
I am coming (73)

Akira excused himself, walking outside the room for a bit.

Just a few seconds later, the sound of the tree being destroyed could be heard....the sound of each and every single atom of the tree just being ripped apart could be heard.

Alongside the sound of Akira's palm smacking against the tree.

The color on the merchant's face vanished as what felt like thunder could be heard outside the door.

Levi having his head straight on his shoulder, looked at the merchant and said. "You can either cooperate with us....or we will leave you alone with him, do keep in mind he does know of your involvement with Historia kidnapping"

All of the colors, and I do mean all of the colors currently on the man's face, vanished as if they were never there, to begin with.

Just a couple of minutes later, Akira came back inside the form, his fist looking just a bit bruised.

Everyone knew better than to try and approach him.

Jean decided to take a little peek outside....his heart dropped....every single tree within a 40-meter radius of their area was completely and utterly destroyed, there was nothing left there.

He then looked at the very pissed-off Akira.

Jean made a mental note to himself to not piss off Akira or even dream of hurting Historia, not like he was going to do that, to begin with, but now he had extra reason not to do it.

Akira was beyond pissed...and when the mp came thinking shit was sweet, their ass was knocked out cold before they could even react.

When it came to torturing them, Akira decided to do one simple thing...he took away the man's ability to speak, to hear, to smell, to hear, and even his sense of sight.

All that the man saw was darkness, alongside waterboarding the man to give him the sensation that he was drowning, sure he brought no physical pain to the main, but the mental trauma was breaking him down.

Another Tenketsu point hit, and seconds fell like days, minutes felt like months, hours felt like years.

All Akira had to do was send the man somewhere full of sand...the man still could not feel anything, could not hear anything, could not smell anything, for what felt like 20 years but in reality was only about 20 minutes.

Once Akira had decided to bring the man back to the real world, being able to feel, hear, smell, and taste once again, the man practically begged to never have to experience that feeling again.

Akira raised his finger as if getting ready to send the man back inside that place, however, the man began to speak.

He spoke, sang even.

Every single info he knew alongside the name of each and every single one of the people that were involved.

Everything, their birthday, where they liked to eat dinner, down to even what color of clothes they were when they were not on duty, the man sang, and sang, for 3 hours straight, giving out each and every single ounce of info that he knew.

"Please....whatever you do.....do not send me back there," The man said in a scared voice....looking at Akira dead in the eyes.

Akira's cold white eyes stared at the man with a cold look.

"Please...I beg of you...please...I rather die 100 times before going back there...."

"Akira that's enough" Levi's cold voice came through, much to Akira's annoyance, he just left the room.

Levi just watched as the boy left the room, he had not tortured the man at all, all he had done was press some pressure point and in 20 minutes the man practically told him most of the stuff they needed.

He didn't care who he had to kill, he didn't care who had to die, as long as he got her back, he did not care, he couldn't care.

Historia matters more...

He would do anything, anything to get her back.

As the frustration brewed in Akira, his eyes once again began to turn that blue color, although this time it was a more subtle shift, his eyes were still the same pupilless white eyes they were usually...except this time, there was a tint of cyan in them.

Akira could feel the centipede speaking to him, he and the centipede wished were becoming one...

He and the Centipede were becoming the same, it felt as if the being who had given his clan their eyes was submitting itself to Akira very quickly.

Pov change.

Historia gazed all around the room, she was still tied up, she was a bit more calm, and she wanted to know where she was right now.

Her gaze then landed on the slightly overweight man in the middle of the room.

"Historia...my daughter, how I have missed you," The man said hugging his daughter with what seemed to be tears falling down his eyes.

Historia was confused, the man who had slith her mother's throat right in front of her was saying those words to her.

The man was acting like a loving father, however, Historia was not buying it.

She pulled away from the man's grasp, her hand going straight toward the necklace around her neck.

She held it closely, one look around the room and her blood went cold.....The man who had slithed her mother's throat was in the room.

She was scared, however she kept on a brave face.

Her dad went on a spiel about how she was the true heir to the Reiss family and thus must inherit the power that came with it.

The man's eyes went toward the necklace around her daughter's neck....that strange blue hue...as if it was life energy itself...

No.....he truly hoped that what he saw was no truth.

"Who gave you that necklace" The man said in a worried voice.

Historia refused to answer that question.....she wanted to protect Akira's identity...she wanted him to escape to be free, to not be tied down by her, she would bring him nothing more than trouble.

The man slapped her hard, once then twice, then three times....yet as he kept on slapping his daughter, she never really opened her mouth to say who gave her the necklace.

Kenny looking at this did not feel like watching Historia get smacked by her father over and over again, not because he felt bad, but because he had better shit to do than this.

"Your daughter is most likely dating the Hyuga," Kenny added.

"No daughter of mine would date 'those' people" The man seemed to have a hate for the hyuga, though no one knew why.

"When we were kidnapping her, the hyuga looked enraged, he wasn't going to save the civilians if not for his teammate, she seemed to be someone life who he valued above everyone else" Kenny added to which the man looked annoyed.

Why would his daughter be with someone who was the reason why they could not use their titan power to their fullest ability?

The thing responsible for the fact that their founding titan was not truly a god if only the hyuga clan had never existed.

Historia just stayed quiet, she did not say anything, her father seemed to have this notion that it was due to the Hyuga clan that anyone who inherited the founding titan with royal blood would not be able to access its full power.

However....if what her sister had told her was correct, the Hyuga have done no such thing, the first king made an oat against violence and used the Hyuga clan as bait as to why they could not use the founding titan's full power, not because of his oat.

She held her necklace close.



'Historia....I...am coming'

Next chapter