
Prayer For Help

I was positively ecstatic to hear how much my dad enjoyed Detective Conan. I was partially afraid that it would be too childish for him to be invested but the genius behind the case pulled through.

Dad put the pages on the coffee table, safe and out of the way and motioned me to sit down next to him.

Ah, didn't realise I've been standing up all this time.

I sat down with a bit of a embarrassed blush on my cheeks. Once settled, dad addressed me once again.

"What made you want to write this in particular?" With genuine curiosity.

So I answered in the best way that I can.

"Well, I've always wanted to be a detective and I know I won't be able to until I'm older so I just thought. Maybe, I could live out the fantasy of being a detective through this manga. And if it does well, I'd be able to find other kids who loves mystery as much as I do. The only thing they have interest in is bug themed heroes or magic fantasy." While not the real reason, it was my true feelings on the matter. And "It gets a bit lonely when no one else likes the same thing I do."

Dad's eyes softened. "Oh Light." And pulls me into a side hug. I happily melt in his arms, my previous excited energy dissipating as drowsiness start to set it.

It was pretty late, my bedtime was ages ago.

I let out a yawn which dad notices.

He slowly gathered me in his arms and lifts me up, holding me with one arm while the other went to grab the pages of the first chapter of Detective Conan.

He took both good care of myself as I start to fall asleep and my manga, and I could hear dad whisper in my ear.

"I'll put this somewhere safe for you, get some sleep. Come tomorrow I'll help you find a publisher. Is there one you'd like to suggest?"

I mumbled "Shonan...Jump..."

"Ok Light." He says as he places me down on my bed and tuck me in. "Goodnight."



Soichiro from the manga wouldn't be considered the pinnacle of a good father. Often spending most of his time working, leaving him little time to spend with his family.

As long as his family are alive and well, then he doesn't have to worry about them.

I remember when we first see Soichiro and Light interact with each other, it was during chapter 3. From the way Light had behaved it was clear that it has been quite a while since he has last seen him and it bothered Light.

One of the motives of Light spiralling into a killing machine is that he wanted there to be less criminals for his father to worry about.

Hoping that as Kira he can keep the streets clean of any crime, and maybe scare his dad enough so that he'd stay at home with his family.

Unfortunately for Light, being Kira just pushed his father further and further away.

Soichiro's sense of justice and honour would not be able to stand by and hide when there is a terrorist killings hundreds upon thousands of criminals.

Which led to him staying away from his family so that he could keep his face and name a secret from Kira, so that he could work with L in order to take Kira down.

At first Light thought that Soichiro didn't care about their family much, considering how often he is away from them. But over time as Light turns into Kira, he became perfectly aware of how much Soichiro cares about both Light and their family.

And Kira used it against him.

I hope... I don't do that to him.

You could say I'm 'his father's boy'.

Compared to mom who always tried to push me to meet her expectations, growing more and more extreme over time.

Dad always looked at me as though I had already met his expectations. That I'm perfect the way I am and will continue to be better.

I want to cherish these brief moments I have with my dad.

And maybe, just maybe, I can help him reduce his workload.


In every piece of fiction from transmigration novels to self insert fanfiction, there was always a threat of canon taking control. Undermining all efforts to prevent it or correct it.

While often than not it is a silly thing to worry about after all the changes that had been made. Such as being so far in the past before canon that so long as you destroy any potential flag, then the chances are next to zero.

Take for example a villainess manhwa where the villainess was only killed because she committed a crime.

If you establish a alibi, have witnesses, stay far away from the scene of the crime, mayhaps befriend the victim or a powerful ally to back you up. You'd be fine. Or you can prevent the crime from happening at all by taking away the reasons for it to occur.

For myself, a part of me is afraid of canon becoming reality.

Afraid that I will turn into a monster.

But I don't want the Death Note to fall into another person's hand.

And should someone else does become Kira, I'd do everything in my power to take them down.

And pray to God that I don't get persecuted instead.

Fate can be annoying sometimes but I refuse to bend to its will.


The next morning, it was another daily routine of getting dressed and ready for school. By the time I woke up, dad had already left for work.

A part of me feels sad missing the chance to talk to him more about my manga. But there was nothing I could do about it.

With Elementary School coming to its end, everyone in my year have been hyping up going to Junior Highschool. Imagining how cool it would be and so on.

I decided to not remind them that school would be equally more difficult and not all sunshine and rainbows.

Well, for them anyways.

As I don't have to worry much about my grades, due to being more mature mentally along with Light's brain I'm able to understand and absorb everything that is being taught.

The only thing I didn't have a advantage with was History as Japanese History was only touched on during the World Wars. Thankfully I'm a History nut so I had a fun time learning about it.

The years when Japan was isolated from the rest of the world is fascinating.

So with lack of need to worry about my grades and my lack of excitement over moving up to Junior Highschool outside of more challenging material. I was more focused on my plans with Detective Conan.

And my current assessment was that it was inefficient.

I mentioned before how I had many different projects I aim to work on as well. But with how long it took to finish one chapter of Detective Conan.

It makes me dread to think about how long it would take to finish a single page of Attack on Titan or Tokyo Ghoul.

For the first time in my life I wished I was born with a system like all the generic self insert fanfics.

[Activating, Achievement and Skills System]

You gotta be shitting me.

Yeah, I wasn't planning on having a system in this fic. But I realised that there would be no feasible way for Light to work on multiple projects on top of school and have any time to do anything else or have anything done by the time when canon starts.

And then I realised, this is my fanfic I made out of my own self indulgence. I can do what I want.

I won't be overly relying on the system. It's just there to help speed things up. Light will still have to put in the work but overtime it will become easier and easier until he could probably finish a single volume in a day.

Broken I know, but all systems are broken.

Also thank you for two more power stones!

I'm honestly still surprised that people are reading... whatever this is and are actually supporting it.

So thank you :)

Diana_Violetcreators' thoughts
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