story starts right Tony's cave in Afghanistan
now major cons of this novel is
-character is too stupid , his first thought after seeing tony is to kill him and steal arc reactor, and his character doesnt really develop better.
-story's translation is weak all chinesium element are not removed like, mc being part Chinese, their weird nick names for marvel characters , and weird morals also we shouldnt forget subtle racism, sexism and sometimes blatant. and also their monologues abt some well established plot points and philosophy + justification of mc actions
like why he did that, then adding some chinese saying etc...
-MAJOR LETDOWN: was stories premise is that mc hold one of the overpowered and most versatile ability in all fiction, with ability to calculation ,learning, understanding pretty much super ability but this story starts with this idiot thinking of killing tony to get premature arc reactor. and i don't spoil anyone but his decisions and character doesn't really change much
- above are not even abt plot ,pace or writing quality so this point is for that : they are ok but pace is worse ,story usual web novel type