
The end of her revenge.

I move over to the wall and scratch into the wall.

" I want you to beat the other four to death, but leave Jackson Mercury for me."

"We already did what you wanted! Let us go already!"

A guy yelled at the wall as I smiled and walked over to him. I took over his body and walked to the cleaning closet, opening and pulling out a one-gallon bottle of bleach. I undid the cap and began to drink the whole thing. After doing so, I took a stapler used for putting wood together and stapled his mouth shut. After I finished, I left his body, making him. Scream as he tried to pull out the staples as the bleach started to eat away at his insides.

Blood started to come up through the hole in his mouth that he was able to open up. But by the time he got all the staples out, he was convulsing on the floor. Before he finally stopped moving and died.

Everyone looked at the four and started to grab anything they could find to use as weapons and began to beat the four while I held Jackson on the ground. He tried to fight me off him as he watched his friends start to get beaten. Some tried to get up, but a blow to the back of his head set him down to the floor again. 

They laid into the four with broken chair parts, baseball bats, and anything they could handle. The screams were loud initially, but they slowly died down after a minute or two. All that was coming out was low gurgling sounds as their blood started to drown them.

Until there were no more sounds, I possessed Jackson and got up, grabbing a fire poker while everyone had their backs to them and breathed heavily. They used up all their energy, beating the four to death, making sure they didn't fail this task.

The first one I hit with the fire poker was a petit girl; she went down with that blow as blood gushed from her skill. Before anyone could react, I stabbed a black guy in the throat with it. Two down, twenty-five to go. It became a brutal blood bath as I targeted the girls first as they were tired and weaker than the guys. That didn't stop some of the guys from trying to fight me.

Most of them tried to run and get out of the house as they attempted to break the windows, but my powers stopped the glass from breaking. By the time they stopped, more than half the people had died, and the other half didn't have the energy or will to fight anymore. As the last one died, I picked the phone up and called 911.

"Yes, I just killed everyone in my frat house. Please come and arrest me. I have done so many terrible things and need to be stopped."

As Jackson is completely naked and covered in blood, I walk outside as people on the street walk by and see him come out covered in blood and brain matter. The cops show up and pull out their guns as people stand around recording the whole thing.

"Me and my friends raped her; we got my father to cover it up and made her kill herself because of it. I have killed my friends and everyone in the house as an offering."

The crowd around us began to form as the cops tried to get me to put down the fire poker, and I started to swing it like a maniac. I charged one of them, and they all opened fire at Jackson, filling him with eighty holes, as that is how many it had taken to push me out of his body. 

Inside the crowd was Kimberly, crying into her hands as they finally paid the price for what they did to her sister. And even his father is going to suffer for this, as with so many dead because of his son and the act of covering up his crime; the lawsuits will ruin him.

I walk over to her, and she whispers.

"Thank you.."

I looked on as the cops went into the house and came out throwing up as I smiled a cold grin.

"You don't need to thank me. I get a ride to Louisiana, I get to ride you, and I get to kill. I am more than paid for my services. I don't need a thank you; I want what I was promised. So you better keep to your end of the deal."

She blushed a little and nodded. I let her watch what was happening, and I returned to the house as it was eating time. The first group of people I killed were locked in the room, so I went to it and opened the door, scaring them.

"What is going on, and where are we? Who the fuck are you?"

I smiled and clapped my hands, looking at them as the clap shook the room.

"My dear stoners, you are dead, and this is the land of the dead. As for who I am, I am the one that killed you."

"You were the one that killed us!"

One tried to attack me, but they were still so weak from just dying that they fell to the ground and could barely get onto their knees again. As I grabbed him by the face and began to absorb him, the other tried to crawl out of the room.

"Nooo... Don't gooo.... Comeback...."

This brings back memories of when I first died, but this time, the shoe is on the other foot. As I slowly walk behind them, they still haven't made it out of the room. I grab the leg of one of them and begin to absorb him. The others look back in fear, one by one, until they are absorbed. I notice they can still see me with no eyes; maybe ghosts don't see the same way as humans.

I went to the sex dungeon and entered it, and I saw the two lovebirds holding each other as they were frightened by my entrance.

 "Who are you, and where are we?"

"You two are dead. This is the land of the dead, and as who I am, she should know; I mean, I was all up inside her and touched her in mine ways as I shoved that thing up inside you."

I finished saying as I stood before them, making them shiver in fear as I grabbed them and finished eating them, moving on downstairs. I finished the house one by one before Jackson's soul left his body.

He finally left his body and lay weak next to it; it was five minutes later that he opened his eyes looking around. In what to him was a foggy area, he noticed me, and I looked at him.


I grabbed him by his mouth before he could speak.

"Kimberly asked me to kill you and all your friends that raped her sister and made her life hell. I did a little extra work as everyone in that place deserved death, and gave it to them. Now, I will send you off the plane of existence as you're very being sickens me.

I absorbed him and finished her Revenge as she watched me eat him.

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