
Beginning the final act.

As people started to run out of the rooms looking at what was going on and after seeing the dead, people began to panic and make a B-line to the front door. The first person who got there was a girl with pink hair. I threw her across the room, making her slam into the big TV on the wall, breaking it.


I slammed the door shut and locked it. Everyone tried going to the back door or windows, but I threw all of them into the living room as the main bad guy finally came down and tried to calm everyone down.

"All of you fucking chill!"

As the other four are behind him, I rip the TV off the wall, scaring even him and his four friends. I put my finger onto the wall, dragging my fingernail on the wood as I write out what I want.

"I want you to rape those five guys that had a hand in my suicide! Or I will kill everyone here!"

I make it look like her so they know without a doubt who I meant as they look at the guy and his four friends, which makes sense as the others involved have already died. There are thirty people in her other than those five. They look at the five, and to get my point across, I walk over to the pink-haired girl.

She was sitting on her ass, trying to pick herself up as I dragged her to the fireplace that had a fire going and grabbed her by the hair, pushing her face into the fire. Her screams echoed through the living room as people wanted to help. I sent them flying while she slowly began to become silent.

I lifted her body, making it float as I showed her blistered and burnt face, making some of the people throw up and scream. I threw her body towards the big bad five. It slides to a stop before them with the girl's face pointing up.

The people panicked and tried to break windows and open the door, so I had to make a point again as I entered another girl and broke the leg of a chair, slamming it into the floor and making it point up. 


Everyone stopped and looked at me. That voice was gritty and chilling, something a human couldn't sound like. It was void of life and only filled with darkness and cold feeling, making their souls quiver in fear.

I pull the girl's skirt and underwear off as I stand above the pointy and sharp end of the broken leg embedded in the floor.

"This is what happens when one doesn't listen to me."

I jump and bring the girl's feet to her ass as she falls to the floor, and the chair leg impales her pussy. It's three feet long, stopping just before her heart as I leave her body, making her scream in pain.

It takes her three minutes to die as people watch, not knowing what to do, as pulling her off would just kill her faster. They now know I mean business as the males look at the five, and their eyes are filled with knowing that they will have to rape these five to get out of this place.

But little do they know, the rape is just the beginning of my demands once they do something fucked up. It's easier for them to do something even worse as it's in the name of living, and everyone fears death.

The males begin to make a circle around the people I am after, and the five become defensive as they no there isn't any talking these people out of it after watching two people get killed in some horrible ways.

"Let's fight!"

Yelled the leader as he swung, hitting one of the guys surrounding them, but five against fifteen was a losing fight as after ten minutes, three of the five were knocked out and dragged into the open living, getting stripped as a man mounts one of them from behind waking him up as he screams and tries to fight.

I watch on, and it's fitting the rapist being raped, and now they know just a little of her pain. But I never did see her sister; if it's true that killing oneself sends them to hell, then my father would know where she is, and I don't even want to ask him.


Another man was mounted, and the only one putting up a fight still was the rich asshole. I have to hand it to him. He fights better than you would think a wealthy rapist could. But with his friends knocked out and being held down and raped, there are leftover men, and now he is facing more than he can handle as the girls are helping hold down the four.


He finally gets pushed down to the ground as his clothes get ripped off, and he has his front teeth knocked out as someone holds his mouth shut and someone pushes his dick into his mouth.

They want to please me, and they won't hold back, as their lives depend on me. Blood begins to pour out of his ass as they aren't going easy on him as they know he is the mastermind behind it. I start to write on the wall again.

"I want everyone to rape each once! So your thirty will have to do them once each; girls use these."

I make a box fly down the stairs from the sex fiends room. It is a box with big-size strap-ons, and the girls look at them before nodding and getting up, taking off their pants and underwear, and placing the strap-ons.

I laugh as I see the fear in the eyes of the five as they each have to be raped thirty times by a man and a woman. Some start to cry as snot comes out of their noses as they gag on a cock that's inside their mouths.

It takes the thirty people two hours to finish fucking all five of them as they lay on the ground covered in cum and have it also come out of their holes, be it their asshole mouth and their noses. There is blood flowing down their thighs as they were raped pretty fucking hard, but that's what they get for raping a girl and pushing her to kill herself. I have no sympathy for the wicked.

But this is just the beginning of their suffering. A wicked, evil grin spreads across my face.


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