

The story started a long time ago.

Anger, resentment, bloodshed,... Did you think that the thousand years war have no consequences? It started a long time ago, back to start of the thousand years war, it was when that evil was born.

Worship made a God, and this God feeds on the endless battle between mortal men. The battlefield is its altar, every live lost is another sacrifice, every blood spilling is an act of worship.

"It feeds on war Mr Vandal. And what is a better cause for a war then a famine?"

"Are you saying that this evil, this this spirit is the cause of the thousand year war? It cause the various conflicts that keep the war going and is the reason there are no peace. And that is what the mystical people told you?"

Vandal Venir compare it to a spirit, an invisible creature in the general populace's belief that can cause both good and harm and is all around you. Certainly there are similarity, but to compare that creature to a spirit is like comparing a raging forest fire to a spark of flame, the scale is not the same.

"Not entirely, in the end, no matter how much it influence the course of event, war are still mortal men committing violence against each other. If your clan has no warning about the famine, perhaps you will starve, perhaps you will start a war to lessen your situation, but it will entirely be your choice. It influences the course of the event, but is not entirely to blame. Won't you say so Mr Vandal?"

The man was silence, the insinuation about his clan situation struck him deeply, Varsas was right of course because that is exactly what they did, however Vandal also come to the same conclusion.

"Ha... ha ha ha ha. So that is what happen. An invisible evil that my eyes can't see, harming my people, an ancient evil with such widespread influence. Is that why the mystical people interfered this time? An event on such a large scale, no wonder they intervened, my clan is truly blessed."

None of the people from the Lan Spherian island interfered the first time.

It is absurd to think that they would intervene just because a clan that is about to become smaller experiences a famine. Life is full of tragedy, every day millions of lives are lost, to tried and make everything better is just madness, that is why the motto of his step mother is the way it is. To live your life as you see fit.

It is why the Lan Spherian rarely interfere, if they tried to utilize their power to the fullest to try and improve the world, they would just gone mad.

For a time, Varsas has wondered why his step mother attacked the party like she went mad...

But he discarded the possibility because it is too far-fetch.

The only reason they interfere this time was because of him.

"Have you inform your family?" The man asks.


"I see, was it because you want to keep it a secret and deal with it on your own? I can respect that. You are a smart, capable man, I'm sure whatever storm come your way, you can cleave it in half."

"No. It is because I don't want them to get involved. All I wanted is a profit. Now that you know of the cause, it is up to you now to do what you wish with that information.

And me?

I'm going to do nothing."

The speech was spoken without fanfare yet has an intensity that let everyone who heard it know it comes straight from the heart.

For the first time Vandal Venir finally sees the man in front of him for what he is. A capable person, yet... how sad, how utterly, utterly sad. The child is just like his father, weak-willed without ambition or greed. A person who when encountered something as extraordinary as a legendary prophecy from the mystical people of Lan Sphere about a thousand year old demon causing countless chaos and bloodshed, chose to do nothing but staying at home. A person of extraordinary martial ability yet like his father would stay in his feudal land and live an idle uneventful life for the rest of his life.

For a moment his eyes turn to scorn. Vandal knows Marrik Gungnir, there is a reason why he despises that man. It was at that moment that he fully realizes his judgement as correct, the Gungnir is full of weak-willed men unworthy of being associated with. If an extraordinary event such as his daughter falling for such a man, he would never accept that. The union would just weaken the bloodline.

Only a hero who walked the world would be worthy, or someone that bring great benefits to the clan, not this.

In the closing speech they exchange a handshake, a very mechanical handshake.

"So we now both know what each other wants."

"We will proceed with the purchase of the stored food normally."

"At double the price of course.The information on the other hand, do what you want."

And leave it at that.

The Venir left very soon to prepare the transport and money. What surprise Varsas was Margaret deciding to meet him before she left.

"For what it worth I'm sorry about the various events that transcended in previous days." 'Even though you know about none of that te he' He can read her thought like a book, this girl has lightened up, even her thought and emotion are as carefree and silly as the person he remembered.

"I have talked to my father and he said you know, but in the end both of you struck a deal, so truce." She holds out her hand and offer him to shake it. The girl's smile was so pure, causing the image of two Margaret overlapping in Varsas's vision again.

He shakes it lightly, contending with hiding his emotions behind a neutral facade.

"It was a short while but I enjoyed it. I don't know why but there are just something about you that I think we can be friend."

""It was a short while but I enjoyed it. I don't know why but there are just something about you that I think we can be friend.""

It was the exact same line that she has spoken in the other timeline when she finally joined the party.

His heart slows down. For a moment Varsas's perception of time slows to a crawl so he can witness that moment for while longer. What happened once can happened one against, the bond between comrade transcend something as ephemeral as time.

"So pen pal then! ...though I don't think I'm allowed to write letter until I finish my training. And I'm probably going on missions for the family for the first few years, I can probably write during that time, but it is a shame that we aren't going to be meeting face to face then."

This is the girl, the silly person that he became friend with. Who made friend on the fly and is carefree until the end, who hold out an act of seriousness in front of everyone yet want to enjoy live as much as possible.

"Y-yeah." For the first time, Varsas almost broke his facade. "I'm probably going to stay and tend to my family's land."

'That is so boring. Life on the move is the best.' That is what she was going to say before she excuse herself with a cough. The reason Margaret choose "missions" far away from home in the first place was because she loves traveling. And with them moving around to save the world, it fits her lifestyle.

In this life though he can't keep up with her anymore. The only thing he can contend with is writing to her as she is on the move.

It can be fun with Margaret writing about places she went to and bragging about it, Those places, Varsas would definitely know about but he knew she is still going to brag in the end, that is just how she is. Maybe he can even foreshadow event as she goes, what with communication and sending letters being an easy task for his mastery of magic. But it is only going to be sendt while she is at a safe zone though, so it is probably not going to be very useful when she is stuck in a heated battle.

"I see. But there are something else for you to do right? Outside of training and tending to the land I mean." 'It is so boring though, you are so boring. Come on don't tell me my friend is that boring' is what she meant to say.

"Me?" For the first time Varsas contemplates what he is going to do next due to his friend urging. He is a 27 years old man now, it would be weird to do thing a normal 17 would do. Outside of that he still maintain that for this life he is going to take it easy and do nothing. So, for entertainment...

"I'm probably going to write a book."