, you fucking pathetic hypocrite," I say fully enraged.

He sits there like I didn't just make his face red from my hand and didn't just spit hateful words his way.

"Get your sorry ass up off this chair and get your ass down to the beach, now! You do owe me an explanation and I'm not leaving here until I get!" I say gaining all of my confidence back.

He looks up at me with his hands in surrender, "Okay Jesus.."