A collection of original short horror stories still in progress, please enjoy! P.S. No matter what anyone tells you, feet are feet. Not long hands with short fingers. Flim Flam. - femphobos
"You ever feel like someone's watching you?" My girlfriend twirled her hair with her finger-something she did when she was nervous.
The question wasn't meant for me -she was talking to her friend on the phone- but I nodded just the same. It's a common feeling for people with anxiety.
"I know, right?" Penelope laughed as she plopped down on her bed. I didn't hear the joke, but it must have been funny, because Penelope has a great sense of humor. "Oh my gosh, I know! It's been so hot this week."
It was pretty hot that week, but Penelope always left her window cracked, so her bedroom was pleasantly cool.
She chatted with her friend a few minutes longer, but eventually yawned and said it was about time for her to turn in. I agreed. She had a test the next day.
After hanging up Penelope went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, while I waited patiently for her return.
We had a routine every night. She would go brush her teeth and I would hide in her closet. It was a rare occurrence, but sometimes her mother would come in and wish her goodnight, and she wouldn't be too happy if she found a boy in her daughter's room.
Luckily tonight it was just me and Penelope.
See, the thing about Penelope is that she is one of those people who are so beautiful that you could stare at them for hours on end and never get bored.
Which is nice for me, because I have insomnia. I don't mind not being able to sleep if I can watch my beautiful girlfriend smile while she dreams.
Its almost a perfect relationship, although there are a few things I wish I could change.
For example, I'm really getting sick of having to frantically climb in through the window as she cleans her teeth. And I get a little claustrophobic in the closet as I wait for her to fall asleep.
But watching my girlfriends beautiful face as she sleeps makes it all worth it.