
355 Stories in Hijriyah Calendar

355 days in Hijriyah Calendar in story. Daily stories and knowledge about Islam is told in simple and easy. It is full of messages and moral values that can form a child's loving personality, affection, patience, independence, sharing, and other personalities, including a variety of simple sciences in a variety of creativity and imaginative skills. Can be used by parents as bedtime stories.

setiawansasongko · Fantasy
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19 Chs


(Muharam: 7)

Nyet Monyet and Koko Kodok found many young coconut trees on the sand. "Cihuii, we'll have a lot coconut tree!" Koko Kodok said happily.

"What are you doing? You must return the young tree!" Bubu Buaya said. The young coconut trees will plant in forest!"

Nyet Monyet said, "But we'll plat it to replace the old tree." Its true but you must to ask permission first, Bubu Buaya answered.

"Thank you. We'll ask permission first," Koko Kodok answered by smile. (*)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

setiawansasongkocreators' thoughts