First of all this novel has already been posted on here, but this translation is so much better that it's not even in the same ballpark. Props to the translator for that. Now I'll say what I said in my review of the last one. I have always been wary of any mtl where the system involves 'lying flat' or 'salted fish' because in every single one of those novels, you end up with an Mc that has no ambitions, no work ethic, no goals and puts no effort into anything. Basically they just do nothing in particular and the benefits passively roll in via the system. I have read about 50 chapters of the mtl and I can clearly tell you that this novel is the same. He basically just lazes around all the time and does nothing. He doesn't have any real goals, he doesn't train, he doesn't put any effort into anything at all. It was ridiculously boring and very difficult to make it through 50 chapters of him laying around, flirting with women(children) and airing his woes to the world while power that he didn't earn and doesn't know how to use passively rolls in from the system. With no goals you have no story, with no effort you have even less of a story. However again, I have to give kudos to the translator. I didn't even recognize this story as the same one I read until a couple chapters in. Infinitely better. Just the choice of story that you've put so much effort into is unappealing for me.