

Will started to open his eyes slowly, the room was too bright causing him to flinch and cover them as best as possible, the movement seemed to catch the attention of a few nearby nurses.

"Sir please stay still , you have been unconscious for a week and need time to get your bearings" one of the nurses attempted to guide William back to his desk but the sudden movement and touch seemed to spook William who put up his hands like he was ready to fight..

"Sir please calm down you are in a hospital " the nurse retrieves a loaded needle gun and is about to point it at William when a hand stops the lady from pointing the gun.

"Peter - hey will it's me Petey your friendly neighborhood lol brother.."

He strikes a pose and waits for the result

"William - who are you supposed to be imitating there?"

Wills face twitches

"Peter - I'll give you a hint "

He begins to strike an embarrassing pose from one of his anime and shouts

"Peter - it was me! Dio!"

Wills face twitches due to sheer embarrassment

It's not everyday people see displays like this and cameras were already being pointed, Will had no doubt that there would be jokes coming his way once he returned to school!

Will stumbles after a few seconds of silence and Peter quickly uses a nearby empty wheel chair and offered him a seat

Will glanced at Peter..

"Will- you are quite quick for a lil guy"

Will chuckles knowing what he knows

Peter nods in abject appreciation

"Will- so are you going to tell me what happened

Peter let out an awkward chuckle and sighed

"Peter- well the company, is paying for your medical bills but they refuse to do more citing the odd bean in your pocket potentially setting the ape off

Will nodded

"Peter- also.. they also confiscated the phone you had in your pocket at the time, I didn't even know that you had one

"Will- Phone? What phone?

Will looks confused as he should..

"Peter- the one with the weird lens, I had no idea that Google glass was back in will"

Peter holds in a laugh

Peter then notices a clock and more specifically the time it showed

-Peter- oh crap, I got to go I'm going to be late. Oh by the way I've got an internship with Dr Connor!-

Will gives an approving nod

"Will- considering what happened it's the least he could do" will says his fist tightening around the frame of the wheelchair.

The frame bends lightly under the pressure

Unknown to both Will and Peter each person noticed it and chose not to say anything.

The moment passes

One of the nurses clears their throat to get out attention and we both go out separate ways

William Parks the wheelchair next to his bed and goes closes his eyes in order to access the system menu

"System ai- welcome user"

-User: William Khorn Parker-

-Species: Saiyan-

-age 15-

-Bloodline locked- 10% unlocked

*Fight ferocious enemies to unlock bloodline*

"New item in system - Zenkai boost"

*Zenkai boost - Gain Permanent if unstable power after recovering from near death*

-Level 2-

-health 8/15-

-ki 3/8-








-Inventory: 0/10- *upgradeable through external means*

Quest - 1000 push-ups 1000 sit ups 1000 squats 1000

Completion 0%

-store- locked

"Will- hmm my stats have gone up a little bit, Zenkai boost huh? That will be useful for the future"

Will is still confused as to what bloodline could mean, leaving him with a confused expression until he gave up.

A day passes and will is finally cleared to leave after a last checkup

He is picked up by May and Ben who were both beyond ecstatic to have their lil boy home..

Unfortunately Will had to endure a few hours of babying from May

She may not be my birth mother but she may as well be, she has been down lately as Peter has been acting up and staying out late leaving his aunt may worried, so will figured what's the harm in letting her be a mom after all she is mom!

Will thought as he moved his tired body upstairs

He finally falls in his bed and into a dreamless sleep waking up to his alarm

Wills eyes focus and he steps out of his room with steps that exuded confidence, let's get this quest out of the way and we will see what happens next

He got up early enough that people were still asleep to find one of the abandoned warehouses that seem to absolutely DOT the new York landscape, he needed to find a find a quiet spot just in case his quest completion wasn't so quiet.

Soon luck would do him a solid, he found a disheveled old warehouse that seemed a strong gust from falling over but would suffice for wills purposes.

He claps his hands on his face to get his blood up

"Will- alright let's do this

He starts by doing his cardio, and soon the large room is filled with the sounds of heavy footsteps and breathing

Time passes and the will makes steady progress, A trail of sweat following me I soon find myself losing track of time.

"System ai- 700m/1000m completed

"Will- fuck.. this is going to take a bit"

30 minutes later

"System ai- 1000m/1000 meters completed

"System ai- congratulations user has completed training mission 1/3 dispensing randomized treasure."

A metaphysical wheel appeared in front of him and before will could even think should he touch it... The wheel starts to spin

The wheel starts to slow down and suddenly stops on a particular spot Labeled AWAKEN

A light shone brightly and in Wills hands formed a vial of what appears to be water..?

Will Read's the label, it reads as such

"Diluted awakening water 5% purity"

A water that is said to awaken ones inner strength.

"Will whispers- Inner strength?"

"What could that possibly mean?"

Will racked his limited mind for an answer that wasn't there before coming to a solid conclusion

"Will- i doubt the system would give me something deliberately harmful

Will steels his resolve before downing the whole thing, after the last drop he looks at his body to see if their is any reaction, after a few seconds of the wind blowing against the sheet metal roof he gave up and decided to just go home

It wasn't even his second step before he collapsed and soon it was night but unfortunately for New York it was not any ordinary night

The Full moon begins to climb the ink black sky...

I figured I'd mix universe six with seven so I can have a Saiyan that doesn't have a worthless tail and also a plot point for great apes/ikari

William_Conwellcreators' thoughts
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