
009- Does She Like Pickles

1 week later


Ivy had just been discharged from the hospital and they were currently going home in Scholes's car. She had been completely treated but she had to rest continuously which meant she would not go to school for a while probably for about a week time.

Ivy was currently lying at the backseat of the car with her head nestled on Marten's thighs while Martens was ruffling her hair. She wasn't sleeping but she was quiet.

"Who was the man that came to see you at the hospital" Scholes inquired sharply as he knew what strangers could be capable of doing.

" Yeah that was the driver that sped us to the hospital the day Ivy was sick" Martens replied

" He's a very nice person, I wasn't able to pay him the transport fare at first cos I forgot my wallet in the house while rushing out but he told me not to worry about it and he visited the hospital a few times when you weren't around to check on Ivy as well and even when I could give him his money he rejected it" Martens futher explained.

Okay just beware of strangers who hang around a little longer than they should, but it's seems like this one is quite nice, I won't doubt your judgment of people" Scholes replied.

"Okay Scholes, so when are we going to see her" Martens asked taking a jab at Scholes with a teasing smile on his face.

"Oh so you now know how tease don't ya, just a few days ago you couldn't even eat" Scholes said while staring at Martens through the mirror.

" and weren't you the one who couldn't sleep for a split second throughout the whole week" Martens retorted totally unwilling to back down.

" so is she white, black, does she like pickles, is she a native here, does she like music...." Martens kept asking different questions without even waiting for Scholes to answer anyone of them, not like he would anyways.

" Enough!!!, relax okay she'll come around next week so you can see her then" Scholes exclaimed in a somewhat tired voice.

"She's called Selena and she's blonde" Ivy who had been quiet until now chipped in from nowhere.

Scholes '....'

Martens '....'

" wait a minute, how did you even know all that, you've been snooping around without me haven't ya" Martens exclaimed sounding like he'd been betrayed while tickling her to which she started giggling.

" Hey stop that, her body is too weak for all that..." Scholes exclaimed while naming some medical terms that sounded like Spanish to Martens

" Yes Doc" Martens replied in formal tone that sounded funny in this scenario and both Ivy and Scholes himself giggled.

" How would you know when all you do is stay in your room all day, I'm suspecting you have a girlfriend who is it, is it that sister Amelia that we saw at the Blackfriars the other day" Ivy said in response to the question Martens asked earlier while making the suspicious detective face at Martens.

" Oh look who's being cheeky" Martens said dramatically

And then they started arguing while Scholes who was almost dozing off already left them alone placing all his attention on the road ahead to prevent stories that touches the heart.

Martens who couldn't complete the system daily mission today was completely spent as well but he continued to chat with Ivy who had become quite lively like her normal self. Martens who was already worried when she was quiet since they entered the car was now relieved to see his sister back to her usual cheerful self.

After a while they got home and Ivy went to her room while Martens followed her, he stayed with her for a while until she slept off, Martens who was already dozing off went to his room as well before crashing on the bed, Scholes too had slept off directly.

In the evening Martens woke up feeling completely refreshed, he stayed in bed for about an hour while listening to snoop dog, after which he went downstairs to the kitchen,he threw out the food he had cooked the previous week before carrying Ivy to the hospital as he had forgotten to put them in the fridge.

One of the things that Martens enjoyed doing the most is cooking, he could be called a beginner level chef already, he had learnt it how to cook in his previous life and this one as well and he was even a better cook than Scholes who was always ordering take out.

Ever since scholes had found out about Marten's talent at cooking sumptuous foods, he had desisted from ordering take outs, Martens had officially taken on the role of the chef in the house.

While he was cooking something occurred to him, he started running through his previous life's memories trying to see whether Ivy got sick at the same time in his previous life and to his dismay she didn't.

"Is this the legendary butterfly effect!" Martens muttered contemplating on it but later he put it at the back of his mind, he could only hope that his actions would not affect the grand scheme of things as these were matters that someone on his level cannot understand.

After cooking he called everybody down for dinner and they all ate and everybody went back to their rooms with Scholes looking like he was going to pick off his sleep from where he left it.

When he was done eating he went back to his room and he started searching for educational centers where he could learn Spanish, he frowned when he realized none of them offered short term courses, some schools literally require 4years to complete their foreign language courses.

"These are the times when you miss duolingo" Martens muttered remembering the app that would make language learning a piece of cake in the latter years.

"I seriously need to start investing in these ventures before they go big" he thought remembering youtube and Spotify that was going to become more and more important in the nearest future.

While he was searching for means to learn other languages he came across babbel the first language learning website and he decided to acquire the app and develop it in a similar manner to duolingo.

After setting up an account on the babbel language learning app he started learning Spanish which was one of the easiest language to learn for English speakers and luckily he was soaking in the knowledge with his high comprehension ability, after a few hours he could already say a few words in Spanish and also articulate some short sentences already

Yo bebo

Tu bebes

El come pan

Yo hablo español

He recited some short Spanish sentences repeatedly effectively committing them to memory before exiting the website.

Before he could turn off the pc and get some sleep, something caught his eyes on the screen, it was a football match and then he remembered that it had been quite long since he had watch his team play. He had supported Manchester united in his previous life while also being a serious supporter of shellfield united who most of the times were always stuck in the championship.

He then started streaming the football match which was between Sheffield united and Charlton Athletic in the championship, by the time he started sheffield had conceded 2 goals already and it was only the 23rd minute of the game.

After the game ended in sheffield's loss Martens had already determined his first business model.

But the first thing he was going to do was to acquire the young start up Netflix before they completely understand the hot cake they had in their hands

But after thinking for a while Martens decided to list out a few more giants that he could purchase for cheap now as this year was the last opportunity he had.

After rummaging through his memory for a while he decided to go all out inorder to acquire,






Zoom as well

Not everyone of them would be willing to sell their creations but he knew he had to get his hands on some of these tech startups before they became incredibly popular. He also made a mental note to try to acquire as much stocks of older companies like tesla and the rest before they went public.

After analyzing what his future plans would be, he figured he'd need a lot of money and he had less time to operate with.

"I need to hasten the sales of my stocks" he muttered as he knew he had alot of acquisition to do with limited time.

He laid on his bed thinking about where to start from as he had little experience with businesses even as regards his previous life.

" I guess I'll have to convince santy tomorrow, I really need business related skills" he thought

Especially his plans to purchase sheffield united, all plans needed to be set in motion as soon as possible.

"He needed knowledge, money could never be a problem for a transmigrator" he said already thinking of over a hundred plans that could bring in millions in the blink of an eye.

" I need to find a way to convert my stocks tomorrow" he muttered before drifting into dreamland.

Next chapter