
008- New mission and outrageous punishments

System Menu


System: LV 1[ 320/500sp]

Name: Remi Martens

Age: 17 years old

Strength : 7 [ 10 for an average human]

Agility: 8 [ 10 for an average human]

Speed: 8 [ 10 for an average human]

Soul: 11units [ 10 for an average human]

Host's Businesses: None

Skills; None

Shop: Available

Lottery: locked


Sp: 420


1, Make your first 100 million pounds.

Duration: 3 months

Rewards: 2 high tier skill from the shop and 1000sp, a high tier strength potion and a peak tier soul pill.

Failure to complete task will deactivate the system for another 10 years.

2, Learn a new language

Duration: 1 month

Rewards: 500sp

Punishment: 10 days of acute diarrhea.

3, Start an early morning daily routine

30minutes of yoga, 1mile morning run, meditate for 20minutes.

Rewards: 20 sp per day

Punishment: weakness for 5 hours during the day.


[System Mission: Make your first 1 million pounds [after tax deduction is completed]

[2.2million pounds/ 1 million pounds]

Rewards: 200sp, high tier skill: Leadership traits.

Bonus Reward: 100sp.

"Santy explain the uses of this leadership traits skill" Martens asked feeling quite excited he knew this divine skill was going to assist him in his business endeavors.

"Okay Martens" Santy replied.

High Tier Skill: Leadership traits;

This is a skill that comprises of various aspects that'll helps to improve Host's Business management skills.

It will boost Host's negotiation ability by 30%

It will enable the efficiency of Host's workers to increase by 20%

Host will develop a strong leader's aura and charisma

It will allow host to learn skills related to his business at a faster rate.

Note: Host is advised to start his business soon to make full use of this kill.

" Damn this skill is definitely op" He could already begin to imagine how much of a help this skill will be and he knew that with this skill there was probably less of a need to go to a university if there was at all.

After looking at the new missions te system gave him his lips twitched but after thinking over it for a minute he knew these missions were still relatively easy to complete. As for the first mission after selling his NetEase shares the following month he should be able to complete it and as for the second mission well it should be hard to complete it in a month but with the high comprehensive abilities that came with his high soul units stats he should be able to complete them and as for the last one he'd been planning to start since about a month ago but he was held back by procrastination.

"I guess I can't keep procrastinating any longer" the thoughts of feeling weak for 5 hours everyday he'd fail to complete his daily mission gave him goosebumps.

"The Punishments aside, these Rewards are generous and I literally didn't know you could get a bonus Reward after completing a mission" he muttered.

"Santy is there a fixed bonus Reward for a certain mission?" Martens asked

" No Martens bonuses are rewarded for extra efforts after completing the mission which indicates that after the conditions of completion of the mission have been met any extra effort would be rewarded with a bonus" santy explained with a level of patience Martens didn't know he had.

" So basically the bonus was for the the extra 1 million pounds I made?" Martens asked

" Yes" Santy replied with some ridicule evident in his voice making sure Martens knew that the question he just asked was a stupid one as he had just literally explained everything.

"Relax okay" Martens said feeling a bit embarrassed he had to make sure he understood everything clearly.

After checking the time, he went downstairs to fix dinner, Scholes would be having a night shift at the hospital and Ivy was upstairs most certainly using her phone.

"Only God knows what she does on the phone" Martens muttered wondering whether it was really a good idea to get her one. Martens knew that the phone wouldn't affect her studies as she was very smart academically but still he fet that she spends way too much time on the phone and even at night Martens would have to go to her room several times to ensure she's sleeping and not on the phone, at times he would have to seize the phone and only then would she sleep.

"Gosh it's only a Sony ericcson what will happen when Apple 2g comes out in july" Martens muttered he could already see a problem on the horizon but that wouldn't stop him from getting one for his sister.

" I guess I'll buy her an iPhone on her 13th birthday then" Martens thought remembering that she would be celebrating her birthday in the month of August. He just wouldn't be able be able to stop himself from pampering her he could only hope she doesn't get spoilt but he knew he was strict enough with her as well.

'" Hmm" he sighed before picking his phone and playing one of his most loved playlist and luckily one of his favorite songs was played ~ Human Nature~ by the legend himself MJ,


If they say why why

Tell them that is human nature why why

Does it do me this way


He started singing along while cooking as well, after he was done cooking he went upstairs to get Ivy downstairs for dinner

"Ivy, Ivy" he shouted out but he got no reply.

"This is most certainly not normal" Martens muttered as he knew that she doesn't sleep by this time of the day.

He opened the door straightaway with a bad feeling washing over him and when he entered the room he saw her curled up on the bed, he stepped over to her side and he could literally feel the heat she was emitting from her body.

"She's burning Oh God , oh no no no no" Martens exclaimed with an alarmed expression and without waiting for a second he carried her and he rushed outside as fast as he could, he didn't even remember to lock the door, he was almost crying already.

He rushed to the main road and luckily for him a taxi was coming right in front of him, he didn't even flag the taxi before the driver parked beside them seemingly understanding the situation already.

" where son" the man asked immediately after Martens got into the vehicle.

" Westhill hospital" Martens exclaimed and the driver moved immediately understanding the severity of the situation.

On the way Martens immediately called Scholes.

"Scholes...Ivy she's very sick" Martens muttered incoherently with a voice that was fraught with worry.

"What's wrong with her....you know what, where are you right now" Scholes said with a sharp tone


" I'm on the way to your hospital....are you there" Martens asked

" I'm not but I'm on my way there right now as well but when you get there they'll attend to you, I'll be there right now yeah" Scholes said

"Okay Scholes" Martens said

" has she eaten " Scholes asked

" No " Martens replied and Scholes hastily cut the call.

"We're here" the driver said

It was only then Martens remembered that he had left his wallet in the house while rushing to the hospital.

" It's okay son, go ahead and get her treated" the driver who had caught on with the situation said with an understanding gaze

" thank you, sir please can I have your number" Martens asked in appreciation.

" Go get her some treatment first boy I'll wait for you here if you want" the driver said

"Thank you so much sir" Martens said before rushing into the hospital.

One of the nurses in the hospital lobby quickly collected Ivy who had probably fainted from Martens, her mother instinct prompting her to show more attention to the girl.

"It's high fever" she muttered with a worried expression leaving for a ward with Ivy in her hands and not long after Scholes rushed into the lobby as well.

"Where is she" he asked after seeing Martens, he'd probably forgotten that he worked at the hospital as well.

Martens didn't have to answer before he answered his own question going in the same direction the nurse went with Ivy.

Martens who was not allowed to follow them could only sit in the lobby and wait for them to be done.

"God please let her be fine" he muttered his gave unfocused, he'd even forgotten the taxi driver that he left outside.





I'm still waiting tho, anybody here.

Next chapter