

My sister Anna May went missing a month ago.

We were playing in the woods near our family's house when it happened.

We had decided to play hide and seek, which is Anna May's favorite game.

I was supposed to count to one hundred, but I cheated. I opened my eyes and peeked through my fingers at thirty eight seconds, because I heard a twig snap behind me. I figured Anna May was trying to scare me.

But it wasn't Anna May.

All there was was a rag doll. It was weird because it looked like my sister. It had blonde hair and blue overalls just like her.

But there was one thing that was weird about it.

It didn't have any eyes.

It was leaning against an oak tree like someone had placed it there to make it look like it was sitting down.

But I was completely alone.

I never found her.

And neither did the cops. A week ago an officer sat down with my mom and dad and told them they needed to consider the possibility that Anna May was never coming back.

They said whoever took her didn't leave any traceable evidence. They didn't know what to make of the doll.

Until three hours ago.

Three hours ago Anna May stumbled out of the woods.

Her hair was shiny and clean. Her blue overalls were freshly washed. And her eyes were gouged out.

Everyone is horrified because of what happened to my sister, but right now I'm more worried about me.

Because I just found a doll on my bed. It's wearing my favorite orange shirt with Dora on it.

And it doesn't have a head.

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