
33 Risen#re

'33 lives, they are my past,' 'Or so I wish they would remain,' 'But the past the present and the future make each other,' 'So I cannot be without all three,' 'I was cursed through all 33,' 'No, that's a lie, there were 2 exceptions,' 'But they were merely lies,' 'But they linger still,' 'All 33 of them are in my head,' 'So many lives, so many me's' 'My parents have always given me names,' 'Names no child deserved to bear,' 'So I crafted names of my own,' 'Oh, Demon of the End,' 'Oh Shatterer of Shatterings,' 'Heed my name for I was Talon Haltz the (Chaos Bringer) 'Oh mortals, oh immortals, oh gods, will you ever forget my name,' 'The one who bested you all and made the heavens acknowledge me as it's equal when it knew not your disgraceful names,' 'I've had so many names and shed those cursed ones,' 'Granted by parents undeserving of the title,' 'Of all my names only one truly matters,' 'My first,' "Samsara that is my sacred name, but I know not how it came to be mine,' 'Now I am cursed no more,' 'I have become Samsara once more,' "It's my first life, the life I never got to live,' 'Only it's complicated, for it is my first life,' 'Only it isn't!' --- Join Samsara in his journey to learn the truth of his origins, and the origins of his curse... Will it be a truth he can handle or will the broken god be broken once more? --- A/N: the first volume is officially complete, I know that it's long, but I promise it's worth the read. please feel free to point out any mistakes, and if there's anything you'd like to know about the story let me know in the comments --- Up/rate= 10ch/week 150 power stones = 1 bonus chapter 300 power stones = 2 bonus chapters 500+ power stones = 4 bonus chapters --- I do not own the rights to the cover art The credit for the cover art goes to: LAS-T deviantart.com if the owner wants it taken down please let me know

Silver72 · Fantasy
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483 Chs

079 – Tainted Memories

Reyna had a lot of enemies she made over the years, and she could think of more than a few people who would want to kill her.

She slowly listed out every name she could recall, she had done something similar with a father, but this time she recalled a few names that she missed last time.

Just as she finished listing the names her eyes landed on Selner and she recalled what Selner shouted that night when all the poisoned adepts were in the infirmary.

She remembered Selner shouting about a monster, and suddenly another image popped up in her head, an image of a black-haired man she met in Willcolly, 'I'll remember this,' she recalled the words he always muttered as they tortured him.

Suddenly her mind went back to that first meeting that they had in Willcolly, in that village that was void of any life, and there he was sitting in the centre of the abandoned place, drinking all the abandoned ale to his heart's content.