
Chapter 593 Nothing

Recently, Cindy scott's works are selling well in China, and Director Xu has an eager look on his face.

Cindy scott was overwhelmed.

"I have been busy with the studio recently, but there is really no..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. If you have any idea of cooperation in the future, you can always find me, and the door of MON will always be open for you."

Cindy scott smiled and thanked him, and took out the design draft.

As soon as I shot it, I amazed everyone.

"Miss Chung."

Director Xu immediately pulled the chair closer. "I want to authorize this design draft exclusively, and I want to launch a series of ornaments. If the response is good, this will definitely have the opportunity to impact the design exhibition at the end of the year."

Cindy scott is very confident in this work, but when he heard Director Xu say so, he was a little scared.

"Don't doubt, this work is absolutely no problem!"