Why I started writing a New Hollywood Novel?
The reason why I started a new Hollywood novel—From Shadows To The Spotlight.
Firstly, I would just like to address the fact that me writing a new Hollywood-themed novel doesn’t mean that I’ve given up on the Head-Hunting System. I don't know how many of you all still remember why I even started writing HHS in the first place.. It was done so with the intent to create a better MCU, at least on paper.
I know it sounds arrogant, and it is coming from an amateur writer with zero experience. I am a die-hard Marvel fanboy, or at least I was until the Endgame. But that’s a story I’ve already told once before in my Honest MCU Rating.
Now, coming back to this story, my original Hollywood story got too detailed and slow-paced. MCU is still nearly a decade away with various blockbuster films that Mark will direct or produce, along with many complicated developments along the way.
It will take me honestly. I don't even know how many chapters till we get to the MCU phase of the story, and it was killing me inside. That's why I wrote almost an entire chapter discussing an OC Lucian Gray in one of my recent chapters; it made me feel better.
But that was like putting a band-aid over a gunshot wound with the bullet still remaining lodged inside your body.
And one day a thought came to me. What if I write a new Hollywood story? But this time solely focused on the Hollywood industry (and faster in pacing than headhunting) and with the timeline that the story is taking place in is closer to the 2000s when the MCU will be officially launched.
And thus 'From Shadows To The Spotlight' was born. It was an experiment to see how much I had improved my early starting days, as it had almost been a year since that I had started writing fanfics to improve my writing skills.