
365 days my love

Look woman I never begged to be your husband, you gave me that opportunity” Min Jun yelled. Mei Xing a 22 year old and the only daughter of multi-billionaire Mr and Mrs Lin she is diagnosed with cancer but doesn’t want to go through chemotherapy, with only a year left in her life, she wants to do everything her parents didn’t let her do because they wanted to protect her Min Jun a 23 year old, barely able to survive finds himself a jackpot and agrees to be her husband for the money and all the benefits of being with a billionaire’s daughter. Sometimes not all sad endings are bad, they can be happy ever after EXCERPT: “Will you marry me?” Mei Xing asked a stranger she met walking on the streets. “What did you just say?” he said and was about to walk away. “I will pay you, a hundred thousand dollars, if you be my husband for a year” she said. “A year?” he asked and she nodded. “If you are interested, meet me at this address tomorrow, it is a fancy restaurant” she said, got in her car and drove away. She scanned through her wardrobe and wore a flowery dress, it wasn’t summer but by summer she might be too sick to wear this. “You only live once, more like a year” Mei Xing said and wore the dress, she got to the venue but the stranger was not there yet. Min Jun finally arrived in jeans and a polo, “A summery dress in fall” he said as he took his seat. “The deal is I get fifty thousand dollars before we start the arrangement, then after the wedding I get the other half” Min Jun asked and Mei Xing nodded in approval. “You just have to be with me for a year, I probably won’t be alive by the end of the year” she joked. “Do you have some kind of transferable deadly disease. Covid?” he asked her. “No just cancer” she assured. “So I’m going to be free in a year and you will be dead” he said nonchalantly and agreed to the deal

ProudlyTee · Urban
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9 Chs

Why was growing so hard??

He looked at me and I should have known what his answer was going to be. He was my dad, he was impossible and never changed his mind. Why was I sad that he said no? He does this all the time, he always wanted to be in control of my life, well not anymore because from now on I was going to determine how my life was going to go.

I stared at my phone waiting for Min Jun to call me. Maybe I made a mistake, I never should have given him my business card, I should have gotten his number and reached out to him on my own. But that would be desperate and I didn't want to look desperate although I really am.

I took a deep breath and kept waiting for my phone to ring, a new number to flash across the screen, something, anything. No one ever called me so I knew immediately it rang, it had to be Min Jun. But there was nothing, not a mistake dial. An error or a prank call nothing.

Should I have offered more money, if he didn't take a hundred thousand, how was I sure he was willing to be trapped with me for more money. I never even inquired if he was married to someone, what if he had a wife or a girlfriend who he loved so much? I just threw myself at him and offered to pay him money for him to get married to him.

I probably hurt his pride but he was too much of a respectable man to insult me or deny the request. He was not like my dad who would have been straight forward an rejected the money. He was probably as rich as we were and could afford much more money than I was offering. I shook my head, that can't be right. He was fired from him job, the first time I met him. So he probably needed money.

It was more accurate to think he was in a relationship or married to someone he loved. I was making a drastic and stupid decision. Maybe I should have listened to dad and let him handle things like he always did. Dad never made any mistakes and was always right. I am sure he would have picked the perfect man for me.

"No Mei, you can't let your father keep controlling your life," I sighed. I drifted off to sleep while thinking of everything, if I was wrong or just f I needed to give dad the chance to keep controlling my life. He wasn't in control of my life if I was the one giving him the chance to dictate the affairs in it, right??

My thoughts and dreams were the only thing I had full control over in my life, I could end my story beautifully well in my head and live a happily ever after with my Prince Charming. I got to make decisions dad or mom would never let me make but today even my dreams were against me. All I could think of was dad taking control of everything. I didn't want him in my head but he wasn't leaving.

My phone rang and brought me to reality. I squinted my eyes adjusting to the light, I picked up my phone and answered the call. "Good day," I said.

"This is Mei Xing a representative of the Lin's firm , we have your best interest at heart and is willing to take your case to court with the help of our best lawyers. Please state your case so I can book a date for you to come to the firm for a meeting," I recited and waited for the person's response but got none.

"Hello," I said calling the attention of the person on the line. "Are you paid to say that?" He asked and laughed. I stared at my screen realizing who I was talking to. Min Jun just called me, this wasn't my work phone. I just thought he was client. He must think I am so weird. "Hello," he called out but I stayed client. "Mei Xing," he called out and I panicked, I ended the call and stared at the blank screen.

Why did I end the call? If he didn't think I was weird earlier, he must think I am now. I called him immediately and watched it ring. "Hello," he said, I panicked again and ended the call…