
The One (MCU)

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Michael suddenly lost consciousness and opened his eyes in the Marvel world in 1942. The super soldier project had not yet been realized and the Nazis were still ravaging Europe. When Michael realized that there was still a lot of time before the real battles began, he decided to take this opportunity to become one of the great figures in this world, even a legend. ____-------____ Warning 1* Since the main character was super boring in his previous life, he has an unstable personality for the first 20 Chapters. Warning 2* the main character of the story is quite arrogant. Not the kind that looks down on other people but the kind that ignores everyone who doesn't have universe-level power. Warning 3* romance will be in the 2000s. Until this relationship, try to tolerate the arrogant personality of the main character, and then his personality will become more sweet. I mean, a little bit... Warning 4* Before you say the main character is an idiot based on the decisions he makes in the first few chapters, remember that he is just an ordinary person who has suddenly crossed over to the Marvel universe. Warning 5* the function of the system will start to disappear quickly in the story and the main character will develop many of his abilities on his own based on the few abilities he has received from the system. Also, the main character's abilities will mostly be about curses. -------- Support me to increase the update frequency patreon.com/Isekai_Traveler Extra chapter for every 50 power stones Cover photo created by Bais_art (IG)

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Chapter 1Heart atack

In elementary school I was a remarkably bright kid, displaying skills far beyond my peers. Four years passed and in middle school, I was always one of the top ten students in a school out of a thousand students, and so on for another four years... Even in high school, I was able to pass all my classes without any difficulty, and the incredible thing was that I had never felt the need to study in my entire life.

My peers would study for long periods of time and spend hours trying to understand easy things that I couldn't understand how they couldn't understand it. I could understand almost anything after listening to it just once.

I was a smart kid and I could feel the difference even when I went to university, but a kid as smart as me realized one fact too late.

If I wasn't studying in one of the few best universities, I was wasting my time listening to so-called professors, who were probably not as smart as me, spouting nonsense for a salary for years.

By the time I realized this, I had already finished university, kicked out of the family home, and became an unemployed person with a diploma living in a small rented apartment. Maybe if I had made a little effort back then, I would have been back to where I was in middle school.

But years of not working killed my desire and I was seduced by the relief of not having people who expected me to work for eight hours in an ordinary grocery store and spend the rest of my day being lazy.

To repeat the routine I had been following for the last four years, I stood in front of the mirror hanging near the outside door and picked out a few dandruff from my hair, which was dandruffy due to my naturally greasy skin.

It's not fair that I have visible dandruff in my hair even though I just showered this morning.


Shaking off the ridiculous thoughts, I tossed yesterday's change from my pocket into the space between the breasts of the half-sized anime girl figure glued to the wall next to the shoe rack. As the anime girl's pillowy breasts jiggled, I was convinced that this damn thing was the best investment of my life.

Then I walked out the door and went to the small grocery store that was my workplace, fifty meters away from my small old apartment.

I had just moved to this neighborhood and when I was working in a factory, the old man in the grocery store I frequented told me that I had a very pure heart and offered me a job in his store.

It was strange for the old man to say that I had a pure heart, but since it was not the first time I had received such a compliment, I accepted his offer and started working in this quiet grocery store. The reason he called me pure of heart, he told me, was that I answered his what's up questions with normal, bored and ordinary answers.

I give answers like that because I feel that way, I know people usually give a cliché answer to this question, but it's kind of like lying.

I haven't lied much in my life because I don't need to, why should I hide my flaws from people? If someone asks me what I'm doing, I usually tell them I'm breathing because I'm breathing at that moment.

I don't lie not because I'm an honest person but because I don't have a reason to lie. It's as simple as that.

"Hey, Michael! There's a soda delivery tonight, you can take care of it for me. One of my grandchildren has a birthday party today. You don't mind, do you? I guess you can do an extra half shift."

While I was lost in thought, I had already arrived at my workplace and met the old man.

"If you'll pay, of course."

"As usual, a day off with one day's notice of your choice in exchange for today's half shift"


The short bald man, looking quite energetic for an eighty-year-old man, shook my hand, put the shop keys in my hand, turned around, and started walking down the street in the opposite direction.

Thus began a boring day's work.

My life at the moment is quite boring but for good reasons. I'm not a boring person, but I'm not excited by driving a car, what would excite me is driving a car at 200 miles per hour, but I don't have enough money to pay for a car that would give me more than a 50% chance of surviving after reaching that speed.

Other than that, the things that I think would give me some excitement are things like firing a tank or flying a fighter jet and they all have the same problem. Money...

Even though I've been used to not being able to get my adrenaline need met for years, today I feel adrenaline starved on a different level. To satisfy my adrenaline hunger, I decided to watch the latest episode of a high action anime that was released two weeks ago, when something unlikely happened and I lost my balance and fell off the couch with a sudden pain in my heart.

As my vision went blank, I wondered if there was a possible cause for the heart attack that came out of nowhere, but I couldn't find any.


This fan fiction will start with a Captain America 1 movie and the DC Universe will not be part of it.

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