
They got her (72)

Rushing back toward Levi's side, it was just as Akira feared, as if someone knew their plan.

As if someone knew the fact that they knew that Akira's eyes could see far.

So, their plan was simple, somehow made them believe that they believe that the Hyuga was unguarded, they sent some runts to go for the decoy while the real ones were attacking the actual carts.

Veins appeared around Akira's eyes, he began rushing toward the battlefield, they would not get her, no matter what, he would not let this happen.

The second, the millisecond that the killer squad noticed the presence of Akira, they took out a needle, and a second later several needles were injected into several citizens of the wall of trost.

Lightning came from the sky....striking that citizen, and a decent explosion was made....20 titans had appeared...20 abnormal titans with red skin.



The Titans began rushing toward the people who were near and considering this was the market district and the population of 2 walls was living inside of one wall.

Let's just say the Titans had their work cut out for them.

Akira watched in 4k, as people were swallowed up by the Titans.

However, he couldn't give a dam right now. Their life was meaningless in comparison to hers.

His logic may be sounding cold right now but he had never met those people a day in his life.

Historia was practically his wife, and she was carrying something he viewed as precious.

However, as the body count began rising and Levi's screams for him to help the civilian were getting louder, Akira felt frustrated.

If he was strong enough, he wouldn't even need to make a choice.

He gazed at the pass-out Historia in the cart getting further and further away.

"Akira, trust us, we will get her," Armin added, probably sensing the inner turmoil going through the boy's mind

Deciding to trust his comrades, just for this time, Akira turned around and began rushing toward the titan.

Using his chakra to the maximum, Akira could see the future, this may sound broken and something a byakugan user shouldn't have.

However, due to the ability he gain which was, to see where something was going via a line showing where it would alongside its speed, density, and shit like that.

Akira could also see the most subtle twitches of someone's muscle.

Using both of those abilities, he could see the 'future' in the loosest of terms, and he could basically super predict what was going to happen.

So using that vision, he waited until the perfect moment.

Akira slashed some of the titan's eyes, he then used his ODM gear to run back a bit, the Titans following after him.




As that thought flashed through his mind, Akira became a blur, and 20 titans fell on the floor.

Their body became smaller and smaller up until nothing of them remained, not even their original human body was left, they were reduced to nothing more than space dust.

Akira did not even wait for them, or pray for their soul, he was in a rush...he had wasted enough time.

Rushing back toward where he saw their location, he came toward where he felt their location.

As he came there, he noticed Levi holding back Mikasa, one looks Armin and the boy looked away.

"Where is she?"

"They got her"

The intense emotion that Akira was feeling at this moment could not be described in words,

His eyes once again turned a blue color.

Akira gazed toward where Mikasa was looking at.

With his eyes now resembling something more divine, he could see it.

The intense pressure coming from his eyes alone could be felt.

As Akira took one single step toward where they had left, the floor beneath his foot shattered....he was not holding back at all.

However before he could get close, Levi appeared behind him and managed to hit him hard on the back of the neck.

Causing Akira to fall on the floor unconscious.

'He was so laser-focused on saving her, he didn't even see me' Levi thought to himself, something else he noticed was the fact that Akira's breathing was ragged, as if something had drained him of all of his energy.

Like he only had one-half of what he needed to fully become complete.

Levi looked at his hand....it was shaking....shaking heavily....was that fear?

His gaze went back toward the unconscious boy on the floor, something about those eyes scared him deep to his core.

Like some sort of memory ingrained in his cell by his ancestor, only looking at those eyes caused his body to shake, even if he did not mean to do so.

Time skip.

As Akira opened his eyes, the first he did was look around.

Upon noticing a lack of Historia, he look pretty pissed, well that was to be expected, he wanted to go and help her but Levi was right there, getting knocked out in one blow was never fun.

So instead, he just gritted through his teeth and decided to cooperate....for now.

Next chapter